import { Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { IDomainName } from './domain-name'; import { IRestApi } from './restapi'; import { Stage } from './stage'; export interface BasePathMappingOptions { /** * The base path name that callers of the API must provide in the URL after * the domain name (e.g. ``). If you specify this * property, it can't be an empty string. * * @default - map requests from the domain root (e.g. ``). If this * is undefined, no additional mappings will be allowed on this domain name. */ readonly basePath?: string; /** * The Deployment stage of API * [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface] * @default - map to deploymentStage of restApi otherwise stage needs to pass in URL */ readonly stage?: Stage; } export interface BasePathMappingProps extends BasePathMappingOptions { /** * The DomainName to associate with this base path mapping. */ readonly domainName: IDomainName; /** * The RestApi resource to target. */ readonly restApi: IRestApi; } /** * This resource creates a base path that clients who call your API must use in * the invocation URL. * * Unless you're importing a domain with `DomainName.fromDomainNameAttributes()`, * you can use `DomainName.addBasePathMapping()` to define mappings. */ export declare class BasePathMapping extends Resource { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: BasePathMappingProps); }