// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { SESSION_START_EVENT, SESSION_STOP_EVENT, SessionState, sessionListener, } from '@aws-amplify/core/internals/utils'; import { ConsoleLogger } from '@aws-amplify/core'; import { SessionTrackingOptions, TrackerEventRecorder, TrackerInterface, } from '../types/trackers'; const logger = new ConsoleLogger('SessionTracker'); export class SessionTracker implements TrackerInterface { private options: SessionTrackingOptions; private eventRecorder: TrackerEventRecorder; private sessionTrackingActive: boolean; private initialEventSent: boolean; constructor( eventRecorder: TrackerEventRecorder, options?: SessionTrackingOptions, ) { this.options = {}; this.eventRecorder = eventRecorder; this.sessionTrackingActive = false; this.initialEventSent = false; this.handleStateChange = this.handleStateChange.bind(this); this.configure(eventRecorder, options); } public configure( eventRecorder: TrackerEventRecorder, options?: SessionTrackingOptions, ) { this.eventRecorder = eventRecorder; // Clean up any existing listeners this.cleanup(); // Apply defaults this.options = { attributes: options?.attributes ?? {}, }; // Setup state listeners if (!this.sessionTrackingActive) { sessionListener.addStateChangeListener( this.handleStateChange, !this.initialEventSent, ); this.sessionTrackingActive = true; } } public cleanup() { if (this.sessionTrackingActive) { sessionListener.removeStateChangeListener(this.handleStateChange); } this.sessionTrackingActive = false; } private handleStateChange(state: SessionState) { if (state === 'started') { this.sessionStarted(); } else { this.sessionStopped(); } } private sessionStarted() { const attributes = this.options.attributes ?? {}; logger.debug('Recording automatically tracked page view event', { SESSION_START_EVENT, attributes, }); this.eventRecorder(SESSION_START_EVENT, attributes); // NOTE: The initial event will not be re-sent on re-configuration (e.g. to add additional custom attributes) if (!this.initialEventSent) { this.initialEventSent = true; } } private sessionStopped() { const attributes = this.options.attributes ?? {}; logger.debug('Recording automatically tracked page view event', { SESSION_STOP_EVENT, attributes, }); this.eventRecorder(SESSION_STOP_EVENT, attributes); } }