import * as t from "io-ts"; declare const author: t.PartialC<{ /** The name of the author to make commits with */ name: t.StringC; /** The email of the author to make commits with */ email: t.StringC; }>; export declare type AuthorInformation = t.TypeOf; declare const githubInformation: t.PartialC<{ /** The github api to interact with */ githubApi: t.StringC; /** The github graphql api to interact with */ githubGraphqlApi: t.StringC; /** The branch that is used as the base. defaults to master */ baseBranch: t.StringC; }>; export declare type GithubInformation = t.TypeOf; declare const repoInformation: t.PartialC<{ /** The repo of to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ repo: t.StringC; /** The owner of the repo to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ owner: t.StringC; }>; export declare type RepoInformation = t.TypeOf; export declare type PluginConfig = [string, any] | string; declare const releaseCalculationOptions: t.PartialC<{ /** Instead of publishing every PR only publish when "release" label is present */ onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>; export declare type ReleaseCalculationOptions = t.TypeOf; declare const logOptions: t.PartialC<{ /** Show more logs */ verbose: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.TupleC<[t.BooleanC, t.BooleanC]>]>; }>; export declare type LogOptions = t.TypeOf; declare const globalOptions: t.PartialC<{ /** Another auto configuration to extend */ extends: t.StringC; /** Labels that power auto */ labels: t.ArrayC, t.LiteralC<"skip">, ...t.LiteralC[]]>; overwrite: t.BooleanC; }>, t.TypeC<{ name: t.StringC; }>]>>; /** Branches to create pre-releases from */ prereleaseBranches: t.ArrayC; /** Configured auto plugins */ plugins: t.ArrayC]>>; /** Whether to prefix the version with a "v" */ noVersionPrefix: t.BooleanC; /** * Manage old version branches. * Can be a true or a custom version branch prefix. * * @default 'version-' */ versionBranches: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.StringC]>; /** Options to pass to "auto comment" */ comment: t.PartialC<{ delete: t.BooleanC; edit: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto changelog" */ changelog: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto release" */ release: t.PartialC<{ prerelease: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto shipit" */ shipit: t.PartialC<{ onlyGraduateWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto canary" */ canary: t.PartialC<{ force: t.BooleanC; message: t.UnionC<[t.LiteralC, t.StringC]>; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto next" */ next: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; }>; export declare type GlobalOptions = t.TypeOf; export declare const autoRc: t.IntersectionC<[t.PartialC<{ /** Another auto configuration to extend */ extends: t.StringC; /** Labels that power auto */ labels: t.ArrayC, t.LiteralC<"skip">, ...t.LiteralC[]]>; overwrite: t.BooleanC; }>, t.TypeC<{ name: t.StringC; }>]>>; /** Branches to create pre-releases from */ prereleaseBranches: t.ArrayC; /** Configured auto plugins */ plugins: t.ArrayC]>>; /** Whether to prefix the version with a "v" */ noVersionPrefix: t.BooleanC; /** * Manage old version branches. * Can be a true or a custom version branch prefix. * * @default 'version-' */ versionBranches: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.StringC]>; /** Options to pass to "auto comment" */ comment: t.PartialC<{ delete: t.BooleanC; edit: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto changelog" */ changelog: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto release" */ release: t.PartialC<{ prerelease: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto shipit" */ shipit: t.PartialC<{ onlyGraduateWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto canary" */ canary: t.PartialC<{ force: t.BooleanC; message: t.UnionC<[t.LiteralC, t.StringC]>; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto next" */ next: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; }>, t.IntersectionC<[t.PartialC<{ /** The repo of to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ repo: t.StringC; /** The owner of the repo to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ owner: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** The github api to interact with */ githubApi: t.StringC; /** The github graphql api to interact with */ githubGraphqlApi: t.StringC; /** The branch that is used as the base. defaults to master */ baseBranch: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** The name of the author to make commits with */ name: t.StringC; /** The email of the author to make commits with */ email: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** Instead of publishing every PR only publish when "release" label is present */ onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** Show more logs */ verbose: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.TupleC<[t.BooleanC, t.BooleanC]>]>; }>]>]>; export declare type AutoRc = t.TypeOf; export declare const loadedAutoRc: t.IntersectionC<[t.IntersectionC<[t.PartialC<{ /** Another auto configuration to extend */ extends: t.StringC; /** Labels that power auto */ labels: t.ArrayC, t.LiteralC<"skip">, ...t.LiteralC[]]>; overwrite: t.BooleanC; }>, t.TypeC<{ name: t.StringC; }>]>>; /** Branches to create pre-releases from */ prereleaseBranches: t.ArrayC; /** Configured auto plugins */ plugins: t.ArrayC]>>; /** Whether to prefix the version with a "v" */ noVersionPrefix: t.BooleanC; /** * Manage old version branches. * Can be a true or a custom version branch prefix. * * @default 'version-' */ versionBranches: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.StringC]>; /** Options to pass to "auto comment" */ comment: t.PartialC<{ delete: t.BooleanC; edit: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto changelog" */ changelog: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto release" */ release: t.PartialC<{ prerelease: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto shipit" */ shipit: t.PartialC<{ onlyGraduateWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto canary" */ canary: t.PartialC<{ force: t.BooleanC; message: t.UnionC<[t.LiteralC, t.StringC]>; }>; /** Options to pass to "auto next" */ next: t.PartialC<{ message: t.StringC; }>; }>, t.IntersectionC<[t.PartialC<{ /** The repo of to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ repo: t.StringC; /** The owner of the repo to publish, might be set in package manager file. */ owner: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** The github api to interact with */ githubApi: t.StringC; /** The github graphql api to interact with */ githubGraphqlApi: t.StringC; /** The branch that is used as the base. defaults to master */ baseBranch: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** The name of the author to make commits with */ name: t.StringC; /** The email of the author to make commits with */ email: t.StringC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** Instead of publishing every PR only publish when "release" label is present */ onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel: t.BooleanC; }>, t.PartialC<{ /** Show more logs */ verbose: t.UnionC<[t.BooleanC, t.TupleC<[t.BooleanC, t.BooleanC]>]>; }>]>]>, t.TypeC<{ /** Labels that power auto */ labels: t.ArrayC, t.LiteralC<"skip">, ...t.LiteralC[]]>; overwrite: t.BooleanC; }>, t.TypeC<{ name: t.StringC; }>]>>; /** Branches to create pre-releases from */ prereleaseBranches: t.ArrayC; /** The branch that is used as the base. defaults to master */ baseBranch: t.StringC; }>]>; export declare type LoadedAutoRc = t.TypeOf; export {}; //#