import { IResource as IResourceBase, Resource as ResourceConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { CorsOptions } from './cors'; import { Integration } from './integration'; import { Method, MethodOptions } from './method'; import { IRestApi, RestApi } from './restapi'; export interface IResource extends IResourceBase { /** * The parent of this resource or undefined for the root resource. */ readonly parentResource?: IResource; /** * The rest API that this resource is part of. * * @deprecated - Throws an error if this Resource is not associated with an instance of `RestApi`. Use `api` instead. */ readonly restApi: RestApi; /** * The rest API that this resource is part of. * * The reason we need the RestApi object itself and not just the ID is because the model * is being tracked by the top-level RestApi object for the purpose of calculating it's * hash to determine the ID of the deployment. This allows us to automatically update * the deployment when the model of the REST API changes. */ readonly api: IRestApi; /** * The ID of the resource. * @attribute */ readonly resourceId: string; /** * The full path of this resource. */ readonly path: string; /** * An integration to use as a default for all methods created within this * API unless an integration is specified. */ readonly defaultIntegration?: Integration; /** * Method options to use as a default for all methods created within this * API unless custom options are specified. */ readonly defaultMethodOptions?: MethodOptions; /** * Default options for CORS preflight OPTIONS method. */ readonly defaultCorsPreflightOptions?: CorsOptions; /** * Gets or create all resources leading up to the specified path. * * - Path may only start with "/" if this method is called on the root resource. * - All resources are created using default options. * * @param path The relative path * @returns a new or existing resource. */ resourceForPath(path: string): Resource; /** * Defines a new child resource where this resource is the parent. * @param pathPart The path part for the child resource * @param options Resource options * @returns A Resource object */ addResource(pathPart: string, options?: ResourceOptions): Resource; /** * Retrieves a child resource by path part. * * @param pathPart The path part of the child resource * @returns the child resource or undefined if not found */ getResource(pathPart: string): IResource | undefined; /** * Adds a greedy proxy resource ("{proxy+}") and an ANY method to this route. * @param options Default integration and method options. */ addProxy(options?: ProxyResourceOptions): ProxyResource; /** * Defines a new method for this resource. * @param httpMethod The HTTP method * @param target The target backend integration for this method * @param options Method options, such as authentication. * * @returns The newly created `Method` object. */ addMethod(httpMethod: string, target?: Integration, options?: MethodOptions): Method; /** * Adds an OPTIONS method to this resource which responds to Cross-Origin * Resource Sharing (CORS) preflight requests. * * Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional * HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one * origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. A web * application executes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a * resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) from its * own. * * @see * @param options CORS options * @returns a `Method` object */ addCorsPreflight(options: CorsOptions): Method; } export interface ResourceOptions { /** * An integration to use as a default for all methods created within this * API unless an integration is specified. * * @default - Inherited from parent. */ readonly defaultIntegration?: Integration; /** * Method options to use as a default for all methods created within this * API unless custom options are specified. * * @default - Inherited from parent. */ readonly defaultMethodOptions?: MethodOptions; /** * Adds a CORS preflight OPTIONS method to this resource and all child * resources. * * You can add CORS at the resource-level using `addCorsPreflight`. * * @default - CORS is disabled */ readonly defaultCorsPreflightOptions?: CorsOptions; } export interface ResourceProps extends ResourceOptions { /** * The parent resource of this resource. You can either pass another * `Resource` object or a `RestApi` object here. */ readonly parent: IResource; /** * A path name for the resource. */ readonly pathPart: string; } export declare abstract class ResourceBase extends ResourceConstruct implements IResource { abstract readonly parentResource?: IResource; /** * @deprecated - Throws an error if this Resource is not associated with an instance of `RestApi`. Use `api` instead. */ abstract readonly restApi: RestApi; abstract readonly api: IRestApi; abstract readonly resourceId: string; abstract readonly path: string; abstract readonly defaultIntegration?: Integration; abstract readonly defaultMethodOptions?: MethodOptions; abstract readonly defaultCorsPreflightOptions?: CorsOptions; private readonly children; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string); addResource(pathPart: string, options?: ResourceOptions): Resource; addMethod(httpMethod: string, integration?: Integration, options?: MethodOptions): Method; addProxy(options?: ProxyResourceOptions): ProxyResource; addCorsPreflight(options: CorsOptions): Method; getResource(pathPart: string): IResource | undefined; /** * @internal */ _trackChild(pathPart: string, resource: Resource): void; resourceForPath(path: string): Resource; /** * @deprecated - Throws error in some use cases that have been enabled since this deprecation notice. Use `RestApi.urlForPath()` instead. */ get url(): string; } /** * Attributes that can be specified when importing a Resource */ export interface ResourceAttributes { /** * The ID of the resource. */ readonly resourceId: string; /** * The rest API that this resource is part of. */ readonly restApi: IRestApi; /** * The full path of this resource. */ readonly path: string; } export declare class Resource extends ResourceBase { /** * Import an existing resource */ static fromResourceAttributes(scope: Construct, id: string, attrs: ResourceAttributes): IResource; readonly parentResource?: IResource; readonly api: IRestApi; readonly resourceId: string; readonly path: string; readonly defaultIntegration?: Integration; readonly defaultMethodOptions?: MethodOptions; readonly defaultCorsPreflightOptions?: CorsOptions; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ResourceProps); /** * The RestApi associated with this Resource * @deprecated - Throws an error if this Resource is not associated with an instance of `RestApi`. Use `api` instead. */ get restApi(): RestApi; } export interface ProxyResourceOptions extends ResourceOptions { /** * Adds an "ANY" method to this resource. If set to `false`, you will have to explicitly * add methods to this resource after it's created. * * @default true */ readonly anyMethod?: boolean; } export interface ProxyResourceProps extends ProxyResourceOptions { /** * The parent resource of this resource. You can either pass another * `Resource` object or a `RestApi` object here. */ readonly parent: IResource; } /** * Defines a {proxy+} greedy resource and an ANY method on a route. * @see */ export declare class ProxyResource extends Resource { /** * If `props.anyMethod` is `true`, this will be the reference to the 'ANY' * method associated with this proxy resource. */ readonly anyMethod?: Method; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ProxyResourceProps); addMethod(httpMethod: string, integration?: Integration, options?: MethodOptions): Method; }