import { IResource, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { HttpMethod, IConnection } from './connection'; /** * The event API Destination properties */ export interface ApiDestinationProps { /** * The name for the API destination. * @default - A unique name will be generated */ readonly apiDestinationName?: string; /** * A description for the API destination. * * @default - none */ readonly description?: string; /** * The ARN of the connection to use for the API destination */ readonly connection: IConnection; /** * The URL to the HTTP invocation endpoint for the API destination.. */ readonly endpoint: string; /** * The method to use for the request to the HTTP invocation endpoint. * * @default HttpMethod.POST */ readonly httpMethod?: HttpMethod; /** * The maximum number of requests per second to send to the HTTP invocation endpoint. * * @default - Not rate limited */ readonly rateLimitPerSecond?: number; } /** * Interface for API Destinations */ export interface IApiDestination extends IResource { /** * The Name of the Api Destination created. * @attribute */ readonly apiDestinationName: string; /** * The ARN of the Api Destination created. * @attribute */ readonly apiDestinationArn: string; } /** * Define an EventBridge Api Destination * * @resource AWS::Events::ApiDestination */ export declare class ApiDestination extends Resource implements IApiDestination { /** * The Connection to associate with Api Destination */ readonly connection: IConnection; /** * The Name of the Api Destination created. * @attribute */ readonly apiDestinationName: string; /** * The ARN of the Api Destination created. * @attribute */ readonly apiDestinationArn: string; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ApiDestinationProps); }