/** * Controls the countries in which content is distributed. */ export declare class GeoRestriction { readonly restrictionType: 'whitelist' | 'blacklist'; readonly locations: string[]; /** * Allow specific countries which you want CloudFront to distribute your content. * * @param locations Two-letter, uppercase country code for a country * that you want to allow. Include one element for each country. * See ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code on the *International Organization for Standardization* website */ static allowlist(...locations: string[]): GeoRestriction; /** * Deny specific countries which you don't want CloudFront to distribute your content. * * @param locations Two-letter, uppercase country code for a country * that you want to deny. Include one element for each country. * See ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code on the *International Organization for Standardization* website */ static denylist(...locations: string[]): GeoRestriction; /** * DEPRECATED * @deprecated use `allowlist` */ static whitelist(...locations: string[]): GeoRestriction; /** * DEPRECATED * @deprecated use `denylist` */ static blacklist(...locations: string[]): GeoRestriction; private static LOCATION_REGEX; private static validateLocations; /** * Creates an instance of GeoRestriction for internal use * * @param restrictionType Specifies the restriction type to impose * @param locations Two-letter, uppercase country code for a country * that you want to allow/deny. Include one element for each country. * See ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code on the *International Organization for Standardization* website */ private constructor(); }