import { ContainerDefinition, Secret } from '../container-definition'; import { BaseLogDriverProps } from './base-log-driver'; import { LogDriver, LogDriverConfig } from './log-driver'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * Specifies the firelens log driver configuration options. */ export interface FireLensLogDriverProps extends BaseLogDriverProps { /** * The configuration options to send to the log driver. * @default - the log driver options */ readonly options?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * The secrets to pass to the log configuration. * @default - No secret options provided. */ readonly secretOptions?: { [key: string]: Secret; }; } /** * FireLens enables you to use task definition parameters to route logs to an AWS service * or AWS Partner Network (APN) destination for log storage and analytics */ export declare class FireLensLogDriver extends LogDriver { /** * The configuration options to send to the log driver. * @default - the log driver options */ private options?; /** * The secrets to pass to the log configuration. * @default - No secret options provided. */ private secretOptions?; /** * Constructs a new instance of the FireLensLogDriver class. * @param props the awsfirelens log driver configuration options. */ constructor(props: FireLensLogDriverProps); /** * Called when the log driver is configured on a container */ bind(_scope: CoreConstruct, _containerDefinition: ContainerDefinition): LogDriverConfig; }