import * as acmpca from '@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { ICertificate } from './certificate'; import { CertificateBase } from './certificate-base'; /** * Properties for your private certificate */ export interface PrivateCertificateProps { /** * Fully-qualified domain name to request a private certificate for. * * May contain wildcards, such as ``*``. */ readonly domainName: string; /** * Alternative domain names on your private certificate. * * Use this to register alternative domain names that represent the same site. * * @default - No additional FQDNs will be included as alternative domain names. */ readonly subjectAlternativeNames?: string[]; /** * Private certificate authority (CA) that will be used to issue the certificate. */ readonly certificateAuthority: acmpca.ICertificateAuthority; } /** * A private certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager * * @resource AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate */ export declare class PrivateCertificate extends CertificateBase implements ICertificate { /** * Import a certificate */ static fromCertificateArn(scope: Construct, id: string, certificateArn: string): ICertificate; /** * The certificate's ARN */ readonly certificateArn: string; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: PrivateCertificateProps); }