import { ICache } from './cache'; export interface AuthorizationParams { /** * - `'page'`: displays the UI with a full page view * - `'popup'`: displays the UI with a popup window * - `'touch'`: displays the UI in a way that leverages a touch interface * - `'wap'`: displays the UI with a "feature phone" type interface */ display?: 'page' | 'popup' | 'touch' | 'wap'; /** * - `'none'`: do not prompt user for login or consent on reauthentication * - `'login'`: prompt user for reauthentication * - `'consent'`: prompt user for consent before processing request * - `'select_account'`: prompt user to select an account */ prompt?: 'none' | 'login' | 'consent' | 'select_account'; /** * Maximum allowable elapsed time (in seconds) since authentication. * If the last time the user authenticated is greater than this value, * the user must be reauthenticated. */ max_age?: string | number; /** * The space-separated list of language tags, ordered by preference. * For example: `'fr-CA fr en'`. */ ui_locales?: string; /** * Previously issued ID Token. */ id_token_hint?: string; /** * Provides a hint to Auth0 as to what flow should be displayed. * The default behavior is to show a login page but you can override * this by passing 'signup' to show the signup page instead. * * This only affects the New Universal Login Experience. */ screen_hint?: 'signup' | 'login' | string; /** * The user's email address or other identifier. When your app knows * which user is trying to authenticate, you can provide this parameter * to pre-fill the email box or select the right session for sign-in. * * This currently only affects the classic Lock experience. */ login_hint?: string; acr_values?: string; /** * The default scope to be used on authentication requests. * * This defaults to `profile email` if not set. If you are setting extra scopes and require * `profile` and `email` to be included then you must include them in the provided scope. * * Note: The `openid` scope is **always applied** regardless of this setting. */ scope?: string; /** * The default audience to be used for requesting API access. */ audience?: string; /** * The name of the connection configured for your application. * If null, it will redirect to the Auth0 Login Page and show * the Login Widget. */ connection?: string; /** * The Id of an organization to log in to. * * This will specify an `organization` parameter in your user's login request and will add a step to validate * the `org_id` claim in your user's ID Token. */ organization?: string; /** * The Id of an invitation to accept. This is available from the user invitation URL that is given when participating in a user invitation flow. */ invitation?: string; /** * The default URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to with * the authentication result. It must be whitelisted in * the "Allowed Callback URLs" field in your Auth0 Application's * settings. If not provided here, it should be provided in the other * methods that provide authentication. */ redirect_uri?: string; /** * If you need to send custom parameters to the Authorization Server, * make sure to use the original parameter name. */ [key: string]: any; } interface BaseLoginOptions { /** * URL parameters that will be sent back to the Authorization Server. This can be known parameters * defined by Auth0 or custom parameters that you define. */ authorizationParams?: AuthorizationParams; } export interface Auth0ClientOptions extends BaseLoginOptions { /** * Your Auth0 account domain such as `''`, * `''` or , `''` * (when using [custom domains]( */ domain: string; /** * The issuer to be used for validation of JWTs, optionally defaults to the domain above */ issuer?: string; /** * The Client ID found on your Application settings page */ clientId: string; /** * The value in seconds used to account for clock skew in JWT expirations. * Typically, this value is no more than a minute or two at maximum. * Defaults to 60s. */ leeway?: number; /** * The location to use when storing cache data. Valid values are `memory` or `localstorage`. * The default setting is `memory`. * * Read more about [changing storage options in the Auth0 docs]( */ cacheLocation?: CacheLocation; /** * Specify a custom cache implementation to use for token storage and retrieval. This setting takes precedence over `cacheLocation` if they are both specified. */ cache?: ICache; /** * If true, refresh tokens are used to fetch new access tokens from the Auth0 server. If false, the legacy technique of using a hidden iframe and the `authorization_code` grant with `prompt=none` is used. * The default setting is `false`. * * **Note**: Use of refresh tokens must be enabled by an administrator on your Auth0 client application. */ useRefreshTokens?: boolean; /** * If true, fallback to the technique of using a hidden iframe and the `authorization_code` grant with `prompt=none` when unable to use refresh tokens. If false, the iframe fallback is not used and * errors relating to a failed `refresh_token` grant should be handled appropriately. The default setting is `false`. * * **Note**: There might be situations where doing silent auth with a Web Message response from an iframe is not possible, * like when you're serving your application from the file system or a custom protocol (like in a Desktop or Native app). * In situations like this you can disable the iframe fallback and handle the failed `refresh_token` grant and prompt the user to login interactively with `loginWithRedirect` or `loginWithPopup`." * * E.g. Using the `file:` protocol in an Electron application does not support that legacy technique. * * @example * let token: string; * try { * token = await auth0.getTokenSilently(); * } catch (e) { * if (e.error === 'missing_refresh_token' || e.error === 'invalid_grant') { * auth0.loginWithRedirect(); * } * } */ useRefreshTokensFallback?: boolean; /** * A maximum number of seconds to wait before declaring background calls to /authorize as failed for timeout * Defaults to 60s. */ authorizeTimeoutInSeconds?: number; /** * Specify the timeout for HTTP calls using `fetch`. The default is 10 seconds. */ httpTimeoutInSeconds?: number; /** * Internal property to send information about the client to the authorization server. * @internal */ auth0Client?: { name: string; version: string; env?: { [key: string]: string }; }; /** * Sets an additional cookie with no SameSite attribute to support legacy browsers * that are not compatible with the latest SameSite changes. * This will log a warning on modern browsers, you can disable the warning by setting * this to false but be aware that some older useragents will not work, * See * Defaults to true */ legacySameSiteCookie?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the SDK will use a cookie when storing information about the auth transaction while * the user is going through the authentication flow on the authorization server. * * The default is `false`, in which case the SDK will use session storage. * * @notes * * You might want to enable this if you rely on your users being able to authenticate using flows that * may end up spanning across multiple tabs (e.g. magic links) or you cannot otherwise rely on session storage being available. */ useCookiesForTransactions?: boolean; /** * Number of days until the cookie `` will expire * Defaults to 1. */ sessionCheckExpiryDays?: number; /** * The domain the cookie is accessible from. If not set, the cookie is scoped to * the current domain, including the subdomain. * * Note: setting this incorrectly may cause silent authentication to stop working * on page load. * * * To keep a user logged in across multiple subdomains set this to your * top-level domain and prefixed with a `.` (eg: ``). */ cookieDomain?: string; /** * If true, data to the token endpoint is transmitted as x-www-form-urlencoded data, if false it will be transmitted as JSON. The default setting is `true`. * * **Note:** Setting this to `false` may affect you if you use Auth0 Rules and are sending custom, non-primitive data. If you disable this, * please verify that your Auth0 Rules continue to work as intended. */ useFormData?: boolean; /** * Modify the value used as the current time during the token validation. * * **Note**: Using this improperly can potentially compromise the token validation. */ nowProvider?: () => Promise | number; } /** * The possible locations where tokens can be stored */ export type CacheLocation = 'memory' | 'localstorage'; /** * @ignore */ export interface AuthorizeOptions extends AuthorizationParams { response_type: string; response_mode: string; redirect_uri?: string; nonce: string; state: string; scope: string; code_challenge: string; code_challenge_method: string; } export interface RedirectLoginOptions extends BaseLoginOptions { /** * Used to store state before doing the redirect */ appState?: TAppState; /** * Used to add to the URL fragment before redirecting */ fragment?: string; /** * Used to control the redirect and not rely on the SDK to do the actual redirect. * * @example * const client = new Auth0Client({ * async onRedirect(url) { * window.location.replace(url); * } * }); * @deprecated since v2.0.1, use `openUrl` instead. */ onRedirect?: (url: string) => Promise; /** * Used to control the redirect and not rely on the SDK to do the actual redirect. * * @example * const client = new Auth0Client({ * openUrl(url) { * window.location.replace(url); * } * }); * * @example * import { Browser } from '@capacitor/browser'; * * const client = new Auth0Client({ * async openUrl(url) { * await{ url }); * } * }); */ openUrl?: (url: string) => Promise | void; } export interface RedirectLoginResult { /** * State stored when the redirect request was made */ appState?: TAppState; } export interface PopupLoginOptions extends BaseLoginOptions {} export interface PopupConfigOptions { /** * The number of seconds to wait for a popup response before * throwing a timeout error. Defaults to 60s */ timeoutInSeconds?: number; /** * Accepts an already-created popup window to use. If not specified, the SDK * will create its own. This may be useful for platforms like iOS that have * security restrictions around when popups can be invoked (e.g. from a user click event) */ popup?: any; } export interface GetTokenSilentlyOptions { /** * When `off`, ignores the cache and always sends a * request to Auth0. * When `cache-only`, only reads from the cache and never sends a request to Auth0. * Defaults to `on`, where it both reads from the cache and sends a request to Auth0 as needed. */ cacheMode?: 'on' | 'off' | 'cache-only'; /** * Parameters that will be sent back to Auth0 as part of a request. */ authorizationParams?: { /** * There's no actual redirect when getting a token silently, * but, according to the spec, a `redirect_uri` param is required. * Auth0 uses this parameter to validate that the current `origin` * matches the `redirect_uri` `origin` when sending the response. * It must be whitelisted in the "Allowed Web Origins" in your * Auth0 Application's settings. */ redirect_uri?: string; /** * The scope that was used in the authentication request */ scope?: string; /** * The audience that was used in the authentication request */ audience?: string; /** * If you need to send custom parameters to the Authorization Server, * make sure to use the original parameter name. */ [key: string]: any; }; /** A maximum number of seconds to wait before declaring the background /authorize call as failed for timeout * Defaults to 60s. */ timeoutInSeconds?: number; /** * If true, the full response from the /oauth/token endpoint (or the cache, if the cache was used) is returned * (minus `refresh_token` if one was issued). Otherwise, just the access token is returned. * * The default is `false`. */ detailedResponse?: boolean; } export interface GetTokenWithPopupOptions extends PopupLoginOptions { /** * When `off`, ignores the cache and always sends a request to Auth0. * When `cache-only`, only reads from the cache and never sends a request to Auth0. * Defaults to `on`, where it both reads from the cache and sends a request to Auth0 as needed. */ cacheMode?: 'on' | 'off' | 'cache-only'; } export interface LogoutUrlOptions { /** * The `clientId` of your application. * * If this property is not set, then the `clientId` that was used during initialization of the SDK is sent to the logout endpoint. * * If this property is set to `null`, then no client ID value is sent to the logout endpoint. * * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works]( */ clientId?: string | null; /** * Parameters to pass to the logout endpoint. This can be known parameters defined by Auth0 or custom parameters * you wish to provide. */ logoutParams?: { /** * When supported by the upstream identity provider, * forces the user to logout of their identity provider * and from Auth0. * [Read more about how federated logout works at Auth0]( */ federated?: boolean; /** * The URL where Auth0 will redirect your browser to after the logout. * * **Note**: If the `client_id` parameter is included, the * `returnTo` URL that is provided must be listed in the * Application's "Allowed Logout URLs" in the Auth0 dashboard. * However, if the `client_id` parameter is not included, the * `returnTo` URL must be listed in the "Allowed Logout URLs" at * the account level in the Auth0 dashboard. * * [Read more about how redirecting after logout works]( */ returnTo?: string; /** * If you need to send custom parameters to the logout endpoint, make sure to use the original parameter name. */ [key: string]: any; }; } export interface LogoutOptions extends LogoutUrlOptions { /** * Used to control the redirect and not rely on the SDK to do the actual redirect. * * @example * await auth0.logout({ * async onRedirect(url) { * window.location.replace(url); * } * }); * @deprecated since v2.0.1, use `openUrl` instead. */ onRedirect?: (url: string) => Promise; /** * Used to control the redirect and not rely on the SDK to do the actual redirect. * * Set to `false` to disable the redirect, or provide a function to handle the actual redirect yourself. * * @example * await auth0.logout({ * openUrl(url) { * window.location.replace(url); * } * }); * * @example * import { Browser } from '@capacitor/browser'; * * await auth0.logout({ * async openUrl(url) { * await{ url }); * } * }); */ openUrl?: false | ((url: string) => Promise | void); } /** * @ignore */ export interface AuthenticationResult { state: string; code?: string; error?: string; error_description?: string; } /** * @ignore */ export interface TokenEndpointOptions { baseUrl: string; client_id: string; grant_type: string; timeout?: number; auth0Client: any; useFormData?: boolean; [key: string]: any; } export type TokenEndpointResponse = { id_token: string; access_token: string; refresh_token?: string; expires_in: number; scope?: string; }; /** * @ignore */ export interface OAuthTokenOptions extends TokenEndpointOptions { code_verifier: string; code: string; redirect_uri: string; audience: string; scope: string; } /** * @ignore */ export interface RefreshTokenOptions extends TokenEndpointOptions { refresh_token: string; } /** * @ignore */ export interface JWTVerifyOptions { iss: string; aud: string; id_token: string; nonce?: string; leeway?: number; max_age?: number; organizationId?: string; now?: number; } export interface IdToken { __raw: string; name?: string; given_name?: string; family_name?: string; middle_name?: string; nickname?: string; preferred_username?: string; profile?: string; picture?: string; website?: string; email?: string; email_verified?: boolean; gender?: string; birthdate?: string; zoneinfo?: string; locale?: string; phone_number?: string; phone_number_verified?: boolean; address?: string; updated_at?: string; iss?: string; aud?: string; exp?: number; nbf?: number; iat?: number; jti?: string; azp?: string; nonce?: string; auth_time?: string; at_hash?: string; c_hash?: string; acr?: string; amr?: string; sub_jwk?: string; cnf?: string; sid?: string; org_id?: string; [key: string]: any; } export class User { name?: string; given_name?: string; family_name?: string; middle_name?: string; nickname?: string; preferred_username?: string; profile?: string; picture?: string; website?: string; email?: string; email_verified?: boolean; gender?: string; birthdate?: string; zoneinfo?: string; locale?: string; phone_number?: string; phone_number_verified?: boolean; address?: string; updated_at?: string; sub?: string; [key: string]: any; } /** * @ignore */ export type FetchOptions = { method?: string; headers?: Record; credentials?: 'include' | 'omit'; body?: string; signal?: AbortSignal; }; export type GetTokenSilentlyVerboseResponse = Omit< TokenEndpointResponse, 'refresh_token' >;