import { GitHubStatusContext } from "./GitHubContext"; import { GoalEnvironment } from "./support/environment"; /** * Core data for a goal */ export interface GoalDefinition { /** * Must be unique among goals * Should be camel case */ uniqueName: string; /** * Optional environment for this goal to run in. * This is meant to allow for logical grouping of goals from code, testing and production etc. */ environment?: GoalEnvironment; displayName?: string; plannedDescription?: string; requestedDescription?: string; completedDescription?: string; workingDescription?: string; failedDescription?: string; waitingForApprovalDescription?: string; waitingForPreApprovalDescription?: string; canceledDescription?: string; stoppedDescription?: string; skippedDescription?: string; isolated?: boolean; approvalRequired?: boolean; preApprovalRequired?: boolean; retryFeasible?: boolean; } /** * Represents a delivery action, such as Build or Deploy. */ export declare class Goal { readonly context: GitHubStatusContext; readonly definition: GoalDefinition; get environment(): string; get successDescription(): string; get inProcessDescription(): string; get failureDescription(): string; get plannedDescription(): string; get requestedDescription(): string; get waitingForApprovalDescription(): string; get waitingForPreApprovalDescription(): string; get canceledDescription(): string; get stoppedDescription(): string; get skippedDescription(): string; get name(): string; get uniqueName(): string; constructor(definition: GoalDefinition); } export declare class GoalWithPrecondition extends Goal { readonly dependsOn: Goal[]; constructor(definition: GoalDefinition, ...dependsOn: Goal[]); } export declare function isGoalDefinition(f: Goal | GoalDefinition): f is GoalDefinition; export declare function hasPreconditions(goal: Goal): goal is GoalWithPrecondition; //#