import { Pool, ClientBase, QueryResult, QueryConfig } from "pg"; import DataLoader from "dataloader"; import { NotFoundError } from "./errors"; import { StrategyCollection } from "./StrategyCollection"; import createHash from "object-hash"; export class DataLoaderExecutor< T extends ClientBase | Pool = ClientBase | Pool > { public connection: T; public readonly strategies: StrategyCollection; constructor(connection: T, strategies: StrategyCollection) { this.connection = connection; this.strategies = strategies; } } export type ReadonlyDataLoaderExecutor< T extends ClientBase | Pool = ClientBase | Pool > = DataLoaderExecutor & { readonly connection: T; }; export type Reader = ( executor: DataLoaderExecutor, ids: readonly string[] ) => Promise; export class DataLoaderCache { private _map: WeakMap>; private readonly _read: Reader; constructor(read: Reader) { this._map = new WeakMap(); this._read = read; } get(executor: DataLoaderExecutor): DataLoader { let loader = this._map.get(executor); if (loader) { return loader; } const read = this._read; loader = new DataLoader(async function ( ids: readonly string[] ): Promise<(M | Error)[]> { // Get the results from the read in whatever order the database found // most efficient. const results = await read(executor, ids); // Index the results by ID. const resultsById = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const result = results[i]; resultsById.set(, result); } // Normalize the order and format to comply with the DataLoader interface. const returnValue = new Array(ids.length); for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { const id = ids[i]; returnValue[i] = resultsById.get(id) ?? new NotFoundError(); } return returnValue; }); this._map.set(executor, loader); return loader; } } export class QueryCache { private _map = new WeakMap< DataLoaderExecutor, Map>> >(); query( tx: Pool | ClientBase | DataLoaderExecutor, query: string | QueryConfig, parameters: unknown[] ): Promise> { // Queries using a direct connection or connection pool bypass the cache. if (!(tx instanceof DataLoaderExecutor)) { return tx.query(query, parameters); } // Load a cache map keyed by the executor. let cache = this._map.get(tx); if (!cache) { cache = new Map(); this._map.set(tx, cache); } // A hash of the entire query and parameters is used as the key. const hash = createHash({ query, parameters }); // Return cached results or populate the cache with new pending results. let result = cache.get(hash); if (!result) { result = tx.connection.query(query, parameters); cache.set(hash, result); } return result; } }