import { IMetric } from './metric-types'; /** * The width of the grid we're filling */ export declare const GRID_WIDTH = 24; /** * A single dashboard widget */ export interface IWidget { /** * The amount of horizontal grid units the widget will take up */ readonly width: number; /** * The amount of vertical grid units the widget will take up */ readonly height: number; /** * Any warnings that are produced as a result of putting together this widget */ readonly warnings?: string[]; /** * Place the widget at a given position */ position(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Return the widget JSON for use in the dashboard */ toJson(): any[]; } /** * A real CloudWatch widget that has its own fixed size and remembers its position * * This is in contrast to other widgets which exist for layout purposes. */ export declare abstract class ConcreteWidget implements IWidget { readonly width: number; readonly height: number; protected x?: number; protected y?: number; readonly warnings: string[] | undefined; constructor(width: number, height: number); position(x: number, y: number): void; abstract toJson(): any[]; /** * Copy the warnings from the given metric */ protected copyMetricWarnings( IMetric[]): void; }