import { PredicatePushTest, PushTest } from "../PushTest"; export declare const ToDefaultBranch: PushTest; /** * Is this a push originated by Atomist? Note that we can't look at the committer, * as if a user invoked a command handler, their credentials will be used * @param {PushListenerInvocation} p * @return {boolean} * @constructor */ export declare const FromAtomist: PushTest; /** * Match on any push * @param {PushListenerInvocation} p * @constructor */ export declare const AnyPush: PushTest; /** * Return a PushTest testing for the existence of the given file * @param {string} path * @return {PushTest} */ export declare function hasFile(path: string): PredicatePushTest; /** * PushTest that returns true if project is non empty * @type {PredicatePushTest} */ export declare const NonEmpty: PredicatePushTest; /** * Is there at least one file with the given extension? * @param {string} extension * @return {PredicatePushTest} */ export declare function hasFileWithExtension(extension: string): PredicatePushTest; /** * Is this push to a non-default branch that has an open pull request? */ export declare const IsPushToBranchWithPullRequest: PushTest; /** * Return a push test that matches the repository owner/repo slug * against regular expression. * @param re Regular expression to match against using RegExp.test() * @return Push test performing the match */ export declare function isRepo(re: RegExp): PushTest; /** * Return a push test that matches the repository branch * against regular expression. * @param re Regular expression to match against using RegExp.test() * @return Push test performing the match */ export declare function isBranch(re: RegExp): PushTest; /** * Return a PushTest testing for the existence of the given file containing the pattern * @param {string} path * @param pattern regex to look for * @return {PushTest} */ export declare function hasFileContaining(pattern: string | string[], content?: RegExp): PushTest; /** * Return a PushTest that checks if a certain resource provider exists in the graph */ export declare function hasResourceProvider(type: "docker" | "npm" | "maven2", name?: string): PushTest; //#