import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch'; import * as notifications from '@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications'; import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2'; import * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr'; import { DockerImageAssetProps } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr-assets'; import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events'; import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms'; import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3'; import * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager'; import { Duration, IResource, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { IArtifacts } from './artifacts'; import { BuildSpec } from './build-spec'; import { Cache } from './cache'; import { CfnProject } from './codebuild.generated'; import { IFileSystemLocation } from './file-location'; import { LoggingOptions } from './project-logs'; import { ISource } from './source'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * The type returned from {@link IProject#enableBatchBuilds}. */ export interface BatchBuildConfig { /** The IAM batch service Role of this Project. */ readonly role: iam.IRole; } /** * Location of a PEM certificate on S3 */ export interface BuildEnvironmentCertificate { /** * The bucket where the certificate is */ readonly bucket: s3.IBucket; /** * The full path and name of the key file */ readonly objectKey: string; } /** * Additional options to pass to the notification rule. */ export interface ProjectNotifyOnOptions extends notifications.NotificationRuleOptions { /** * A list of event types associated with this notification rule for CodeBuild Project. * For a complete list of event types and IDs, see Notification concepts in the Developer Tools Console User Guide. * @see */ readonly events: ProjectNotificationEvents[]; } export interface IProject extends IResource, iam.IGrantable, ec2.IConnectable, notifications.INotificationRuleSource { /** * The ARN of this Project. * @attribute */ readonly projectArn: string; /** * The human-visible name of this Project. * @attribute */ readonly projectName: string; /** The IAM service Role of this Project. Undefined for imported Projects. */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * Enable batch builds. * * Returns an object contining the batch service role if batch builds * could be enabled. */ enableBatchBuilds(): BatchBuildConfig | undefined; addToRolePolicy(policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement): void; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule triggered when something happens with this project. * * @see */ onEvent(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule triggered when the build project state * changes. You can filter specific build status events using an event * pattern filter on the `build-status` detail field: * * const rule = project.onStateChange('OnBuildStarted', { target }); * rule.addEventPattern({ * detail: { * 'build-status': [ * "IN_PROGRESS", * "SUCCEEDED", * "FAILED", * "STOPPED" * ] * } * }); * * You can also use the methods `onBuildFailed` and `onBuildSucceeded` to define rules for * these specific state changes. * * To access fields from the event in the event target input, * use the static fields on the `StateChangeEvent` class. * * @see */ onStateChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule that triggers upon phase change of this * build project. * * @see */ onPhaseChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build starts. */ onBuildStarted(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build fails. */ onBuildFailed(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build completes successfully. */ onBuildSucceeded(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * @returns a CloudWatch metric associated with this build project. * @param metricName The name of the metric * @param props Customization properties */ metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of builds triggered. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the duration of all builds over time. * * Units: Seconds * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Average (recommended), Maximum, Minimum * * @default average over 5 minutes */ metricDuration(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of successful builds. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricSucceededBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of builds that failed because of client error or * because of a timeout. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricFailedBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Defines a CodeStar Notification rule triggered when the project * events emitted by you specified, it very similar to `onEvent` API. * * You can also use the methods `notifyOnBuildSucceeded` and * `notifyOnBuildFailed` to define rules for these specific event emitted. * * @param id The logical identifier of the CodeStar Notifications rule that will be created * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination. * @param options Customization options for CodeStar Notifications rule * @returns CodeStar Notifications rule associated with this build project. */ notifyOn(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options: ProjectNotifyOnOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; /** * Defines a CodeStar notification rule which triggers when a build completes successfully. */ notifyOnBuildSucceeded(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; /** * Defines a CodeStar notification rule which triggers when a build fails. */ notifyOnBuildFailed(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; } /** * Represents a reference to a CodeBuild Project. * * If you're managing the Project alongside the rest of your CDK resources, * use the {@link Project} class. * * If you want to reference an already existing Project * (or one defined in a different CDK Stack), * use the {@link import} method. */ declare abstract class ProjectBase extends Resource implements IProject { abstract readonly grantPrincipal: iam.IPrincipal; /** The ARN of this Project. */ abstract readonly projectArn: string; /** The human-visible name of this Project. */ abstract readonly projectName: string; /** The IAM service Role of this Project. */ abstract readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * Actual connections object for this Project. * May be unset, in which case this Project is not configured to use a VPC. * @internal */ protected _connections: ec2.Connections | undefined; /** * Access the Connections object. * Will fail if this Project does not have a VPC set. */ get connections(): ec2.Connections; enableBatchBuilds(): BatchBuildConfig | undefined; /** * Add a permission only if there's a policy attached. * @param statement The permissions statement to add */ addToRolePolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule triggered when something happens with this project. * * @see */ onEvent(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule triggered when the build project state * changes. You can filter specific build status events using an event * pattern filter on the `build-status` detail field: * * const rule = project.onStateChange('OnBuildStarted', { target }); * rule.addEventPattern({ * detail: { * 'build-status': [ * "IN_PROGRESS", * "SUCCEEDED", * "FAILED", * "STOPPED" * ] * } * }); * * You can also use the methods `onBuildFailed` and `onBuildSucceeded` to define rules for * these specific state changes. * * To access fields from the event in the event target input, * use the static fields on the `StateChangeEvent` class. * * @see */ onStateChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines a CloudWatch event rule that triggers upon phase change of this * build project. * * @see */ onPhaseChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build starts. * * To access fields from the event in the event target input, * use the static fields on the `StateChangeEvent` class. */ onBuildStarted(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build fails. * * To access fields from the event in the event target input, * use the static fields on the `StateChangeEvent` class. */ onBuildFailed(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * Defines an event rule which triggers when a build completes successfully. * * To access fields from the event in the event target input, * use the static fields on the `StateChangeEvent` class. */ onBuildSucceeded(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule; /** * @returns a CloudWatch metric associated with this build project. * @param metricName The name of the metric * @param props Customization properties */ metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of builds triggered. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the duration of all builds over time. * * Units: Seconds * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Average (recommended), Maximum, Minimum * * @default average over 5 minutes */ metricDuration(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of successful builds. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricSucceededBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Measures the number of builds that failed because of client error or * because of a timeout. * * Units: Count * * Valid CloudWatch statistics: Sum * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricFailedBuilds(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; notifyOn(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options: ProjectNotifyOnOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; notifyOnBuildSucceeded(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; notifyOnBuildFailed(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule; bindAsNotificationRuleSource(_scope: Construct): notifications.NotificationRuleSourceConfig; private cannedMetric; } export interface CommonProjectProps { /** * A description of the project. Use the description to identify the purpose * of the project. * * @default - No description. */ readonly description?: string; /** * Filename or contents of buildspec in JSON format. * @see * * @default - Empty buildspec. */ readonly buildSpec?: BuildSpec; /** * Service Role to assume while running the build. * * @default - A role will be created. */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * Encryption key to use to read and write artifacts. * * @default - The AWS-managed CMK for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is used. */ readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey; /** * Caching strategy to use. * * @default Cache.none */ readonly cache?: Cache; /** * Build environment to use for the build. * * @default BuildEnvironment.LinuxBuildImage.STANDARD_1_0 */ readonly environment?: BuildEnvironment; /** * Indicates whether AWS CodeBuild generates a publicly accessible URL for * your project's build badge. For more information, see Build Badges Sample * in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. * * @default false */ readonly badge?: boolean; /** * The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if it's * not complete. For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in the AWS * CodeBuild User Guide. * * @default Duration.hours(1) */ readonly timeout?: Duration; /** * Additional environment variables to add to the build environment. * * @default - No additional environment variables are specified. */ readonly environmentVariables?: { [name: string]: BuildEnvironmentVariable; }; /** * Whether to check for the presence of any secrets in the environment variables of the default type, BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT. * Since using a secret for the value of that kind of variable would result in it being displayed in plain text in the AWS Console, * the construct will throw an exception if it detects a secret was passed there. * Pass this property as false if you want to skip this validation, * and keep using a secret in a plain text environment variable. * * @default true */ readonly checkSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables?: boolean; /** * The physical, human-readable name of the CodeBuild Project. * * @default - Name is automatically generated. */ readonly projectName?: string; /** * VPC network to place codebuild network interfaces * * Specify this if the codebuild project needs to access resources in a VPC. * * @default - No VPC is specified. */ readonly vpc?: ec2.IVpc; /** * Where to place the network interfaces within the VPC. * * Only used if 'vpc' is supplied. * * @default - All private subnets. */ readonly subnetSelection?: ec2.SubnetSelection; /** * What security group to associate with the codebuild project's network interfaces. * If no security group is identified, one will be created automatically. * * Only used if 'vpc' is supplied. * * @default - Security group will be automatically created. * */ readonly securityGroups?: ec2.ISecurityGroup[]; /** * Whether to allow the CodeBuild to send all network traffic * * If set to false, you must individually add traffic rules to allow the * CodeBuild project to connect to network targets. * * Only used if 'vpc' is supplied. * * @default true */ readonly allowAllOutbound?: boolean; /** * An ProjectFileSystemLocation objects for a CodeBuild build project. * * A ProjectFileSystemLocation object specifies the identifier, location, mountOptions, mountPoint, * and type of a file system created using Amazon Elastic File System. * * @default - no file system locations */ readonly fileSystemLocations?: IFileSystemLocation[]; /** * Add permissions to this project's role to create and use test report groups with name starting with the name of this project. * * That is the standard report group that gets created when a simple name * (in contrast to an ARN) * is used in the 'reports' section of the buildspec of this project. * This is usually harmless, but you can turn these off if you don't plan on using test * reports in this project. * * @default true * * @see */ readonly grantReportGroupPermissions?: boolean; /** * Information about logs for the build project. A project can create logs in Amazon CloudWatch Logs, an S3 bucket, or both. * * @default - no log configuration is set */ readonly logging?: LoggingOptions; /** * The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if it's * still in queue. For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in the AWS * CodeBuild User Guide. * * @default - no queue timeout is set */ readonly queuedTimeout?: Duration; /** * Maximum number of concurrent builds. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is account build limit. * * @default - no explicit limit is set */ readonly concurrentBuildLimit?: number; } export interface ProjectProps extends CommonProjectProps { /** * The source of the build. * *Note*: if {@link NoSource} is given as the source, * then you need to provide an explicit `buildSpec`. * * @default - NoSource */ readonly source?: ISource; /** * Defines where build artifacts will be stored. * Could be: PipelineBuildArtifacts, NoArtifacts and S3Artifacts. * * @default NoArtifacts */ readonly artifacts?: IArtifacts; /** * The secondary sources for the Project. * Can be also added after the Project has been created by using the {@link Project#addSecondarySource} method. * * @default - No secondary sources. * @see */ readonly secondarySources?: ISource[]; /** * The secondary artifacts for the Project. * Can also be added after the Project has been created by using the {@link Project#addSecondaryArtifact} method. * * @default - No secondary artifacts. * @see */ readonly secondaryArtifacts?: IArtifacts[]; } /** * The extra options passed to the {@link IProject.bindToCodePipeline} method. */ export interface BindToCodePipelineOptions { /** * The artifact bucket that will be used by the action that invokes this project. */ readonly artifactBucket: s3.IBucket; } /** * A representation of a CodeBuild Project. */ export declare class Project extends ProjectBase { static fromProjectArn(scope: Construct, id: string, projectArn: string): IProject; /** * Import a Project defined either outside the CDK, * or in a different CDK Stack * (and exported using the {@link export} method). * * @note if you're importing a CodeBuild Project for use * in a CodePipeline, make sure the existing Project * has permissions to access the S3 Bucket of that Pipeline - * otherwise, builds in that Pipeline will always fail. * * @param scope the parent Construct for this Construct * @param id the logical name of this Construct * @param projectName the name of the project to import * @returns a reference to the existing Project */ static fromProjectName(scope: Construct, id: string, projectName: string): IProject; /** * Convert the environment variables map of string to {@link BuildEnvironmentVariable}, * which is the customer-facing type, to a list of {@link CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty}, * which is the representation of environment variables in CloudFormation. * * @param environmentVariables the map of string to environment variables * @param validateNoPlainTextSecrets whether to throw an exception * if any of the plain text environment variables contain secrets, defaults to 'false' * @returns an array of {@link CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty} instances */ static serializeEnvVariables(environmentVariables: { [name: string]: BuildEnvironmentVariable; }, validateNoPlainTextSecrets?: boolean, principal?: iam.IGrantable): CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty[]; readonly grantPrincipal: iam.IPrincipal; /** * The IAM role for this project. */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * The ARN of the project. */ readonly projectArn: string; /** * The name of the project. */ readonly projectName: string; private readonly source; private readonly buildImage; private readonly _secondarySources; private readonly _secondarySourceVersions; private readonly _secondaryArtifacts; private _encryptionKey?; private readonly _fileSystemLocations; private _batchServiceRole?; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ProjectProps); enableBatchBuilds(): BatchBuildConfig | undefined; /** * Adds a secondary source to the Project. * * @param secondarySource the source to add as a secondary source * @see */ addSecondarySource(secondarySource: ISource): void; /** * Adds a fileSystemLocation to the Project. * * @param fileSystemLocation the fileSystemLocation to add */ addFileSystemLocation(fileSystemLocation: IFileSystemLocation): void; /** * Adds a secondary artifact to the Project. * * @param secondaryArtifact the artifact to add as a secondary artifact * @see */ addSecondaryArtifact(secondaryArtifact: IArtifacts): void; /** * A callback invoked when the given project is added to a CodePipeline. * * @param _scope the construct the binding is taking place in * @param options additional options for the binding */ bindToCodePipeline(_scope: CoreConstruct, options: BindToCodePipelineOptions): void; /** * @override */ protected validate(): string[]; private set encryptionKey(value); private createLoggingPermission; private renderEnvironment; private renderFileSystemLocations; private renderSecondarySources; private renderSecondarySourceVersions; private renderSecondaryArtifacts; /** * If configured, set up the VPC-related properties * * Returns the VpcConfig that should be added to the * codebuild creation properties. */ private configureVpc; private renderLoggingConfiguration; private addVpcRequiredPermissions; private validateCodePipelineSettings; } /** * Build machine compute type. */ export declare enum ComputeType { SMALL = "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL", MEDIUM = "BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM", LARGE = "BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE", X2_LARGE = "BUILD_GENERAL1_2XLARGE" } /** * The type of principal CodeBuild will use to pull your build Docker image. */ export declare enum ImagePullPrincipalType { /** * CODEBUILD specifies that CodeBuild uses its own identity when pulling the image. * This means the resource policy of the ECR repository that hosts the image will be modified to trust * CodeBuild's service principal. * This is the required principal type when using CodeBuild's pre-defined images. */ CODEBUILD = "CODEBUILD", /** * SERVICE_ROLE specifies that AWS CodeBuild uses the project's role when pulling the image. * The role will be granted pull permissions on the ECR repository hosting the image. */ SERVICE_ROLE = "SERVICE_ROLE" } export interface BuildEnvironment { /** * The image used for the builds. * * @default LinuxBuildImage.STANDARD_1_0 */ readonly buildImage?: IBuildImage; /** * The type of compute to use for this build. * See the {@link ComputeType} enum for the possible values. * * @default taken from {@link #buildImage#defaultComputeType} */ readonly computeType?: ComputeType; /** * Indicates how the project builds Docker images. Specify true to enable * running the Docker daemon inside a Docker container. This value must be * set to true only if this build project will be used to build Docker * images, and the specified build environment image is not one provided by * AWS CodeBuild with Docker support. Otherwise, all associated builds that * attempt to interact with the Docker daemon will fail. * * @default false */ readonly privileged?: boolean; /** * The location of the PEM-encoded certificate for the build project * * @default - No external certificate is added to the project */ readonly certificate?: BuildEnvironmentCertificate; /** * The environment variables that your builds can use. */ readonly environmentVariables?: { [name: string]: BuildEnvironmentVariable; }; } /** * Represents a Docker image used for the CodeBuild Project builds. * Use the concrete subclasses, either: * {@link LinuxBuildImage} or {@link WindowsBuildImage}. */ export interface IBuildImage { /** * The type of build environment. */ readonly type: string; /** * The Docker image identifier that the build environment uses. * * @see */ readonly imageId: string; /** * The default {@link ComputeType} to use with this image, * if one was not specified in {@link BuildEnvironment#computeType} explicitly. */ readonly defaultComputeType: ComputeType; /** * The type of principal that CodeBuild will use to pull this build Docker image. * * @default ImagePullPrincipalType.SERVICE_ROLE */ readonly imagePullPrincipalType?: ImagePullPrincipalType; /** * The secretsManagerCredentials for access to a private registry. * * @default no credentials will be used */ readonly secretsManagerCredentials?: secretsmanager.ISecret; /** * An optional ECR repository that the image is hosted in. * * @default no repository */ readonly repository?: ecr.IRepository; /** * Allows the image a chance to validate whether the passed configuration is correct. * * @param buildEnvironment the current build environment */ validate(buildEnvironment: BuildEnvironment): string[]; /** * Make a buildspec to run the indicated script */ runScriptBuildspec(entrypoint: string): BuildSpec; } /** Optional arguments to {@link IBuildImage.binder} - currently empty. */ export interface BuildImageBindOptions { } /** The return type from {@link IBuildImage.binder} - currently empty. */ export interface BuildImageConfig { } /** A variant of {@link IBuildImage} that allows binding to the project. */ export interface IBindableBuildImage extends IBuildImage { /** Function that allows the build image access to the construct tree. */ bind(scope: CoreConstruct, project: IProject, options: BuildImageBindOptions): BuildImageConfig; } /** * The options when creating a CodeBuild Docker build image * using {@link LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry} * or {@link WindowsBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry}. */ export interface DockerImageOptions { /** * The credentials, stored in Secrets Manager, * used for accessing the repository holding the image, * if the repository is private. * * @default no credentials will be used (we assume the repository is public) */ readonly secretsManagerCredentials?: secretsmanager.ISecret; } /** * A CodeBuild image running x86-64 Linux. * * This class has a bunch of public constants that represent the most popular images. * * You can also specify a custom image using one of the static methods: * * - LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(image[, { secretsManagerCredentials }]) * - LinuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag]) * - LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(parent, id, props) * * * @see */ export declare class LinuxBuildImage implements IBuildImage { static readonly STANDARD_1_0: IBuildImage; static readonly STANDARD_2_0: IBuildImage; static readonly STANDARD_3_0: IBuildImage; /** The `aws/codebuild/standard:4.0` build image. */ static readonly STANDARD_4_0: IBuildImage; /** The `aws/codebuild/standard:5.0` build image. */ static readonly STANDARD_5_0: IBuildImage; static readonly AMAZON_LINUX_2: IBuildImage; static readonly AMAZON_LINUX_2_2: IBuildImage; /** The Amazon Linux 2 x86_64 standard image, version `3.0`. */ static readonly AMAZON_LINUX_2_3: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use LinuxArmBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_STANDARD_1_0 instead. */ static readonly AMAZON_LINUX_2_ARM: IBuildImage; /** * Image "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:2.0". * @deprecated Use LinuxArmBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_STANDARD_2_0 instead. * */ static readonly AMAZON_LINUX_2_ARM_2: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_BASE: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_ANDROID_JAVA8_24_4_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_ANDROID_JAVA8_26_1_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_DOCKER_17_09_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_DOCKER_18_09_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_GOLANG_1_10: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_GOLANG_1_11: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_OPEN_JDK_8: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_OPEN_JDK_9: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_OPEN_JDK_11: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_NODEJS_10_14_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_NODEJS_10_1_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_NODEJS_8_11_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_NODEJS_6_3_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PHP_5_6: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PHP_7_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PHP_7_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_3_7_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_3_6_5: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_3_5_2: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_3_4_5: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_3_3_6: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_PYTHON_2_7_12: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_RUBY_2_5_3: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_RUBY_2_5_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_RUBY_2_3_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_RUBY_2_2_5: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_DOTNET_CORE_1_1: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_DOTNET_CORE_2_0: IBuildImage; /** @deprecated Use {@link STANDARD_2_0} and specify runtime in buildspec runtime-versions section */ static readonly UBUNTU_14_04_DOTNET_CORE_2_1: IBuildImage; /** * @returns a x86-64 Linux build image from a Docker Hub image. */ static fromDockerRegistry(name: string, options?: DockerImageOptions): IBuildImage; /** * @returns A x86-64 Linux build image from an ECR repository. * * NOTE: if the repository is external (i.e. imported), then we won't be able to add * a resource policy statement for it so CodeBuild can pull the image. * * @see * * @param repository The ECR repository * @param tagOrDigest Image tag or digest (default "latest", digests must start with `sha256:`) */ static fromEcrRepository(repository: ecr.IRepository, tagOrDigest?: string): IBuildImage; /** * Uses an Docker image asset as a x86-64 Linux build image. */ static fromAsset(scope: Construct, id: string, props: DockerImageAssetProps): IBuildImage; /** * Uses a Docker image provided by CodeBuild. * * @returns A Docker image provided by CodeBuild. * * @see * * @param id The image identifier * @example 'aws/codebuild/standard:4.0' */ static fromCodeBuildImageId(id: string): IBuildImage; private static codeBuildImage; readonly type = "LINUX_CONTAINER"; readonly defaultComputeType = ComputeType.SMALL; readonly imageId: string; readonly imagePullPrincipalType?: ImagePullPrincipalType; readonly secretsManagerCredentials?: secretsmanager.ISecret; readonly repository?: ecr.IRepository; private constructor(); validate(_: BuildEnvironment): string[]; runScriptBuildspec(entrypoint: string): BuildSpec; } /** * Environment type for Windows Docker images */ export declare enum WindowsImageType { /** * The standard environment type, WINDOWS_CONTAINER */ STANDARD = "WINDOWS_CONTAINER", /** * The WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CONTAINER environment type */ SERVER_2019 = "WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CONTAINER" } /** * A CodeBuild image running Windows. * * This class has a bunch of public constants that represent the most popular images. * * You can also specify a custom image using one of the static methods: * * - WindowsBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(image[, { secretsManagerCredentials }, imageType]) * - WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag, imageType]) * - WindowsBuildImage.fromAsset(parent, id, props, [, imageType]) * * @see */ export declare class WindowsBuildImage implements IBuildImage { /** * Corresponds to the standard CodeBuild image `aws/codebuild/windows-base:1.0`. * * @deprecated `WindowsBuildImage.WINDOWS_BASE_2_0` should be used instead. */ static readonly WIN_SERVER_CORE_2016_BASE: IBuildImage; /** * The standard CodeBuild image `aws/codebuild/windows-base:2.0`, which is * based off Windows Server Core 2016. */ static readonly WINDOWS_BASE_2_0: IBuildImage; /** * The standard CodeBuild image `aws/codebuild/windows-base:2019-1.0`, which is * based off Windows Server Core 2019. */ static readonly WIN_SERVER_CORE_2019_BASE: IBuildImage; /** * @returns a Windows build image from a Docker Hub image. */ static fromDockerRegistry(name: string, options?: DockerImageOptions, imageType?: WindowsImageType): IBuildImage; /** * @returns A Windows build image from an ECR repository. * * NOTE: if the repository is external (i.e. imported), then we won't be able to add * a resource policy statement for it so CodeBuild can pull the image. * * @see * * @param repository The ECR repository * @param tagOrDigest Image tag or digest (default "latest", digests must start with `sha256:`) */ static fromEcrRepository(repository: ecr.IRepository, tagOrDigest?: string, imageType?: WindowsImageType): IBuildImage; /** * Uses an Docker image asset as a Windows build image. */ static fromAsset(scope: Construct, id: string, props: DockerImageAssetProps, imageType?: WindowsImageType): IBuildImage; readonly type: string; readonly defaultComputeType = ComputeType.MEDIUM; readonly imageId: string; readonly imagePullPrincipalType?: ImagePullPrincipalType; readonly secretsManagerCredentials?: secretsmanager.ISecret; readonly repository?: ecr.IRepository; private constructor(); validate(buildEnvironment: BuildEnvironment): string[]; runScriptBuildspec(entrypoint: string): BuildSpec; } export interface BuildEnvironmentVariable { /** * The type of environment variable. * @default PlainText */ readonly type?: BuildEnvironmentVariableType; /** * The value of the environment variable. * For plain-text variables (the default), this is the literal value of variable. * For SSM parameter variables, pass the name of the parameter here (`parameterName` property of `IParameter`). * For SecretsManager variables secrets, pass either the secret name (`secretName` property of `ISecret`) * or the secret ARN (`secretArn` property of `ISecret`) here, * along with optional SecretsManager qualifiers separated by ':', like the JSON key, or the version or stage * (see for details). */ readonly value: any; } export declare enum BuildEnvironmentVariableType { /** * An environment variable in plaintext format. */ PLAINTEXT = "PLAINTEXT", /** * An environment variable stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store. */ PARAMETER_STORE = "PARAMETER_STORE", /** * An environment variable stored in AWS Secrets Manager. */ SECRETS_MANAGER = "SECRETS_MANAGER" } /** * The list of event types for AWS Codebuild * @see */ export declare enum ProjectNotificationEvents { /** * Trigger notification when project build state failed */ BUILD_FAILED = "codebuild-project-build-state-failed", /** * Trigger notification when project build state succeeded */ BUILD_SUCCEEDED = "codebuild-project-build-state-succeeded", /** * Trigger notification when project build state in progress */ BUILD_IN_PROGRESS = "codebuild-project-build-state-in-progress", /** * Trigger notification when project build state stopped */ BUILD_STOPPED = "codebuild-project-build-state-stopped", /** * Trigger notification when project build phase failure */ BUILD_PHASE_FAILED = "codebuild-project-build-phase-failure", /** * Trigger notification when project build phase success */ BUILD_PHASE_SUCCEEDED = "codebuild-project-build-phase-success" } export {};