import { AtomCategory, AtomContent, AtomLink, AtomPerson, AtomText, AtomTextType } from './AtomCommon'; import { AtomEntry, AtomSource } from './AtomEntry'; import { AtomFeed } from './AtomFeed'; /** parses the feed */ export declare function parseAtomFeed(data: string): AtomFeed; export declare function parseAtomEntry(entry: Element): AtomEntry; /** safely decode text content */ export declare function safelyDecodeAtomText(type: AtomTextType, element: Element | undefined): string; /** shortcut for safely decoding the `.textContent` value of an element */ export declare function sanitizeTextContent(element: Element | undefined): string | undefined; /** shortcut for safely decoding the an attribute value of an element */ export declare function sanitizeTextAttribute(element: Element | undefined, attributeName: string): T | undefined; export declare function parseAtomContent(content: Element | undefined): AtomContent; export declare function parseAtomText(text: Element | undefined): AtomText; export declare function parseAtomPerson(person: Element): AtomPerson; export declare function parseAtomLink(link: Element): AtomLink; export declare function parseAtomCategory(category: Element): AtomCategory; export declare function parseAtomSource(source: Element | undefined): AtomSource | undefined;