import { v4 } from "uuid"; import { Pool } from "pg"; import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"; import { randomBytes } from "crypto"; import { Context } from "./Context"; import { Client, Grant, Authorization } from "./model"; import { NotFoundError } from "./errors"; import { createV2AuthXScope } from "./util/scopes"; import { DataLoaderExecutor } from "./loader"; import { inject, isEqual, isValidScopeTemplate } from "@authx/scopes"; import { Context as KoaContext } from "koa"; import x from "./x"; async function assertPermissions( realm: string, executor: DataLoaderExecutor, grant: Grant, values: { currentUserId: string | null; currentGrantId: string | null; currentClientId: string | null; currentAuthorizationId: string | null; } ): Promise { if ( // Check that we have every relevant user scope: !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "user", userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r" } ) )) || // Check that we have every relevant grant scope: !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "grant", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "grant", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "", secrets: "r" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "grant", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "r", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "grant", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "w", scopes: "", secrets: "w" } ) )) || // Check that we have every relevant authorization scope: !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "r", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "r", scopes: "", secrets: "r" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "w", scopes: "", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "w", scopes: "w", secrets: "" } ) )) || !(await grant.can( executor, values, createV2AuthXScope( realm, { type: "authorization", authorizationId: "*", clientId: grant.clientId, grantId:, userId: grant.userId }, { basic: "w", scopes: "", secrets: "w" } ) )) ) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The grant contains insufficient permission for OAuth.", undefined, grant.clientId, 403 ); } } class OAuthError extends Error { public code: string; public uri: null | string; public clientId?: string; public statusCode: number; public constructor( code: string, message?: string, uri?: string, clientId?: string, statusCode: number = 400 ) { super(typeof message === "undefined" ? code : message); this.code = code; this.uri = uri || null; this.clientId = clientId; this.statusCode = statusCode; } } // Loop through an iterable of grant secrets and select the secret that was most // recently issued function getRefreshToken(secrets: Iterable): null | string { let refreshToken = null; let max = 0; for (const secret of secrets) { const issuedString = Buffer.from(secret, "base64") .toString("utf8") .split(":")[1]; const issuedNumber = parseInt(issuedString); if (issuedString && issuedNumber && issuedNumber > max) { refreshToken = secret; max = issuedNumber; } } return refreshToken; } async function oAuth2Middleware( ctx: KoaContext & { [x]: Context } ): Promise { ctx.response.set("Cache-Control", "no-store"); ctx.response.set("Pragma", "no-cache"); const { executor, realm, jwtValidityDuration, codeValidityDuration, privateKey } = ctx[x]; const strategies = executor.strategies; const pool = executor.connection; if (!(pool instanceof Pool)) { throw new Error( "INVARIANT: The executor connection is expected to be an instance of Pool." ); } try { const tx = await pool.connect(); try { // Make sure this transaction is used for queries made by the executor. const executor = new DataLoaderExecutor(tx, strategies); // Make sure the body is an object. const request: { grant_type?: unknown; client_id?: unknown; client_secret?: unknown; code?: unknown; nonce?: unknown; refresh_token?: unknown; scope?: unknown; } = (ctx.request as any).body; if (!request || typeof request !== "object") { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_request", "The request body must be a JSON object." ); } const grantType: undefined | string = typeof request.grant_type === "string" ? request.grant_type : undefined; // Authorization Code // ================== if (grantType === "authorization_code") { try { tx.query("BEGIN DEFERRABLE"); const now = Math.floor( / 1000); const paramsClientId: undefined | string = typeof request.client_id === "string" ? request.client_id : undefined; const paramsClientSecret: undefined | string = typeof request.client_secret === "string" ? request.client_secret : undefined; const paramsCode: undefined | string = typeof request.code === "string" ? request.code : undefined; const paramsNonce: undefined | string = typeof request.nonce === "string" ? request.nonce : undefined; if (!paramsClientId || !paramsClientSecret || !paramsCode) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_request", "The request body must include fields `client_id`, `client_secret`, and `code`.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Authenticate the client with its secret. let client; try { client = await, paramsClientId); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) throw error; throw new OAuthError( "invalid_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!client.secrets.has(paramsClientSecret)) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!client.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "unauthorized_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Invoke the client. await client.invoke(executor, { id: v4(), createdAt: new Date() }); // Decode and validate the authorization code. const [grantId, issuedAt, nonce] = Buffer.from(paramsCode, "base64") .toString("utf8") .split(":"); if (!grantId || !issuedAt || !nonce) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is malformed.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (parseInt(issuedAt, 10) + codeValidityDuration < now) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is expired.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Fetch the grant. let grant; try { grant = await, grantId); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) throw error; throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is invalid.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!grant.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is invalid.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (! { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is invalid.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Invoke the grant. await grant.invoke(executor, { id: v4(), createdAt: new Date() }); // Fetch the user. const user = await grant.user(executor); if (!user.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "The authorization code is invalid.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } const requestedScopes = grant.scopes; const values = { currentUserId: grant.userId, currentGrantId:, currentClientId: grant.clientId, currentAuthorizationId: null }; // Make sure we have the necessary access. await assertPermissions(realm, executor, grant, values); // Get all enabled authorizations of this grant. const authorizations = (await grant.authorizations(executor)).filter( t => t.enabled ); // Look for an existing active authorization for this grant with all // grant scopes. const possibleRootAuthorizations = authorizations.filter(t => isEqual("**:**:**", t.scopes) ); let rootAuthorization: Authorization; if (possibleRootAuthorizations.length) { // Use an existing authorization. ctx[x].authorization = rootAuthorization = possibleRootAuthorizations[0]; } else { // Create a new authorization. const authorizationId = v4(); ctx[ x ].authorization = rootAuthorization = await Authorization.write( tx, { id: authorizationId, enabled: true, userId:, grantId:, secret: randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), scopes: ["**:**:**"] }, { recordId: v4(), createdByAuthorizationId: authorizationId, createdByCredentialId: null, createdAt: new Date() } ); } // Look for an existing active authorization for this grant with the // requested scopes. const possibleRequestedAuthorizations = authorizations.filter(t => isEqual(requestedScopes, t.scopes) ); let requestedAuthorization: Authorization; if (possibleRequestedAuthorizations.length) { // Use an existing authorization. requestedAuthorization = possibleRequestedAuthorizations[0]; } else { // Create a new authorization. requestedAuthorization = await Authorization.write( tx, { id: v4(), enabled: true, userId:, grantId:, secret: randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), scopes: requestedScopes }, { recordId: v4(), createdByAuthorizationId:, createdByCredentialId: null, createdAt: new Date() } ); } // Remove the authorization code we used, and prune any others that // have expired. const codes = [].filter(code => { const issued = Buffer.from(code, "base64") .toString("utf8") .split(":")[1]; return ( code !== paramsCode && issued && parseInt(issued) + codeValidityDuration > now ); }); grant = await Grant.write( tx, { ...grant, codes }, { recordId: v4(), createdByAuthorizationId:, createdAt: new Date() } ); const scopes = await requestedAuthorization.access(executor); const tokenId = v4(); await requestedAuthorization.invoke(executor, { id: tokenId, format: "bearer", createdAt: new Date() }); const body = { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ token_type: "bearer", access_token: jwt.sign( { aid:, scopes, nonce: paramsNonce }, privateKey, { jwtid: tokenId, algorithm: "RS512", expiresIn: jwtValidityDuration, audience:, subject:, issuer: realm } ), refresh_token: getRefreshToken(grant.secrets), expires_in: jwtValidityDuration, scope: scopes.join(" ") /* eslint-enable camelcase */ }; await tx.query("COMMIT"); ctx.response.body = body; return; } catch (error) { await tx.query("ROLLBACK"); throw error; } } // Refresh Token // ============= if (grantType === "refresh_token") { try { tx.query("BEGIN DEFERRABLE"); const paramsClientId: undefined | string = typeof request.client_id === "string" ? request.client_id : undefined; const paramsClientSecret: undefined | string = typeof request.client_secret === "string" ? request.client_secret : undefined; const paramsRefreshToken: undefined | string = typeof request.refresh_token === "string" ? request.refresh_token : undefined; const paramsScope: undefined | string = typeof request.scope === "string" ? request.scope : undefined; const paramsNonce: undefined | string = typeof request.nonce === "string" ? request.nonce : undefined; if (!paramsClientId || !paramsClientSecret || !paramsRefreshToken) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_request", "The request body must include fields `client_id`, `client_secret`, and `refresh_token`.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } const requestedScopeTemplates = paramsScope ? paramsScope.split(" ") : []; if ( paramsScope && !requestedScopeTemplates.every(isValidScopeTemplate) ) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_scope", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Authenticate the client with its secret. let client; try { client = await, paramsClientId); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) throw error; throw new OAuthError( "invalid_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!client.secrets.has(paramsClientSecret)) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!client.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "unauthorized_client", undefined, undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Invoke the client. await client.invoke(tx, { id: v4(), createdAt: new Date() }); // Decode and validate the authorization code. const [grantId, issuedAt, nonce] = Buffer.from( paramsRefreshToken, "base64" ) .toString("utf8") .split(":"); if (!grantId || !issuedAt || !nonce) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Fetch the grant. let grant: Grant; try { grant = await, grantId); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) throw error; throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!grant.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (grant.clientId !== { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } if (!grant.secrets.has(paramsRefreshToken)) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Invoke the grant. await grant.invoke(executor, { id: v4(), createdAt: new Date() }); // Fetch the user. const user = await grant.user(executor); if (!user.enabled) { throw new OAuthError( "invalid_grant", "Invalid authorization code.", undefined, paramsClientId ); } // Make sure we have the necessary access. await assertPermissions(realm, executor, grant, { currentUserId: grant.userId, currentGrantId:, currentClientId: grant.clientId, currentAuthorizationId: null }); // Get all enabled authorizations of this grant. const authorizations = (await grant.authorizations(executor)).filter( t => t.enabled ); // Look for an existing active authorization for this grant with all // grant scopes. const possibleRootAuthorizations = authorizations.filter(t => isEqual("**:**:**", t.scopes) ); let rootAuthorization: Authorization; if (possibleRootAuthorizations.length) { // Use an existing authorization. ctx[x].authorization = rootAuthorization = possibleRootAuthorizations[0]; } else { // Create a new authorization. const authorizationId = v4(); ctx[ x ].authorization = rootAuthorization = await Authorization.write( tx, { id: authorizationId, enabled: true, userId:, grantId:, secret: randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), scopes: ["**:**:**"] }, { recordId: v4(), createdByAuthorizationId: authorizationId, createdByCredentialId: null, createdAt: new Date() } ); } // Look for an existing active authorization for this grant with the // requested scopes. const possibleRequestedAuthorizations = authorizations.filter(t => isEqual( inject(requestedScopeTemplates, { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ current_user_id: grant.userId ?? null, current_grant_id: ?? null, current_client_id: grant.clientId ?? null, current_authorization_id: ?? null /* eslint-enable camelcase */ }), t.scopes ) ); let requestedAuthorization: Authorization; if (possibleRequestedAuthorizations.length) { // Use an existing authorization. requestedAuthorization = possibleRequestedAuthorizations[0]; } else { // Create a new authorization. const authorizationId = v4(); requestedAuthorization = await Authorization.write( tx, { id: authorizationId, enabled: true, userId:, grantId:, secret: randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), scopes: inject(requestedScopeTemplates, { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ current_user_id: grant.userId ?? null, current_grant_id: ?? null, current_client_id: grant.clientId ?? null, current_authorization_id: authorizationId ?? null /* eslint-enable camelcase */ }) }, { recordId: v4(), createdByAuthorizationId:, createdByCredentialId: null, createdAt: new Date() } ); } const scopes = await requestedAuthorization.access(executor); const tokenId = v4(); await requestedAuthorization.invoke(executor, { id: tokenId, format: "bearer", createdAt: new Date() }); const body = { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ token_type: "bearer", access_token: jwt.sign( { aid:, scopes, nonce: paramsNonce }, privateKey, { jwtid: tokenId, algorithm: "RS512", expiresIn: jwtValidityDuration, audience:, subject:, issuer: realm } ), refresh_token: getRefreshToken(grant.secrets), expires_in: jwtValidityDuration, scope: scopes.join(" ") /* eslint-enabme camelcase */ }; await tx.query("COMMIT"); ctx.response.body = body; return; } catch (error) { await tx.query("ROLLBACK"); throw error; } } // Unsupported Grant Type throw new OAuthError("unsupported_grant_type"); } finally { tx.release(); } } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof OAuthError)) throw error; const body: { error: string; error_message?: string; error_uri?: string; } = { error: error.code }; if (error.message !== error.code) { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase body.error_message = error.message; } if (error.uri) { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase body.error_uri = error.uri; } ctx.response.status = error.statusCode; ctx.response.body = body;"error", error, ctx); } } export default oAuth2Middleware;