import { IConstruct } from 'constructs'; import { IManagedPolicy } from './managed-policy'; /** * Modify the Permissions Boundaries of Users and Roles in a construct tree * * ```ts * const policy = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('ReadOnlyAccess'); * iam.PermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(policy); * ``` */ export declare class PermissionsBoundary { private readonly scope; /** * Access the Permissions Boundaries of a construct tree */ static of(scope: IConstruct): PermissionsBoundary; private constructor(); /** * Apply the given policy as Permissions Boundary to all Roles and Users in * the scope. * * Will override any Permissions Boundaries configured previously; in case * a Permission Boundary is applied in multiple scopes, the Boundary applied * closest to the Role wins. */ apply(boundaryPolicy: IManagedPolicy): void; /** * Remove previously applied Permissions Boundaries */ clear(): void; }