import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import { StorageCache } from './StorageCache'; import { ICache } from './types'; export declare class AsyncStorageCache extends StorageCache implements ICache { /** * initialize the cache * * @param {Object} config - the configuration of the cache */ constructor(config?: any); /** * decrease current size of the cache * @private * @param amount - the amount of the cache size which needs to be decreased */ _decreaseCurSizeInBytes(amount: any): Promise; /** * increase current size of the cache * @private * @param amount - the amount of the cache szie which need to be increased */ _increaseCurSizeInBytes(amount: any): Promise; /** * update the visited time if item has been visited * @private * @param item - the item which need to be refreshed * @param prefixedKey - the key of the item * * @return the refreshed item */ _refreshItem(item: any, prefixedKey: any): Promise; /** * check wether item is expired * @private * @param key - the key of the item * * @return true if the item is expired. */ _isExpired(key: any): Promise; /** * delete item from cache * @private * @param prefixedKey - the key of the item * @param size - optional, the byte size of the item */ _removeItem(prefixedKey: any, size?: any): Promise; /** * put item into cache * @private * @param prefixedKey - the key of the item * @param itemData - the value of the item * @param itemSizeInBytes - the byte size of the item */ _setItem(prefixedKey: any, item: any): Promise; /** * total space needed when poping out items * @private * @param itemSize * * @return total space needed */ _sizeToPop(itemSize: any): Promise; /** * see whether cache is full * @private * @param itemSize * * @return true if cache is full */ _isCacheFull(itemSize: any): Promise; /** * scan the storage and find out all the keys owned by this cache * also clean the expired keys while scanning * @private * @return array of keys */ _findValidKeys(): Promise; /** * get all the items we have, sort them by their priority, * if priority is same, sort them by their last visited time * pop out items from the low priority (5 is the lowest) * @private * @param keys - all the keys in this cache * @param sizeToPop - the total size of the items which needed to be poped out */ _popOutItems(keys: any, sizeToPop: any): Promise; /** * Set item into cache. You can put number, string, boolean or object. * The cache will first check whether has the same key. * If it has, it will delete the old item and then put the new item in * The cache will pop out items if it is full * You can specify the cache item options. The cache will abort and output a warning: * If the key is invalid * If the size of the item exceeds itemMaxSize. * If the value is undefined * If incorrect cache item configuration * If error happened with browser storage * * @param {String} key - the key of the item * @param {Object} value - the value of the item * @param {Object} [options] - optional, the specified meta-data * @return {Prmoise} */ setItem(key: any, value: any, options: any): Promise; /** * Get item from cache. It will return null if item doesn’t exist or it has been expired. * If you specified callback function in the options, * then the function will be executed if no such item in the cache * and finally put the return value into cache. * Please make sure the callback function will return the value you want to put into the cache. * The cache will abort output a warning: * If the key is invalid * If error happened with AsyncStorage * * @param {String} key - the key of the item * @param {Object} [options] - the options of callback function * @return {Promise} - return a promise resolves to be the value of the item */ getItem(key: any, options: any): Promise; /** * remove item from the cache * The cache will abort output a warning: * If error happened with AsyncStorage * @param {String} key - the key of the item * @return {Promise} */ removeItem(key: any): Promise; /** * clear the entire cache * The cache will abort output a warning: * If error happened with AsyncStorage * @return {Promise} */ clear(): Promise; /** * return the current size of the cache * @return {Promise} */ getCacheCurSize(): Promise; /** * Return all the keys in the cache. * Will return an empty array if error happend. * @return {Promise} */ getAllKeys(): Promise; /** * Return a new instance of cache with customized configuration. * @param {Object} config - the customized configuration * @return {Object} - the new instance of Cache */ createInstance(config: any): ICache; } declare const instance: ICache; export { AsyncStorage, instance as Cache };