import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { IOpenIdConnectProvider } from './oidc-provider'; import { PolicyDocument } from './policy-document'; import { Condition, Conditions, PolicyStatement } from './policy-statement'; import { ISamlProvider } from './saml-provider'; /** * Any object that has an associated principal that a permission can be granted to */ export interface IGrantable { /** * The principal to grant permissions to */ readonly grantPrincipal: IPrincipal; } /** * Represents a logical IAM principal. * * An IPrincipal describes a logical entity that can perform AWS API calls * against sets of resources, optionally under certain conditions. * * Examples of simple principals are IAM objects that you create, such * as Users or Roles. * * An example of a more complex principals is a `ServicePrincipal` (such as * `new ServicePrincipal("")`, which represents the Simple * Notifications Service). * * A single logical Principal may also map to a set of physical principals. * For example, `new OrganizationPrincipal('o-1234')` represents all * identities that are part of the given AWS Organization. */ export interface IPrincipal extends IGrantable { /** * When this Principal is used in an AssumeRole policy, the action to use. */ readonly assumeRoleAction: string; /** * Return the policy fragment that identifies this principal in a Policy. */ readonly policyFragment: PrincipalPolicyFragment; /** * The AWS account ID of this principal. * Can be undefined when the account is not known * (for example, for service principals). * Can be a Token - in that case, * it's assumed to be AWS::AccountId. */ readonly principalAccount?: string; /** * Add to the policy of this principal. * * @returns true if the statement was added, false if the principal in * question does not have a policy document to add the statement to. * * @deprecated Use `addToPrincipalPolicy` instead. */ addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean; /** * Add to the policy of this principal. */ addToPrincipalPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult; } /** * Interface for principals that can be compared. * * This only needs to be implemented for principals that could potentially be value-equal. * Identity-equal principals will be handled correctly by default. */ export interface IComparablePrincipal extends IPrincipal { /** * Return a string format of this principal which should be identical if the two * principals are the same. */ dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * Helper class for working with `IComparablePrincipal`s */ export declare class ComparablePrincipal { /** * Whether or not the given principal is a comparable principal */ static isComparablePrincipal(x: IPrincipal): x is IComparablePrincipal; /** * Return the dedupeString of the given principal, if available */ static dedupeStringFor(x: IPrincipal): string | undefined; } /** * A type of principal that has more control over its own representation in AssumeRolePolicyDocuments * * More complex types of identity providers need more control over Role's policy documents * than simply `{ Effect: 'Allow', Action: 'AssumeRole', Principal: }`. * * If that control is necessary, they can implement `IAssumeRolePrincipal` to get full * access to a Role's AssumeRolePolicyDocument. */ export interface IAssumeRolePrincipal extends IPrincipal { /** * Add the princpial to the AssumeRolePolicyDocument * * Add the statements to the AssumeRolePolicyDocument necessary to give this principal * permissions to assume the given role. */ addToAssumeRolePolicy(document: PolicyDocument): void; } /** * Result of calling `addToPrincipalPolicy` */ export interface AddToPrincipalPolicyResult { /** * Whether the statement was added to the identity's policies. * */ readonly statementAdded: boolean; /** * Dependable which allows depending on the policy change being applied * * @default - Required if `statementAdded` is true. */ readonly policyDependable?: cdk.IDependable; } /** * Base class for policy principals */ export declare abstract class PrincipalBase implements IAssumeRolePrincipal, IComparablePrincipal { readonly grantPrincipal: IPrincipal; readonly principalAccount: string | undefined; /** * Return the policy fragment that identifies this principal in a Policy. */ abstract readonly policyFragment: PrincipalPolicyFragment; /** * When this Principal is used in an AssumeRole policy, the action to use. */ readonly assumeRoleAction: string; addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean; addToPrincipalPolicy(_statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult; addToAssumeRolePolicy(document: PolicyDocument): void; toString(): string; /** * JSON-ify the principal * * Used when JSON.stringify() is called */ toJSON(): { [key: string]: string[]; }; /** * Returns a new PrincipalWithConditions using this principal as the base, with the * passed conditions added. * * When there is a value for the same operator and key in both the principal and the * conditions parameter, the value from the conditions parameter will be used. * * @returns a new PrincipalWithConditions object. */ withConditions(conditions: Conditions): PrincipalBase; /** * Returns a new principal using this principal as the base, with session tags enabled. * * @returns a new SessionTagsPrincipal object. */ withSessionTags(): PrincipalBase; /** * Return whether or not this principal is equal to the given principal */ abstract dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * Base class for Principals that wrap other principals */ declare abstract class PrincipalAdapter extends PrincipalBase { protected readonly wrapped: IPrincipal; readonly assumeRoleAction: string; readonly principalAccount: string | undefined; constructor(wrapped: IPrincipal); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean; addToPrincipalPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult; /** * Append the given string to the wrapped principal's dedupe string (if available) */ protected appendDedupe(append: string): string | undefined; } /** * An IAM principal with additional conditions specifying when the policy is in effect. * * For more information about conditions, see: * */ export declare class PrincipalWithConditions extends PrincipalAdapter { private additionalConditions; constructor(principal: IPrincipal, conditions: Conditions); /** * Add a condition to the principal */ addCondition(key: string, value: Condition): void; /** * Adds multiple conditions to the principal * * Values from the conditions parameter will overwrite existing values with the same operator * and key. */ addConditions(conditions: Conditions): void; /** * The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( */ get conditions(): Record; get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; /** * JSON-ify the principal * * Used when JSON.stringify() is called */ toJSON(): { [key: string]: string[]; }; dedupeString(): string | undefined; private mergeConditions; } /** * Enables session tags on role assumptions from a principal * * For more information on session tags, see: * */ export declare class SessionTagsPrincipal extends PrincipalAdapter { constructor(principal: IPrincipal); addToAssumeRolePolicy(doc: PolicyDocument): void; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * A collection of the fields in a PolicyStatement that can be used to identify a principal. * * This consists of the JSON used in the "Principal" field, and optionally a * set of "Condition"s that need to be applied to the policy. * * Generally, a principal looks like: * * { '': ['ID', 'ID', ...] } * * And this is also the type of the field `principalJson`. However, there is a * special type of principal that is just the string '*', which is treated * differently by some services. To represent that principal, `principalJson` * should contain `{ 'LiteralString': ['*'] }`. */ export declare class PrincipalPolicyFragment { readonly principalJson: { [key: string]: string[]; }; /** * The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( */ readonly conditions: Conditions; /** * * @param principalJson JSON of the "Principal" section in a policy statement * @param conditions conditions that need to be applied to this policy */ constructor(principalJson: { [key: string]: string[]; }, /** * The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( */ conditions?: Conditions); } /** * Specify a principal by the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). * You can specify AWS accounts, IAM users, Federated SAML users, IAM roles, and specific assumed-role sessions. * You cannot specify IAM groups or instance profiles as principals * * @see */ export declare class ArnPrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly arn: string; /** * * @param arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal entity (i.e. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name) */ constructor(arn: string); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; /** * A convenience method for adding a condition that the principal is part of the specified * AWS Organization. */ inOrganization(organizationId: string): PrincipalBase; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * Specify AWS account ID as the principal entity in a policy to delegate authority to the account. */ export declare class AccountPrincipal extends ArnPrincipal { readonly accountId: any; readonly principalAccount: string | undefined; /** * * @param accountId AWS account ID (i.e. 123456789012) */ constructor(accountId: any); toString(): string; } /** * Options for a service principal. */ export interface ServicePrincipalOpts { /** * The region in which the service is operating. * * @default - the current Stack's region. * @deprecated You should not need to set this. The stack's region is always correct. */ readonly region?: string; /** * Additional conditions to add to the Service Principal * * @default - No conditions */ readonly conditions?: { [key: string]: any; }; } /** * An IAM principal that represents an AWS service (i.e. */ export declare class ServicePrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly service: string; private readonly opts; /** * Translate the given service principal name based on the region it's used in. * * For example, for Chinese regions this may (depending on whether that's necessary * for the given service principal) append `.cn` to the name. * * The `region-info` module is used to obtain this information. * * @example * const principalName = iam.ServicePrincipal.servicePrincipalName(''); */ static servicePrincipalName(service: string): string; /** * * @param service AWS service (i.e. */ constructor(service: string, opts?: ServicePrincipalOpts); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * A principal that represents an AWS Organization */ export declare class OrganizationPrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly organizationId: string; /** * * @param organizationId The unique identifier (ID) of an organization (i.e. o-12345abcde) */ constructor(organizationId: string); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * A policy principal for canonicalUserIds - useful for S3 bucket policies that use * Origin Access identities. * * See * * and * * * * for more details. * */ export declare class CanonicalUserPrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly canonicalUserId: string; /** * * @param canonicalUserId unique identifier assigned by AWS for every account. * root user and IAM users for an account all see the same ID. * (i.e. 79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2be) */ constructor(canonicalUserId: string); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * Principal entity that represents a federated identity provider such as Amazon Cognito, * that can be used to provide temporary security credentials to users who have been authenticated. * Additional condition keys are available when the temporary security credentials are used to make a request. * You can use these keys to write policies that limit the access of federated users. * * @see */ export declare class FederatedPrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly federated: string; readonly conditions: Conditions; readonly assumeRoleAction: string; /** * * @param federated federated identity provider (i.e. '' for users authenticated through Cognito) * @param conditions The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( * @param sessionTags Whether to enable session tagging (see */ constructor(federated: string, conditions: Conditions, assumeRoleAction?: string); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * A principal that represents a federated identity provider as Web Identity such as Cognito, Amazon, * Facebook, Google, etc. */ export declare class WebIdentityPrincipal extends FederatedPrincipal { /** * * @param identityProvider identity provider (i.e. '' for users authenticated through Cognito) * @param conditions The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( * @param sessionTags Whether to enable session tagging (see */ constructor(identityProvider: string, conditions?: Conditions); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; } /** * A principal that represents a federated identity provider as from a OpenID Connect provider. */ export declare class OpenIdConnectPrincipal extends WebIdentityPrincipal { /** * * @param openIdConnectProvider OpenID Connect provider * @param conditions The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( */ constructor(openIdConnectProvider: IOpenIdConnectProvider, conditions?: Conditions); get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; } /** * Principal entity that represents a SAML federated identity provider */ export declare class SamlPrincipal extends FederatedPrincipal { constructor(samlProvider: ISamlProvider, conditions: Conditions); toString(): string; } /** * Principal entity that represents a SAML federated identity provider for * programmatic and AWS Management Console access. */ export declare class SamlConsolePrincipal extends SamlPrincipal { constructor(samlProvider: ISamlProvider, conditions?: Conditions); toString(): string; } /** * Use the AWS account into which a stack is deployed as the principal entity in a policy */ export declare class AccountRootPrincipal extends AccountPrincipal { constructor(); toString(): string; } /** * A principal representing all AWS identities in all accounts * * Some services behave differently when you specify `Principal: '*'` * or `Principal: { AWS: "*" }` in their resource policy. * * `AnyPrincipal` renders to `Principal: { AWS: "*" }`. This is correct * most of the time, but in cases where you need the other principal, * use `StarPrincipal` instead. */ export declare class AnyPrincipal extends ArnPrincipal { constructor(); toString(): string; } /** * A principal representing all identities in all accounts * @deprecated use `AnyPrincipal` */ export declare class Anyone extends AnyPrincipal { } /** * A principal that uses a literal '*' in the IAM JSON language * * Some services behave differently when you specify `Principal: "*"` * or `Principal: { AWS: "*" }` in their resource policy. * * `StarPrincipal` renders to `Principal: *`. Most of the time, you * should use `AnyPrincipal` instead. */ export declare class StarPrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly policyFragment: PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } /** * Represents a principal that has multiple types of principals. A composite principal cannot * have conditions. i.e. multiple ServicePrincipals that form a composite principal */ export declare class CompositePrincipal extends PrincipalBase { readonly assumeRoleAction: string; private readonly principals; constructor(...principals: IPrincipal[]); /** * Adds IAM principals to the composite principal. Composite principals cannot have * conditions. * * @param principals IAM principals that will be added to the composite principal */ addPrincipals(...principals: IPrincipal[]): this; addToAssumeRolePolicy(doc: PolicyDocument): void; get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; toString(): string; dedupeString(): string | undefined; } export {};