import { IAlarm } from './alarm-base'; import { AlarmState } from './alarm-rule'; import { ConcreteWidget } from './widget'; /** * The sort possibilities for AlarmStatusWidgets */ export declare enum AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy { /** * Choose DEFAULT to sort them in alphabetical order by alarm name. */ DEFAULT = "default", /** * Choose STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP to sort them first by alarm state, with alarms in ALARM state first, * INSUFFICIENT_DATA alarms next, and OK alarms last. * Within each group, the alarms are sorted by when they last changed state, with more recent state changes listed first. */ STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP = "stateUpdatedTimestamp", /** * Choose TIMESTAMP to sort them by the time when the alarms most recently changed state, * no matter the current alarm state. * The alarm that changed state most recently is listed first. */ TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" } /** * Properties for an Alarm Status Widget */ export interface AlarmStatusWidgetProps { /** * CloudWatch Alarms to show in widget */ readonly alarms: IAlarm[]; /** * The title of the widget * * @default 'Alarm Status' */ readonly title?: string; /** * Width of the widget, in a grid of 24 units wide * * @default 6 */ readonly width?: number; /** * Height of the widget * * @default 3 */ readonly height?: number; /** * Specifies how to sort the alarms in the widget. * * @default - alphabetical order */ readonly sortBy?: AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy; /** * Use this field to filter the list of alarms displayed in the widget to only those alarms currently in the specified states. * You can specify one or more alarm states in the value for this field. * The alarm states that you can specify are ALARM, INSUFFICIENT_DATA, and OK. * * If you omit this field or specify an empty array, all the alarms specifed in alarms are displayed. * * @default - all the alarms specified in alarms are displayed. */ readonly states?: AlarmState[]; } /** * A dashboard widget that displays alarms in a grid view */ export declare class AlarmStatusWidget extends ConcreteWidget { private readonly props; constructor(props: AlarmStatusWidgetProps); position(x: number, y: number): void; toJson(): any[]; }