export declare class Signer { /** * Sign a HTTP request, add 'Authorization' header to request param * @method sign * @memberof Signer * @static * * @param {object} request - HTTP request object
    request: {
        method: GET | POST | PUT ...
        url: ...,
        headers: {
            header1: ...
        data: data
* @param {object} access_info - AWS access credential info
    access_info: {
        access_key: ...,
        secret_key: ...,
        session_token: ...
* @param {object} [service_info] - AWS service type and region, optional, * if not provided then parse out from url
    service_info: {
        service: ...,
        region: ...
* * @returns {object} Signed HTTP request */ static sign(request: any, accessInfo: any, serviceInfo: any): any; static signUrl(urlToSign: string, accessInfo: any, serviceInfo?: any, expiration?: number): string; static signUrl(request: any, accessInfo: any, serviceInfo?: any, expiration?: number): string; }