import * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit'; import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3'; import { CfnProject } from './codebuild.generated'; import { IProject } from './project'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * The type returned from {@link ISource#bind}. */ export interface SourceConfig { readonly sourceProperty: CfnProject.SourceProperty; readonly buildTriggers?: CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty; /** * `AWS::CodeBuild::Project.SourceVersion` * @see * @default the latest version */ readonly sourceVersion?: string; } /** * The abstract interface of a CodeBuild source. * Implemented by {@link Source}. */ export interface ISource { readonly identifier?: string; readonly type: string; readonly badgeSupported: boolean; bind(scope: CoreConstruct, project: IProject): SourceConfig; } /** * Properties common to all Source classes. */ export interface SourceProps { /** * The source identifier. * This property is required on secondary sources. */ readonly identifier?: string; } /** * Source provider definition for a CodeBuild Project. */ export declare abstract class Source implements ISource { static s3(props: S3SourceProps): ISource; static codeCommit(props: CodeCommitSourceProps): ISource; static gitHub(props: GitHubSourceProps): ISource; static gitHubEnterprise(props: GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps): ISource; static bitBucket(props: BitBucketSourceProps): ISource; readonly identifier?: string; abstract readonly type: string; readonly badgeSupported: boolean; protected constructor(props: SourceProps); /** * Called by the project when the source is added so that the source can perform * binding operations on the source. For example, it can grant permissions to the * code build project to read from the S3 bucket. */ bind(_scope: CoreConstruct, _project: IProject): SourceConfig; } /** * The construction properties common to all build sources that are backed by Git. */ interface GitSourceProps extends SourceProps { /** * The depth of history to download. Minimum value is 0. * If this value is 0, greater than 25, or not provided, * then the full history is downloaded with each build of the project. */ readonly cloneDepth?: number; /** * The commit ID, pull request ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to * the version of the source code you want to build * * @example 'mybranch' * @default the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used */ readonly branchOrRef?: string; /** * Whether to fetch submodules while cloning git repo. * * @default false */ readonly fetchSubmodules?: boolean; } /** * The types of webhook event actions. */ export declare enum EventAction { /** * A push (of a branch, or a tag) to the repository. */ PUSH = "PUSH", /** * Creating a Pull Request. */ PULL_REQUEST_CREATED = "PULL_REQUEST_CREATED", /** * Updating a Pull Request. */ PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED = "PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED", /** * Merging a Pull Request. */ PULL_REQUEST_MERGED = "PULL_REQUEST_MERGED", /** * Re-opening a previously closed Pull Request. * Note that this event is only supported for GitHub and GitHubEnterprise sources. */ PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED = "PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED" } /** * An object that represents a group of filter conditions for a webhook. * Every condition in a given FilterGroup must be true in order for the whole group to be true. * You construct instances of it by calling the {@link #inEventOf} static factory method, * and then calling various `andXyz` instance methods to create modified instances of it * (this class is immutable). * * You pass instances of this class to the `webhookFilters` property when constructing a source. */ export declare class FilterGroup { /** * Creates a new event FilterGroup that triggers on any of the provided actions. * * @param actions the actions to trigger the webhook on */ static inEventOf(...actions: EventAction[]): FilterGroup; private readonly actions; private readonly filters; private constructor(); /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must affect the given branch. * * @param branchName the name of the branch (can be a regular expression) */ andBranchIs(branchName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must not affect the given branch. * * @param branchName the name of the branch (can be a regular expression) */ andBranchIsNot(branchName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must affect a head commit with the given message. * * @param commitMessage the commit message (can be a regular expression) */ andCommitMessageIs(commitMessage: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must not affect a head commit with the given message. * * @param commitMessage the commit message (can be a regular expression) */ andCommitMessageIsNot(commitMessage: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must affect the given tag. * * @param tagName the name of the tag (can be a regular expression) */ andTagIs(tagName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must not affect the given tag. * * @param tagName the name of the tag (can be a regular expression) */ andTagIsNot(tagName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must affect a Git reference (ie., a branch or a tag) * that matches the given pattern. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andHeadRefIs(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the event must not affect a Git reference (ie., a branch or a tag) * that matches the given pattern. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andHeadRefIsNot(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the account ID of the actor initiating the event must match the given pattern. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andActorAccountIs(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the account ID of the actor initiating the event must not match the given pattern. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andActorAccountIsNot(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the Pull Request that is the source of the event must target the given base branch. * Note that you cannot use this method if this Group contains the `PUSH` event action. * * @param branchName the name of the branch (can be a regular expression) */ andBaseBranchIs(branchName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the Pull Request that is the source of the event must not target the given base branch. * Note that you cannot use this method if this Group contains the `PUSH` event action. * * @param branchName the name of the branch (can be a regular expression) */ andBaseBranchIsNot(branchName: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the Pull Request that is the source of the event must target the given Git reference. * Note that you cannot use this method if this Group contains the `PUSH` event action. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andBaseRefIs(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the Pull Request that is the source of the event must not target the given Git reference. * Note that you cannot use this method if this Group contains the `PUSH` event action. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andBaseRefIsNot(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the push that is the source of the event must affect a file that matches the given pattern. * Note that you can only use this method if this Group contains only the `PUSH` event action, * and only for GitHub, Bitbucket and GitHubEnterprise sources. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andFilePathIs(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** * Create a new FilterGroup with an added condition: * the push that is the source of the event must not affect a file that matches the given pattern. * Note that you can only use this method if this Group contains only the `PUSH` event action, * and only for GitHub, Bitbucket and GitHubEnterprise sources. * * @param pattern a regular expression */ andFilePathIsNot(pattern: string): FilterGroup; /** @internal */ get _actions(): EventAction[]; /** @internal */ get _filters(): CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty[]; /** @internal */ _toJson(): CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty[]; private addCommitMessageFilter; private addHeadBranchFilter; private addHeadTagFilter; private addHeadRefFilter; private addActorAccountId; private addBaseBranchFilter; private addBaseRefFilter; private addFilePathFilter; private addFilter; } /** * The construction properties common to all third-party build sources that are backed by Git. */ interface ThirdPartyGitSourceProps extends GitSourceProps { /** * Whether to send notifications on your build's start and end. * * @default true */ readonly reportBuildStatus?: boolean; /** * Whether to create a webhook that will trigger a build every time an event happens in the repository. * * @default true if any `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise */ readonly webhook?: boolean; /** * Trigger a batch build from a webhook instead of a standard one. * * Enabling this will enable batch builds on the CodeBuild project. * * @default false */ readonly webhookTriggersBatchBuild?: boolean; /** * A list of webhook filters that can constraint what events in the repository will trigger a build. * A build is triggered if any of the provided filter groups match. * Only valid if `webhook` was not provided as false. * * @default every push and every Pull Request (create or update) triggers a build */ readonly webhookFilters?: FilterGroup[]; /** * The URL that the build will report back to the source provider. * Can use built-in CodeBuild variables, like $AWS_REGION. * * @see * @see * * @example "$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL" * @default - link to the AWS Console for CodeBuild to a particular build execution */ readonly buildStatusUrl?: string; } /** * Construction properties for {@link CodeCommitSource}. */ export interface CodeCommitSourceProps extends GitSourceProps { readonly repository: codecommit.IRepository; } /** * Construction properties for {@link S3Source}. */ export interface S3SourceProps extends SourceProps { readonly bucket: s3.IBucket; readonly path: string; /** * The version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file to use. * * @default latest */ readonly version?: string; } /** * Common properties between {@link GitHubSource} and {@link GitHubEnterpriseSource}. */ interface CommonGithubSourceProps extends ThirdPartyGitSourceProps { /** * This parameter is used for the `context` parameter in the GitHub commit status. * Can use built-in CodeBuild variables, like $AWS_REGION. * * @see * @see * * @example "My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER" * @default "AWS CodeBuild $AWS_REGION ($PROJECT_NAME)" */ readonly buildStatusContext?: string; } /** * Construction properties for {@link GitHubSource} and {@link GitHubEnterpriseSource}. */ export interface GitHubSourceProps extends CommonGithubSourceProps { /** * The GitHub account/user that owns the repo. * * @example 'awslabs' */ readonly owner: string; /** * The name of the repo (without the username). * * @example 'aws-cdk' */ readonly repo: string; } /** * Construction properties for {@link GitHubEnterpriseSource}. */ export interface GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps extends CommonGithubSourceProps { /** * The HTTPS URL of the repository in your GitHub Enterprise installation. */ readonly httpsCloneUrl: string; /** * Whether to ignore SSL errors when connecting to the repository. * * @default false */ readonly ignoreSslErrors?: boolean; } /** * Construction properties for {@link BitBucketSource}. */ export interface BitBucketSourceProps extends ThirdPartyGitSourceProps { /** * The BitBucket account/user that owns the repo. * * @example 'awslabs' */ readonly owner: string; /** * The name of the repo (without the username). * * @example 'aws-cdk' */ readonly repo: string; /** * This parameter is used for the `name` parameter in the Bitbucket commit status. * Can use built-in CodeBuild variables, like $AWS_REGION. * * @see * @see * * @example "My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER" * @default "AWS CodeBuild $AWS_REGION ($PROJECT_NAME)" */ readonly buildStatusName?: string; } export {};