import * as jsonSchema from './json-schema'; export declare const ALL_METHODS: string[]; export declare function validateHttpMethod(method: string, messagePrefix?: string): void; export declare function parseMethodOptionsPath(originalPath: string): { resourcePath: string; httpMethod: string; }; export declare function parseAwsApiCall(path?: string, action?: string, actionParams?: { [key: string]: string; }): { apiType: string; apiValue: string; }; export declare function validateInteger(property: number | undefined, messagePrefix: string): void; export declare function validateDouble(property: number | undefined, messagePrefix: string): void; export declare class JsonSchemaMapper { /** * Transforms naming of some properties to prefix with a $, where needed * according to the JSON schema spec * @param schema The JsonSchema object to transform for CloudFormation output */ static toCfnJsonSchema(schema: jsonSchema.JsonSchema): any; private static readonly SchemaPropsWithPrefix; private static readonly SchemaPropsWithUserDefinedChildren; private static _toCfnJsonSchema; }