import { Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { TaskDefinition } from '../base/task-definition'; import { Secret } from '../container-definition'; import { CfnTaskDefinition } from '../ecs.generated'; import { BaseLogDriverProps } from './base-log-driver'; /** * Remove undefined values from a dictionary */ export declare function removeEmpty(x: { [key: string]: (T | undefined | string); }): { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Checks that a value is a positive integer */ export declare function ensurePositiveInteger(val: number): void; /** * Checks that a value is contained in a range of two other values */ export declare function ensureInRange(val: number, start: number, end: number): void; export declare function stringifyOptions(options: { [key: string]: (SecretValue | Duration | string | string[] | number | boolean | undefined); }): { [key: string]: string; }; export declare function renderCommonLogDriverOptions(opts: BaseLogDriverProps): { tag: string | undefined; labels: string | undefined; env: string | undefined; 'env-regex': string | undefined; }; export declare function joinWithCommas(xs?: string[]): string | undefined; export declare function renderLogDriverSecretOptions(secretValue: { [key: string]: Secret; }, taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): CfnTaskDefinition.SecretProperty[];