import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events'; import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import * as sfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions'; import { TargetBaseProps } from './util'; /** * Customize the Step Functions State Machine target */ export interface SfnStateMachineProps extends TargetBaseProps { /** * The input to the state machine execution * * @default the entire EventBridge event */ readonly input?: events.RuleTargetInput; /** * The IAM role to be assumed to execute the State Machine * * @default - a new role will be created */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; } /** * Use a StepFunctions state machine as a target for Amazon EventBridge rules. */ export declare class SfnStateMachine implements events.IRuleTarget { readonly machine: sfn.IStateMachine; private readonly props; private readonly role; constructor(machine: sfn.IStateMachine, props?: SfnStateMachineProps); /** * Returns a properties that are used in an Rule to trigger this State Machine * * @see */ bind(_rule: events.IRule, _id?: string): events.RuleTargetConfig; }