import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { Grant } from './grant'; import { IManagedPolicy } from './managed-policy'; import { Policy } from './policy'; import { PolicyStatement } from './policy-statement'; import { AddToPrincipalPolicyResult, IPrincipal, PrincipalPolicyFragment } from './principals'; import { IRole, RoleProps } from './role'; /** * Properties for defining a LazyRole */ export interface LazyRoleProps extends RoleProps { } /** * An IAM role that only gets attached to the construct tree once it gets used, not before * * This construct can be used to simplify logic in other constructs * which need to create a role but only if certain configurations occur * (such as when AutoScaling is configured). The role can be configured in one * place, but if it never gets used it doesn't get instantiated and will * not be synthesized or deployed. * * @resource AWS::IAM::Role */ export declare class LazyRole extends cdk.Resource implements IRole { private readonly props; readonly grantPrincipal: IPrincipal; readonly principalAccount: string | undefined; readonly assumeRoleAction: string; private role?; private readonly statements; private readonly policies; private readonly managedPolicies; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: LazyRoleProps); /** * Adds a permission to the role's default policy document. * If there is no default policy attached to this role, it will be created. * @param statement The permission statement to add to the policy document */ addToPrincipalPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult; addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean; /** * Attaches a policy to this role. * @param policy The policy to attach */ attachInlinePolicy(policy: Policy): void; /** * Attaches a managed policy to this role. * @param policy The managed policy to attach. */ addManagedPolicy(policy: IManagedPolicy): void; /** * Returns the ARN of this role. */ get roleArn(): string; /** * Returns the stable and unique string identifying the role (i.e. AIDAJQABLZS4A3QDU576Q) * * @attribute */ get roleId(): string; get roleName(): string; get policyFragment(): PrincipalPolicyFragment; /** * Grant the actions defined in actions to the identity Principal on this resource. */ grant(identity: IPrincipal, ...actions: string[]): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to pass this role. */ grantPassRole(identity: IPrincipal): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to assume this role. */ grantAssumeRole(identity: IPrincipal): Grant; private instantiate; }