import { AuthorInformation, RepoInformation, GithubInformation, LogOptions, ReleaseCalculationOptions } from "./types"; export interface ICreateLabelsOptions { /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; } export interface ILabelOptions { /** PR to get the labels for */ pr?: number; } export interface IPRCheckOptions { /** PR to check the label for */ pr?: number; /** URL to attach to the checkmark */ url?: string; /** The context the check should be attached to */ context?: string; /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; } export interface IPRStatusOptions { /** The commit to attach a check to */ sha?: string; /** The pr to attach a check to */ pr?: number; /** URL to attach to the checkmark */ url: string; /** The state to set the checkmark to */ state: "pending" | "success" | "error" | "failure"; /** The description to attach to the checkmark */ description: string; /** The context the check should be attached to */ context: string; /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; } export declare type IVersionOptions = ReleaseCalculationOptions & { /** Commit to start calculating the version from */ from?: string; }; interface Quiet { /** Print **only** the result of the command */ quiet?: boolean; } interface NoVersionPrefix { /** Whether to prefix the version with a "v" */ noVersionPrefix?: boolean; } interface DryRun { /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; } interface ChangelogMessage { /** The commit message to commit the changelog changes with */ message?: string; } interface ChangelogTitle { /** Override the title use in the addition to the */ title?: string; } interface Prerelease { /** Create a prerelease */ prerelease?: boolean; } interface BaseBranch { /** The branch to treat as the base. Default is master */ baseBranch?: string; } export declare type IChangelogOptions = BaseBranch & ChangelogTitle & ChangelogMessage & Quiet & DryRun & NoVersionPrefix & Partial & { /** Commit to start calculating the changelog from */ from?: string; /** Commit to start calculating the changelog to */ to?: string; /** Don't commit the changelog */ noCommit?: boolean; }; export declare type IReleaseOptions = BaseBranch & Prerelease & DryRun & NoVersionPrefix & Partial & Partial & { /** Commit to start calculating the release from */ from?: string; /** Commit to calculate the release to */ to?: string; /** Override the version to release */ useVersion?: string; }; export declare type ICommentOptions = DryRun & { /** The message to use when commenting */ message?: string; /** THe PR to comment on */ pr?: number; /** The context the message should be attached to. Use to post multiple comments to a PR */ context?: string; /** Delete the previous comment */ delete?: boolean; /** Instead of deleting/adding a new comment. Just edit the old one */ edit?: boolean; }; export declare type IPRBodyOptions = Omit; export declare type ILatestOptions = BaseBranch & DryRun & Partial & Prerelease & NoVersionPrefix & ChangelogTitle & ChangelogMessage & Quiet & ReleaseCalculationOptions & { /** Skip creating the changelog */ noChangelog?: boolean; }; export declare type IShipItOptions = ILatestOptions & { /** * Make auto publish prerelease versions when merging to master. * Only PRs merged with "release" label will generate a "latest" release. * Only use this flag if you do not want to maintain a prerelease branch, * and instead only want to use master. */ onlyGraduateWithReleaseLabel?: boolean; }; export declare type ICanaryOptions = Quiet & { /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; /** THe PR to attach the canary to */ pr?: number; /** The build to attach the canary to */ build?: number; /** The message used when attaching the canary version to a PR */ message?: string | "false"; /** Always deploy a canary, even if the PR is marked as skip release */ force?: boolean; }; export declare type INextOptions = Quiet & { /** Do not actually do anything */ dryRun?: boolean; /** The message used when attaching the prerelease version to a PR */ message?: string; }; export interface IInfoOptions { /** List some of the available plugins */ listPlugins?: boolean; } export declare type GlobalOptions = { /** Plugins to initialize "auto" with */ plugins?: string[]; } & Partial & LogOptions; export declare type ApiOptions = GlobalOptions & (ILatestOptions | IInfoOptions | ICreateLabelsOptions | ILabelOptions | IPRCheckOptions | IPRStatusOptions | ICommentOptions | IChangelogOptions | IPRBodyOptions | IReleaseOptions | IVersionOptions | ICanaryOptions | IShipItOptions); export {}; //#