import { AtomFeed } from './AtomFeed'; import { parseAtomFeed } from './Parser'; import useSWR, { SWRConfiguration } from 'swr'; export interface Response { data?: Data; error?: Error; isValidating: boolean; } /** * The React hook used for reading the Atom feed. * @param feedURL The URL of the Atom feed * @param options Options that are passed to `useSWR()` behind the scenes. * More info: * @returns The decoded Atom feed or any errors seen along the way */ export function useAtomFeed(feedURL: string, options?: SWRConfiguration): Response { const fetcher = (url: string) => fetch(url).then(res => res.text()); const { data, error, isValidating } = useSWR(feedURL, fetcher, options); // if data is defined if(data) { // attempt to decode try { const decoded = parseAtomFeed(data); // return a good decode return { data: decoded, error, isValidating } } catch(parseError) { // return a decode failure return { data: undefined, error: parseError, isValidating } } } else { // data is undefined return { data: undefined, error, isValidating } } }