import * as appscaling from '@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling'; import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch'; import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2'; import * as elb from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancing'; import * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2'; import * as cloudmap from '@aws-cdk/aws-servicediscovery'; import { Duration, IResource, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { LoadBalancerTargetOptions, TaskDefinition } from '../base/task-definition'; import { ICluster, CapacityProviderStrategy } from '../cluster'; import { ContainerDefinition, Protocol } from '../container-definition'; import { CfnService } from '../ecs.generated'; import { ScalableTaskCount } from './scalable-task-count'; /** * The interface for a service. */ export interface IService extends IResource { /** * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service. * * @attribute */ readonly serviceArn: string; /** * The name of the service. * * @attribute */ readonly serviceName: string; } /** * The deployment controller to use for the service. */ export interface DeploymentController { /** * The deployment controller type to use. * * @default DeploymentControllerType.ECS */ readonly type?: DeploymentControllerType; } /** * The deployment circuit breaker to use for the service */ export interface DeploymentCircuitBreaker { /** * Whether to enable rollback on deployment failure * @default false */ readonly rollback?: boolean; } export interface EcsTarget { /** * The name of the container. */ readonly containerName: string; /** * The port number of the container. Only applicable when using application/network load balancers. * * @default - Container port of the first added port mapping. */ readonly containerPort?: number; /** * The protocol used for the port mapping. Only applicable when using application load balancers. * * @default Protocol.TCP */ readonly protocol?: Protocol; /** * ID for a target group to be created. */ readonly newTargetGroupId: string; /** * Listener and properties for adding target group to the listener. */ readonly listener: ListenerConfig; } /** * Interface for ECS load balancer target. */ export interface IEcsLoadBalancerTarget extends elbv2.IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget, elbv2.INetworkLoadBalancerTarget, elb.ILoadBalancerTarget { } /** * The properties for the base Ec2Service or FargateService service. */ export interface BaseServiceOptions { /** * The name of the cluster that hosts the service. */ readonly cluster: ICluster; /** * The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service. * * @default - When creating the service, default is 1; when updating the service, default uses * the current task number. */ readonly desiredCount?: number; /** * The name of the service. * * @default - CloudFormation-generated name. */ readonly serviceName?: string; /** * The maximum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS * service's DesiredCount value, that can run in a service during a * deployment. * * @default - 100 if daemon, otherwise 200 */ readonly maxHealthyPercent?: number; /** * The minimum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of * the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that must * continue to run and remain healthy during a deployment. * * @default - 0 if daemon, otherwise 50 */ readonly minHealthyPercent?: number; /** * The period of time, in seconds, that the Amazon ECS service scheduler ignores unhealthy * Elastic Load Balancing target health checks after a task has first started. * * @default - defaults to 60 seconds if at least one load balancer is in-use and it is not already set */ readonly healthCheckGracePeriod?: Duration; /** * The options for configuring an Amazon ECS service to use service discovery. * * @default - AWS Cloud Map service discovery is not enabled. */ readonly cloudMapOptions?: CloudMapOptions; /** * Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service * * Valid values are: PropagatedTagSource.SERVICE, PropagatedTagSource.TASK_DEFINITION or PropagatedTagSource.NONE * * @default PropagatedTagSource.NONE */ readonly propagateTags?: PropagatedTagSource; /** * Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service. * Tags can only be propagated to the tasks within the service during service creation. * * @deprecated Use `propagateTags` instead. * @default PropagatedTagSource.NONE */ readonly propagateTaskTagsFrom?: PropagatedTagSource; /** * Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks within the service. For more information, see * [Tagging Your Amazon ECS Resources]( * * @default false */ readonly enableECSManagedTags?: boolean; /** * Specifies which deployment controller to use for the service. For more information, see * [Amazon ECS Deployment Types]( * * @default - Rolling update (ECS) */ readonly deploymentController?: DeploymentController; /** * Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker. If this property is defined, circuit breaker will be implicitly * enabled. * @default - disabled */ readonly circuitBreaker?: DeploymentCircuitBreaker; /** * A list of Capacity Provider strategies used to place a service. * * @default - undefined * */ readonly capacityProviderStrategies?: CapacityProviderStrategy[]; /** * Whether to enable the ability to execute into a container * * @default - undefined */ readonly enableExecuteCommand?: boolean; } /** * Complete base service properties that are required to be supplied by the implementation * of the BaseService class. */ export interface BaseServiceProps extends BaseServiceOptions { /** * The launch type on which to run your service. * * LaunchType will be omitted if capacity provider strategies are specified on the service. * * @see - * * Valid values are: LaunchType.ECS or LaunchType.FARGATE or LaunchType.EXTERNAL */ readonly launchType: LaunchType; } /** * Base class for configuring listener when registering targets. */ export declare abstract class ListenerConfig { /** * Create a config for adding target group to ALB listener. */ static applicationListener(listener: elbv2.ApplicationListener, props?: elbv2.AddApplicationTargetsProps): ListenerConfig; /** * Create a config for adding target group to NLB listener. */ static networkListener(listener: elbv2.NetworkListener, props?: elbv2.AddNetworkTargetsProps): ListenerConfig; /** * Create and attach a target group to listener. */ abstract addTargets(id: string, target: LoadBalancerTargetOptions, service: BaseService): void; } /** * The interface for BaseService. */ export interface IBaseService extends IService { /** * The cluster that hosts the service. */ readonly cluster: ICluster; } /** * The base class for Ec2Service and FargateService services. */ export declare abstract class BaseService extends Resource implements IBaseService, elbv2.IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget, elbv2.INetworkLoadBalancerTarget, elb.ILoadBalancerTarget { /** * Import an existing ECS/Fargate Service using the service cluster format. * The format is the "new" format "arn:aws:ecs:region:aws_account_id:service/cluster-name/service-name". * @see */ static fromServiceArnWithCluster(scope: Construct, id: string, serviceArn: string): IBaseService; /** * The security groups which manage the allowed network traffic for the service. */ readonly connections: ec2.Connections; /** * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service. */ readonly serviceArn: string; /** * The name of the service. * * @attribute */ readonly serviceName: string; /** * The task definition to use for tasks in the service. */ readonly taskDefinition: TaskDefinition; /** * The cluster that hosts the service. */ readonly cluster: ICluster; /** * The details of the AWS Cloud Map service. */ protected cloudmapService?: cloudmap.Service; /** * A list of Elastic Load Balancing load balancer objects, containing the load balancer name, the container * name (as it appears in a container definition), and the container port to access from the load balancer. */ protected loadBalancers: CfnService.LoadBalancerProperty[]; /** * A list of Elastic Load Balancing load balancer objects, containing the load balancer name, the container * name (as it appears in a container definition), and the container port to access from the load balancer. */ protected networkConfiguration?: CfnService.NetworkConfigurationProperty; /** * The details of the service discovery registries to assign to this service. * For more information, see Service Discovery. */ protected serviceRegistries: CfnService.ServiceRegistryProperty[]; private readonly resource; private scalableTaskCount?; /** * Constructs a new instance of the BaseService class. */ constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: BaseServiceProps, additionalProps: any, taskDefinition: TaskDefinition); /** * The CloudMap service created for this service, if any. */ get cloudMapService(): cloudmap.IService | undefined; private executeCommandLogConfiguration; private enableExecuteCommandEncryption; /** * This method is called to attach this service to an Application Load Balancer. * * Don't call this function directly. Instead, call `listener.addTargets()` * to add this service to a load balancer. */ attachToApplicationTargetGroup(targetGroup: elbv2.IApplicationTargetGroup): elbv2.LoadBalancerTargetProps; /** * Registers the service as a target of a Classic Load Balancer (CLB). * * Don't call this. Call `loadBalancer.addTarget()` instead. */ attachToClassicLB(loadBalancer: elb.LoadBalancer): void; /** * Return a load balancing target for a specific container and port. * * Use this function to create a load balancer target if you want to load balance to * another container than the first essential container or the first mapped port on * the container. * * Use the return value of this function where you would normally use a load balancer * target, instead of the `Service` object itself. * * @example * * declare const listener: elbv2.ApplicationListener; * declare const service: ecs.BaseService; * listener.addTargets('ECS', { * port: 80, * targets: [service.loadBalancerTarget({ * containerName: 'MyContainer', * containerPort: 1234, * })], * }); */ loadBalancerTarget(options: LoadBalancerTargetOptions): IEcsLoadBalancerTarget; /** * Use this function to create all load balancer targets to be registered in this service, add them to * target groups, and attach target groups to listeners accordingly. * * Alternatively, you can use `listener.addTargets()` to create targets and add them to target groups. * * @example * * declare const listener: elbv2.ApplicationListener; * declare const service: ecs.BaseService; * service.registerLoadBalancerTargets( * { * containerName: 'web', * containerPort: 80, * newTargetGroupId: 'ECS', * listener: ecs.ListenerConfig.applicationListener(listener, { * protocol: elbv2.ApplicationProtocol.HTTPS * }), * }, * ) */ registerLoadBalancerTargets(...targets: EcsTarget[]): void; /** * This method is called to attach this service to a Network Load Balancer. * * Don't call this function directly. Instead, call `listener.addTargets()` * to add this service to a load balancer. */ attachToNetworkTargetGroup(targetGroup: elbv2.INetworkTargetGroup): elbv2.LoadBalancerTargetProps; /** * An attribute representing the minimum and maximum task count for an AutoScalingGroup. */ autoScaleTaskCount(props: appscaling.EnableScalingProps): ScalableTaskCount; /** * Enable CloudMap service discovery for the service * * @returns The created CloudMap service */ enableCloudMap(options: CloudMapOptions): cloudmap.Service; /** * Associates this service with a CloudMap service */ associateCloudMapService(options: AssociateCloudMapServiceOptions): void; /** * This method returns the specified CloudWatch metric name for this service. */ metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * This method returns the CloudWatch metric for this service's memory utilization. * * @default average over 5 minutes */ metricMemoryUtilization(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * This method returns the CloudWatch metric for this service's CPU utilization. * * @default average over 5 minutes */ metricCpuUtilization(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * This method is called to create a networkConfiguration. * @deprecated use configureAwsVpcNetworkingWithSecurityGroups instead. */ protected configureAwsVpcNetworking(vpc: ec2.IVpc, assignPublicIp?: boolean, vpcSubnets?: ec2.SubnetSelection, securityGroup?: ec2.ISecurityGroup): void; /** * This method is called to create a networkConfiguration. */ protected configureAwsVpcNetworkingWithSecurityGroups(vpc: ec2.IVpc, assignPublicIp?: boolean, vpcSubnets?: ec2.SubnetSelection, securityGroups?: ec2.ISecurityGroup[]): void; private renderServiceRegistry; /** * Shared logic for attaching to an ELB */ private attachToELB; /** * Shared logic for attaching to an ELBv2 */ private attachToELBv2; private get defaultLoadBalancerTarget(); /** * Generate the role that will be used for autoscaling this service */ private makeAutoScalingRole; /** * Associate Service Discovery (Cloud Map) service */ private addServiceRegistry; /** * Return the default grace period when load balancers are configured and * healthCheckGracePeriod is not already set */ private evaluateHealthGracePeriod; private enableExecuteCommand; } /** * The options to enabling AWS Cloud Map for an Amazon ECS service. */ export interface CloudMapOptions { /** * The name of the Cloud Map service to attach to the ECS service. * * @default CloudFormation-generated name */ readonly name?: string; /** * The service discovery namespace for the Cloud Map service to attach to the ECS service. * * @default - the defaultCloudMapNamespace associated to the cluster */ readonly cloudMapNamespace?: cloudmap.INamespace; /** * The DNS record type that you want AWS Cloud Map to create. The supported record types are A or SRV. * * @default - DnsRecordType.A if TaskDefinition.networkMode = AWS_VPC, otherwise DnsRecordType.SRV */ readonly dnsRecordType?: cloudmap.DnsRecordType.A | cloudmap.DnsRecordType.SRV; /** * The amount of time that you want DNS resolvers to cache the settings for this record. * * @default Duration.minutes(1) */ readonly dnsTtl?: Duration; /** * The number of 30-second intervals that you want Cloud Map to wait after receiving an UpdateInstanceCustomHealthStatus * request before it changes the health status of a service instance. * * NOTE: This is used for HealthCheckCustomConfig */ readonly failureThreshold?: number; /** * The container to point to for a SRV record. * @default - the task definition's default container */ readonly container?: ContainerDefinition; /** * The port to point to for a SRV record. * @default - the default port of the task definition's default container */ readonly containerPort?: number; } /** * The options for using a cloudmap service. */ export interface AssociateCloudMapServiceOptions { /** * The cloudmap service to register with. */ readonly service: cloudmap.IService; /** * The container to point to for a SRV record. * @default - the task definition's default container */ readonly container?: ContainerDefinition; /** * The port to point to for a SRV record. * @default - the default port of the task definition's default container */ readonly containerPort?: number; } /** * The launch type of an ECS service */ export declare enum LaunchType { /** * The service will be launched using the EC2 launch type */ EC2 = "EC2", /** * The service will be launched using the FARGATE launch type */ FARGATE = "FARGATE", /** * The service will be launched using the EXTERNAL launch type */ EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL" } /** * The deployment controller type to use for the service. */ export declare enum DeploymentControllerType { /** * The rolling update (ECS) deployment type involves replacing the current * running version of the container with the latest version. */ ECS = "ECS", /** * The blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment type uses the blue/green deployment model powered by AWS CodeDeploy */ CODE_DEPLOY = "CODE_DEPLOY", /** * The external (EXTERNAL) deployment type enables you to use any third-party deployment controller */ EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL" } /** * Propagate tags from either service or task definition */ export declare enum PropagatedTagSource { /** * Propagate tags from service */ SERVICE = "SERVICE", /** * Propagate tags from task definition */ TASK_DEFINITION = "TASK_DEFINITION", /** * Do not propagate */ NONE = "NONE" }