import { AbstractInteractionsProvider } from './InteractionsProvider'; import { InteractionsOptions, AWSLexV2ProviderOptions, InteractionsResponse, InteractionsMessage } from '../types'; export declare class AWSLexV2Provider extends AbstractInteractionsProvider { private _lexRuntimeServiceV2Client; private _botsCompleteCallback; /** * Initialize Interactions with AWS configurations * @param {InteractionsOptions} options - Configuration object for Interactions */ constructor(options?: InteractionsOptions); /** * get provider name of the plugin * @returns {string} name of the provider */ getProviderName(): string; /** * Configure Interactions part with aws configuration * @param {AWSLexV2ProviderOptions} config - Configuration of the Interactions * @return {AWSLexV2ProviderOptions} - Current configuration */ configure(config?: AWSLexV2ProviderOptions): AWSLexV2ProviderOptions; /** * Send a message to a bot * @async * @param {string} botname - Bot name to send the message * @param {string | InteractionsMessage} message - message to send to the bot * @return {Promise} A promise resolves to the response from the bot */ sendMessage(botname: string, message: string | InteractionsMessage): Promise; /** * Attach a onComplete callback function to a bot. * The callback is called once the bot's intent is fulfilled * @param {string} botname - Bot name to attach the onComplete callback * @param {(err: Error | null, confirmation: InteractionsResponse) => void} callback - called when Intent Fulfilled */ onComplete(botname: string, callback: (err: Error | null, confirmation: InteractionsResponse) => void): void; /** * @private * call onComplete callback for a bot if configured */ private _reportBotStatus; /** * Format UtteranceCommandOutput's response * decompress attributes * update audioStream format */ private _formatUtteranceCommandOutput; /** * handle client's `RecognizeTextCommand` * used for sending simple text message */ private _handleRecognizeTextCommand; /** * handle client's `RecognizeUtteranceCommand` * used for obj text or obj voice message */ private _handleRecognizeUtteranceCommand; }