import * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr'; import { BuildSpec } from './build-spec'; import { BuildEnvironment, BuildImageBindOptions, BuildImageConfig, ComputeType, IBindableBuildImage, IBuildImage, ImagePullPrincipalType, IProject } from './project'; import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * A CodeBuild GPU image running Linux. * * This class has public constants that represent the most popular GPU images from AWS Deep Learning Containers. * * @see */ export declare class LinuxGpuBuildImage implements IBindableBuildImage { private readonly repositoryName; private readonly account; /** Tensorflow 1.14.0 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_1_14_0: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 1.15.0 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_1_15_0: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 1.15.2 GPU training image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_1_15_2_TRAINING: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 1.15.2 GPU inference image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_1_15_2_INFERENCE: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 2.0.0 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_0_0: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 2.0.1 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_0_1: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 2.1.0 GPU training image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_TRAINING: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 2.1.0 GPU inference image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE: IBuildImage; /** Tensorflow 2.2.0 GPU training image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_2_0_TRAINING: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.2.0 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_2_0: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.3.1 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_3_1: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.4.0 GPU training image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_4_0_TRAINING: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.4.0 GPU inference image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_4_0_INFERENCE: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.5.0 GPU training image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_5_0_TRAINING: IBuildImage; /** PyTorch 1.5.0 GPU inference image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_PYTORCH_1_5_0_INFERENCE: IBuildImage; /** MXNet 1.4.1 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_MXNET_1_4_1: IBuildImage; /** MXNet 1.6.0 GPU image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. */ static readonly DLC_MXNET_1_6_0: IBuildImage; /** * Returns a Linux GPU build image from AWS Deep Learning Containers. * * @param repositoryName the name of the repository, * for example "pytorch-inference" * @param tag the tag of the image, for example "1.5.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu16.04" * @param account the AWS account ID where the DLC repository for this region is hosted in. * In many cases, the CDK can infer that for you, but for some newer region our information * might be out of date; in that case, you can specify the region explicitly using this optional parameter * @see */ static awsDeepLearningContainersImage(repositoryName: string, tag: string, account?: string): IBuildImage; /** * Returns a GPU image running Linux from an ECR repository. * * NOTE: if the repository is external (i.e. imported), then we won't be able to add * a resource policy statement for it so CodeBuild can pull the image. * * @see * * @param repository The ECR repository * @param tag Image tag (default "latest") */ static fromEcrRepository(repository: ecr.IRepository, tag?: string): IBuildImage; readonly type = "LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER"; readonly defaultComputeType = ComputeType.LARGE; readonly imagePullPrincipalType?: ImagePullPrincipalType; readonly imageId: string; private _imageAccount?; private constructor(); bind(scope: Construct, project: IProject, _options: BuildImageBindOptions): BuildImageConfig; validate(buildEnvironment: BuildEnvironment): string[]; runScriptBuildspec(entrypoint: string): BuildSpec; }