import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import * as constructs from 'constructs'; import { Alarm, ComparisonOperator, TreatMissingData } from './alarm'; import { IMetric, MetricAlarmConfig, MetricConfig, MetricGraphConfig, Unit } from './metric-types'; import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; export declare type DimensionHash = { [dim: string]: any; }; export declare type DimensionsMap = { [dim: string]: string; }; /** * Options shared by most methods accepting metric options */ export interface CommonMetricOptions { /** * The period over which the specified statistic is applied. * * @default Duration.minutes(5) */ readonly period?: cdk.Duration; /** * What function to use for aggregating. * * Can be one of the following: * * - "Minimum" | "min" * - "Maximum" | "max" * - "Average" | "avg" * - "Sum" | "sum" * - "SampleCount | "n" * - "pNN.NN" * * @default Average */ readonly statistic?: string; /** * Dimensions of the metric * * @default - No dimensions. * * @deprecated Use 'dimensionsMap' instead. */ readonly dimensions?: DimensionHash; /** * Dimensions of the metric * * @default - No dimensions. */ readonly dimensionsMap?: DimensionsMap; /** * Unit used to filter the metric stream * * Only refer to datums emitted to the metric stream with the given unit and * ignore all others. Only useful when datums are being emitted to the same * metric stream under different units. * * The default is to use all matric datums in the stream, regardless of unit, * which is recommended in nearly all cases. * * CloudWatch does not honor this property for graphs. * * @default - All metric datums in the given metric stream */ readonly unit?: Unit; /** * Label for this metric when added to a Graph in a Dashboard * * You can use [dynamic labels]( * to show summary information about the entire displayed time series * in the legend. For example, if you use: * * ``` * [max: ${MAX}] MyMetric * ``` * * As the metric label, the maximum value in the visible range will * be shown next to the time series name in the graph's legend. * * @default - No label */ readonly label?: string; /** * The hex color code, prefixed with '#' (e.g. '#00ff00'), to use when this metric is rendered on a graph. * The `Color` class has a set of standard colors that can be used here. * @default - Automatic color */ readonly color?: string; /** * Account which this metric comes from. * * @default - Deployment account. */ readonly account?: string; /** * Region which this metric comes from. * * @default - Deployment region. */ readonly region?: string; } /** * Properties for a metric */ export interface MetricProps extends CommonMetricOptions { /** * Namespace of the metric. */ readonly namespace: string; /** * Name of the metric. */ readonly metricName: string; } /** * Properties of a metric that can be changed */ export interface MetricOptions extends CommonMetricOptions { } /** * Configurable options for MathExpressions */ export interface MathExpressionOptions { /** * Label for this expression when added to a Graph in a Dashboard * * If this expression evaluates to more than one time series (for * example, through the use of `METRICS()` or `SEARCH()` expressions), * each time series will appear in the graph using a combination of the * expression label and the individual metric label. Specify the empty * string (`''`) to suppress the expression label and only keep the * metric label. * * You can use [dynamic labels]( * to show summary information about the displayed time series * in the legend. For example, if you use: * * ``` * [max: ${MAX}] MyMetric * ``` * * As the metric label, the maximum value in the visible range will * be shown next to the time series name in the graph's legend. If the * math expression produces more than one time series, the maximum * will be shown for each individual time series produce by this * math expression. * * @default - Expression value is used as label */ readonly label?: string; /** * Color for this metric when added to a Graph in a Dashboard * * @default - Automatic color */ readonly color?: string; /** * The period over which the expression's statistics are applied. * * This period overrides all periods in the metrics used in this * math expression. * * @default Duration.minutes(5) */ readonly period?: cdk.Duration; /** * Account to evaluate search expressions within. * * Specifying a searchAccount has no effect to the account used * for metrics within the expression (passed via usingMetrics). * * @default - Deployment account. */ readonly searchAccount?: string; /** * Region to evaluate search expressions within. * * Specifying a searchRegion has no effect to the region used * for metrics within the expression (passed via usingMetrics). * * @default - Deployment region. */ readonly searchRegion?: string; } /** * Properties for a MathExpression */ export interface MathExpressionProps extends MathExpressionOptions { /** * The expression defining the metric. * * When an expression contains a SEARCH function, it cannot be used * within an Alarm. */ readonly expression: string; /** * The metrics used in the expression, in a map. * * The key is the identifier that represents the given metric in the * expression, and the value is the actual Metric object. * * @default - Empty map. */ readonly usingMetrics?: Record; } /** * A metric emitted by a service * * The metric is a combination of a metric identifier (namespace, name and dimensions) * and an aggregation function (statistic, period and unit). * * It also contains metadata which is used only in graphs, such as color and label. * It makes sense to embed this in here, so that compound constructs can attach * that metadata to metrics they expose. * * This class does not represent a resource, so hence is not a construct. Instead, * Metric is an abstraction that makes it easy to specify metrics for use in both * alarms and graphs. */ export declare class Metric implements IMetric { /** * Grant permissions to the given identity to write metrics. * * @param grantee The IAM identity to give permissions to. */ static grantPutMetricData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant; /** Dimensions of this metric */ readonly dimensions?: DimensionHash; /** Namespace of this metric */ readonly namespace: string; /** Name of this metric */ readonly metricName: string; /** Period of this metric */ readonly period: cdk.Duration; /** Statistic of this metric */ readonly statistic: string; /** Label for this metric when added to a Graph in a Dashboard */ readonly label?: string; /** The hex color code used when this metric is rendered on a graph. */ readonly color?: string; /** Unit of the metric. */ readonly unit?: Unit; /** Account which this metric comes from */ readonly account?: string; /** Region which this metric comes from. */ readonly region?: string; /** Warnings attached to this metric. */ readonly warnings?: string[]; constructor(props: MetricProps); /** * Return a copy of Metric `with` properties changed. * * All properties except namespace and metricName can be changed. * * @param props The set of properties to change. */ with(props: MetricOptions): Metric; /** * Attach the metric object to the given construct scope * * Returns a Metric object that uses the account and region from the Stack * the given construct is defined in. If the metric is subsequently used * in a Dashboard or Alarm in a different Stack defined in a different * account or region, the appropriate 'region' and 'account' fields * will be added to it. * * If the scope we attach to is in an environment-agnostic stack, * nothing is done and the same Metric object is returned. */ attachTo(scope: constructs.IConstruct): Metric; toMetricConfig(): MetricConfig; /** @deprecated use toMetricConfig() */ toAlarmConfig(): MetricAlarmConfig; /** * @deprecated use toMetricConfig() */ toGraphConfig(): MetricGraphConfig; /** * Make a new Alarm for this metric * * Combines both properties that may adjust the metric (aggregation) as well * as alarm properties. */ createAlarm(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CreateAlarmOptions): Alarm; toString(): string; /** * Return the dimensions of this Metric as a list of Dimension. */ private dimensionsAsList; private validateDimensions; } /** * A math expression built with metric(s) emitted by a service * * The math expression is a combination of an expression (x+y) and metrics to apply expression on. * It also contains metadata which is used only in graphs, such as color and label. * It makes sense to embed this in here, so that compound constructs can attach * that metadata to metrics they expose. * * MathExpression can also be used for search expressions. In this case, * it also optionally accepts a searchRegion and searchAccount property for cross-environment * search expressions. * * This class does not represent a resource, so hence is not a construct. Instead, * MathExpression is an abstraction that makes it easy to specify metrics for use in both * alarms and graphs. */ export declare class MathExpression implements IMetric { /** * The expression defining the metric. */ readonly expression: string; /** * The metrics used in the expression as KeyValuePair . */ readonly usingMetrics: Record; /** * Label for this metric when added to a Graph. */ readonly label?: string; /** * The hex color code, prefixed with '#' (e.g. '#00ff00'), to use when this metric is rendered on a graph. * The `Color` class has a set of standard colors that can be used here. */ readonly color?: string; /** * Aggregation period of this metric */ readonly period: cdk.Duration; /** * Account to evaluate search expressions within. */ readonly searchAccount?: string; /** * Region to evaluate search expressions within. */ readonly searchRegion?: string; /** * Warnings generated by this math expression */ readonly warnings?: string[]; constructor(props: MathExpressionProps); /** * Return a copy of Metric with properties changed. * * All properties except namespace and metricName can be changed. * * @param props The set of properties to change. */ with(props: MathExpressionOptions): MathExpression; /** * @deprecated use toMetricConfig() */ toAlarmConfig(): MetricAlarmConfig; /** * @deprecated use toMetricConfig() */ toGraphConfig(): MetricGraphConfig; toMetricConfig(): MetricConfig; /** * Make a new Alarm for this metric * * Combines both properties that may adjust the metric (aggregation) as well * as alarm properties. */ createAlarm(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CreateAlarmOptions): Alarm; toString(): string; private validateNoIdConflicts; } /** * Properties needed to make an alarm from a metric */ export interface CreateAlarmOptions { /** * The period over which the specified statistic is applied. * * Cannot be used with `MathExpression` objects. * * @default - The period from the metric * @deprecated Use `metric.with({ period: ... })` to encode the period into the Metric object */ readonly period?: cdk.Duration; /** * What function to use for aggregating. * * Can be one of the following: * * - "Minimum" | "min" * - "Maximum" | "max" * - "Average" | "avg" * - "Sum" | "sum" * - "SampleCount | "n" * - "pNN.NN" * * Cannot be used with `MathExpression` objects. * * @default - The statistic from the metric * @deprecated Use `metric.with({ statistic: ... })` to encode the period into the Metric object */ readonly statistic?: string; /** * Name of the alarm * * @default Automatically generated name */ readonly alarmName?: string; /** * Description for the alarm * * @default No description */ readonly alarmDescription?: string; /** * Comparison to use to check if metric is breaching * * @default GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold */ readonly comparisonOperator?: ComparisonOperator; /** * The value against which the specified statistic is compared. */ readonly threshold: number; /** * The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold. */ readonly evaluationPeriods: number; /** * Specifies whether to evaluate the data and potentially change the alarm state if there are too few data points to be statistically significant. * * Used only for alarms that are based on percentiles. * * @default - Not configured. */ readonly evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile?: string; /** * Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points. * * @default TreatMissingData.Missing */ readonly treatMissingData?: TreatMissingData; /** * Whether the actions for this alarm are enabled * * @default true */ readonly actionsEnabled?: boolean; /** * The number of datapoints that must be breaching to trigger the alarm. This is used only if you are setting an "M * out of N" alarm. In that case, this value is the M. For more information, see Evaluating an Alarm in the Amazon * CloudWatch User Guide. * * @default ``evaluationPeriods`` * * @see */ readonly datapointsToAlarm?: number; }