import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { TaskDefinition } from './base/task-definition'; import { ContainerDefinition, ContainerDefinitionOptions, ContainerDefinitionProps } from './container-definition'; import { ContainerImage } from './container-image'; import { CfnTaskDefinition } from './ecs.generated'; import { LogDriverConfig } from './log-drivers/log-driver'; /** * Firelens log router type, fluentbit or fluentd. * */ export declare enum FirelensLogRouterType { /** * fluentbit */ FLUENTBIT = "fluentbit", /** * fluentd */ FLUENTD = "fluentd" } /** * Firelens configuration file type, s3 or file path. * */ export declare enum FirelensConfigFileType { /** * s3 */ S3 = "s3", /** * fluentd */ FILE = "file" } /** * The options for firelens log router * */ export interface FirelensOptions { /** * By default, Amazon ECS adds additional fields in your log entries that help identify the source of the logs. * You can disable this action by setting enable-ecs-log-metadata to false. * @default - true */ readonly enableECSLogMetadata?: boolean; /** * Custom configuration file, s3 or file. * Both configFileType and configFileValue must be used together * to define a custom configuration source. * * @default - determined by checking configFileValue with S3 ARN. */ readonly configFileType?: FirelensConfigFileType; /** * Custom configuration file, S3 ARN or a file path * Both configFileType and configFileValue must be used together * to define a custom configuration source. * * @default - no config file value */ readonly configFileValue?: string; } /** * Firelens Configuration * */ export interface FirelensConfig { /** * The log router to use * @default - fluentbit */ readonly type: FirelensLogRouterType; /** * Firelens options * @default - no additional options */ readonly options?: FirelensOptions; } /** * The properties in a firelens log router. */ export interface FirelensLogRouterProps extends ContainerDefinitionProps { /** * Firelens configuration */ readonly firelensConfig: FirelensConfig; } /** * The options for creating a firelens log router. */ export interface FirelensLogRouterDefinitionOptions extends ContainerDefinitionOptions { /** * Firelens configuration */ readonly firelensConfig: FirelensConfig; } /** * Obtain Fluent Bit image in Amazon ECR and setup corresponding IAM permissions. * ECR image pull permissions will be granted in task execution role. * Cloudwatch logs, Kinesis data stream or firehose permissions will be grant by check options in logDriverConfig. * */ export declare function obtainDefaultFluentBitECRImage(task: TaskDefinition, logDriverConfig?: LogDriverConfig, imageTag?: string): ContainerImage; /** * Firelens log router */ export declare class FirelensLogRouter extends ContainerDefinition { /** * Firelens configuration */ readonly firelensConfig: FirelensConfig; /** * Constructs a new instance of the FirelensLogRouter class. */ constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: FirelensLogRouterProps); /** * Render this container definition to a CloudFormation object */ renderContainerDefinition(_taskDefinition?: TaskDefinition): CfnTaskDefinition.ContainerDefinitionProperty; }