import { AnalyticsProvider } from '../types'; export declare class AmazonPersonalizeProvider implements AnalyticsProvider { private _config; private _personalize; private _buffer; private _timer; private _sessionInfo; private _sessionManager; private _isBrowser; constructor(config?: any); private _setupTimer; /** * Record event * @param eventType - type of the event action. e.g. "Click" * @param properties - properties of the event * @return Promise */ record(params: any): Promise; private loadElement; private isElementFullyLoaded; /** * get the category of the plugin */ getCategory(): string; /** * get provider name of the plugin */ getProviderName(): string; /** * configure the plugin * @param {Object} config - configuration */ configure(config: any): object; /** * Generate the requestParams from customer input params and sessionInfo * @private * @param eventData - customer input for event data * @param api - api name * @return RequestParams - wrapper object with all information required for make request */ private generateRequestParams; /** * record an event * @param {Object} params - the params of an event */ private _sendEvents; /** * Put event into buffer * @private * @param params - params for the event recording */ private putToBuffer; /** * flush the buffer and batch sending the request * @private * @param eventsParams - the buffer for cache the payload */ private _sendFromBuffer; /** * Generate the record payload for single event * @private * @param params - RequestParams */ private _generateSingleRecordPayload; /** * Initialize the personalize client * @private * @param params - RequestParams */ private _init; /** * check if current credentials exists * @private */ private _getCredentials; } /** * @deprecated use named import */ export default AmazonPersonalizeProvider;