import { Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { CfnDistribution } from './cloudfront.generated'; import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * The failover configuration used for Origin Groups, * returned in {@link OriginBindConfig.failoverConfig}. */ export interface OriginFailoverConfig { /** The origin to use as the fallback origin. */ readonly failoverOrigin: IOrigin; /** * The HTTP status codes of the response that trigger querying the failover Origin. * * @default - 500, 502, 503 and 504 */ readonly statusCodes?: number[]; } /** The struct returned from {@link IOrigin.bind}. */ export interface OriginBindConfig { /** * The CloudFormation OriginProperty configuration for this Origin. * * @default - nothing is returned */ readonly originProperty?: CfnDistribution.OriginProperty; /** * The failover configuration for this Origin. * * @default - nothing is returned */ readonly failoverConfig?: OriginFailoverConfig; } /** * Represents the concept of a CloudFront Origin. * You provide one or more origins when creating a Distribution. */ export interface IOrigin { /** * The method called when a given Origin is added * (for the first time) to a Distribution. */ bind(scope: Construct, options: OriginBindOptions): OriginBindConfig; } /** * Options to define an Origin. */ export interface OriginOptions { /** * The number of seconds that CloudFront waits when trying to establish a connection to the origin. * Valid values are 1-10 seconds, inclusive. * * @default Duration.seconds(10) */ readonly connectionTimeout?: Duration; /** * The number of times that CloudFront attempts to connect to the origin; valid values are 1, 2, or 3 attempts. * * @default 3 */ readonly connectionAttempts?: number; /** * A list of HTTP header names and values that CloudFront adds to requests it sends to the origin. * * @default {} */ readonly customHeaders?: Record; /** * When you enable Origin Shield in the AWS Region that has the lowest latency to your origin, you can get better network performance * * @see * * @default - origin shield not enabled */ readonly originShieldRegion?: string; } /** * Properties to define an Origin. */ export interface OriginProps extends OriginOptions { /** * An optional path that CloudFront appends to the origin domain name when CloudFront requests content from the origin. * Must begin, but not end, with '/' (e.g., '/production/images'). * * @default '/' */ readonly originPath?: string; } /** * Options passed to Origin.bind(). */ export interface OriginBindOptions { /** * The identifier of this Origin, * as assigned by the Distribution this Origin has been used added to. */ readonly originId: string; } /** * Represents a distribution origin, that describes the Amazon S3 bucket, HTTP server (for example, a web server), * Amazon MediaStore, or other server from which CloudFront gets your files. */ export declare abstract class OriginBase implements IOrigin { private readonly domainName; private readonly originPath?; private readonly connectionTimeout?; private readonly connectionAttempts?; private readonly customHeaders?; private readonly originShieldRegion?; protected constructor(domainName: string, props?: OriginProps); /** * Binds the origin to the associated Distribution. Can be used to grant permissions, create dependent resources, etc. */ bind(_scope: Construct, options: OriginBindOptions): OriginBindConfig; protected renderS3OriginConfig(): CfnDistribution.S3OriginConfigProperty | undefined; protected renderCustomOriginConfig(): CfnDistribution.CustomOriginConfigProperty | undefined; private renderCustomHeaders; /** * If the path is defined, it must start with a '/' and not end with a '/'. * This method takes in the originPath, and returns it back (if undefined) or adds/removes the '/' as appropriate. */ private validateOriginPath; /** * Takes origin shield region and converts to CfnDistribution.OriginShieldProperty */ private renderOriginShield; }