import * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager'; import { ContainerDefinition } from '../container-definition'; import { ContainerImage, ContainerImageConfig } from '../container-image'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * The properties for an image hosted in a public or private repository. */ export interface RepositoryImageProps { /** * The secret to expose to the container that contains the credentials for the image repository. * The supported value is the full ARN of an AWS Secrets Manager secret. */ readonly credentials?: secretsmanager.ISecret; } /** * An image hosted in a public or private repository. For images hosted in Amazon ECR, see * [EcrImage]( */ export declare class RepositoryImage extends ContainerImage { private readonly imageName; private readonly props; /** * Constructs a new instance of the RepositoryImage class. */ constructor(imageName: string, props?: RepositoryImageProps); bind(scope: CoreConstruct, containerDefinition: ContainerDefinition): ContainerImageConfig; }