import { ExecuteGoal, GoalInvocation } from "../../api/goal/GoalInvocation"; import { ReportProgress } from "../../api/goal/progress/ReportProgress"; import { AutofixRegistration } from "../../api/registration/AutofixRegistration"; import { TransformPresentation } from "../../api/registration/CodeTransformRegistration"; import { ProgressTest } from "../goal/progress/progress"; /** * Parameters that includes the current GoalInvocation */ export interface GoalInvocationParameters { /** Current goal invocation the autofixes are running */ goalInvocation: GoalInvocation; } /** * Execute autofixes against this push * Throw an error on failure * @param {AutofixRegistration[]} registrations * @return ExecuteGoal */ export declare function executeAutofixes(registrations: AutofixRegistration[], transformPresentation?: TransformPresentation, extractAuthor?: ExtractAuthor): ExecuteGoal; /** * Filter any provided autofixes whose results were included in the commits of the current push. * @param {AutofixRegistration[]} autofixes * @param {GoalInvocation} gi * @returns {AutofixRegistration[]} */ export declare function filterImmediateAutofixes(autofixes: AutofixRegistration[], gi: GoalInvocation): AutofixRegistration[]; /** * Generate a commit message for the provided autofix. * @param {AutofixRegistration} autofix * @returns {string} */ export declare function generateCommitMessageForAutofix(autofix: AutofixRegistration): string; export declare const AutofixProgressTests: ProgressTest[]; /** * Default ReportProgress for running autofixes */ export declare const AutofixProgressReporter: ReportProgress; /** * Extract author information from the current goal invocation */ export declare type ExtractAuthor = (gi: GoalInvocation) => Promise<{ name: string; email: string; } | undefined>; export declare const NoOpExtractAuthor: ExtractAuthor; export declare const DefaultExtractAuthor: ExtractAuthor; //#