import { AnalyticsProvider, PromiseHandlers, EventParams } from '../types'; export declare class AWSPinpointProvider implements AnalyticsProvider { static category: string; static providerName: string; private _config; private pinpointClient; private _sessionId; private _sessionStartTimestamp; private _buffer; private _endpointBuffer; private _clientInfo; private _endpointGenerating; private _endpointUpdateInProgress; constructor(config?: any); /** * get the category of the plugin */ getCategory(): string; /** * get provider name of the plugin */ getProviderName(): string; /** * configure the plugin * @param {Object} config - configuration */ configure(config: any): object; /** * record an event * @param {Object} params - the params of an event */ record(params: EventParams, handlers: PromiseHandlers): Promise; private _sendEndpointUpdate; /** * @private * @param params - params for event recording * Put events into buffer */ private _putToBuffer; private _generateSession; private _send; private _generateBatchItemContext; private _pinpointPutEvents; private _pinpointSendStopSession; private _retry; private _updateEndpoint; private _handleEndpointUpdateFailure; private _handleEndpointUpdateForbidden; private _retryEndpointUpdate; /** * @private * @param config * Init the clients */ private _initClients; private _bufferExists; private _initBuffer; private _updateBufferClient; private _flushBuffer; private _resumeBuffer; private _customizePinpointClientReq; private _getEndpointId; /** * EndPoint request * @return {Object} - The request of updating endpoint */ private _endpointRequest; private _eventError; private _getCredentials; }