import { IConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { IPrincipal, ServicePrincipalOpts } from './principals'; /** * Represents a statement in an IAM policy document. */ export declare class PolicyStatement { /** * Creates a new PolicyStatement based on the object provided. * This will accept an object created from the `.toJSON()` call * @param obj the PolicyStatement in object form. */ static fromJson(obj: any): PolicyStatement; /** * Statement ID for this statement */ sid?: string; /** * Whether to allow or deny the actions in this statement */ effect: Effect; private readonly _action; private readonly _notAction; private readonly _principal; private readonly _notPrincipal; private readonly _resource; private readonly _notResource; private readonly _condition; private principalConditionsJson?; private readonly _principals; private readonly _notPrincipals; constructor(props?: PolicyStatementProps); /** * Specify allowed actions into the "Action" section of the policy statement. * * @see * * @param actions actions that will be allowed. */ addActions(...actions: string[]): void; /** * Explicitly allow all actions except the specified list of actions into the "NotAction" section * of the policy document. * * @see * * @param notActions actions that will be denied. All other actions will be permitted. */ addNotActions(...notActions: string[]): void; /** * Indicates if this permission has a "Principal" section. */ get hasPrincipal(): boolean; /** * Adds principals to the "Principal" section of a policy statement. * * @see * * @param principals IAM principals that will be added */ addPrincipals(...principals: IPrincipal[]): void; /** * Specify principals that is not allowed or denied access to the "NotPrincipal" section of * a policy statement. * * @see * * @param notPrincipals IAM principals that will be denied access */ addNotPrincipals(...notPrincipals: IPrincipal[]): void; private validatePolicyPrincipal; /** * Specify AWS account ID as the principal entity to the "Principal" section of a policy statement. */ addAwsAccountPrincipal(accountId: string): void; /** * Specify a principal using the ARN identifier of the principal. * You cannot specify IAM groups and instance profiles as principals. * * @param arn ARN identifier of AWS account, IAM user, or IAM role (i.e. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/user-name) */ addArnPrincipal(arn: string): void; /** * Adds a service principal to this policy statement. * * @param service the service name for which a service principal is requested (e.g: ``). * @param opts options for adding the service principal (such as specifying a principal in a different region) */ addServicePrincipal(service: string, opts?: ServicePrincipalOpts): void; /** * Adds a federated identity provider such as Amazon Cognito to this policy statement. * * @param federated federated identity provider (i.e. '') * @param conditions The conditions under which the policy is in effect. * See [the IAM documentation]( */ addFederatedPrincipal(federated: any, conditions: Conditions): void; /** * Adds an AWS account root user principal to this policy statement */ addAccountRootPrincipal(): void; /** * Adds a canonical user ID principal to this policy document * * @param canonicalUserId unique identifier assigned by AWS for every account */ addCanonicalUserPrincipal(canonicalUserId: string): void; /** * Adds all identities in all accounts ("*") to this policy statement */ addAnyPrincipal(): void; /** * Specify resources that this policy statement applies into the "Resource" section of * this policy statement. * * @see * * @param arns Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources that this policy statement applies to */ addResources(...arns: string[]): void; /** * Specify resources that this policy statement will not apply to in the "NotResource" section * of this policy statement. All resources except the specified list will be matched. * * @see * * @param arns Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources that this policy statement does not apply to */ addNotResources(...arns: string[]): void; /** * Adds a ``"*"`` resource to this statement. */ addAllResources(): void; /** * Indicates if this permission has at least one resource associated with it. */ get hasResource(): boolean; /** * Add a condition to the Policy * * If multiple calls are made to add a condition with the same operator and field, only * the last one wins. For example: * * ```ts * declare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement; * * stmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '1' }); * stmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '2' }); * ``` * * Will end up with the single condition `StringEquals: { 'aws:SomeField': '2' }`. * * If you meant to add a condition to say that the field can be *either* `1` or `2`, write * this: * * ```ts * declare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement; * * stmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': ['1', '2'] }); * ``` */ addCondition(key: string, value: Condition): void; /** * Add multiple conditions to the Policy * * See the `addCondition` function for a caveat on calling this method multiple times. */ addConditions(conditions: Conditions): void; /** * Add a condition that limits to a given account * * This method can only be called once: subsequent calls will overwrite earlier calls. */ addAccountCondition(accountId: string): void; /** * Create a new `PolicyStatement` with the same exact properties * as this one, except for the overrides */ copy(overrides?: PolicyStatementProps): PolicyStatement; /** * JSON-ify the policy statement * * Used when JSON.stringify() is called */ toStatementJson(): any; /** * String representation of this policy statement */ toString(): string; /** * JSON-ify the statement * * Used when JSON.stringify() is called */ toJSON(): any; /** * Add a principal's conditions * * For convenience, principals have been modeled as both a principal * and a set of conditions. This makes it possible to have a single * object represent e.g. an "SNS Topic" (SNS service principal + aws:SourcArn * condition) or an Organization member (* + aws:OrgId condition). * * However, when using multiple principals in the same policy statement, * they must all have the same conditions or the OR samentics * implied by a list of principals cannot be guaranteed (user needs to * add multiple statements in that case). */ private addPrincipalConditions; /** * Validate that the policy statement satisfies base requirements for a policy. * * @returns An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the statement is valid. */ validateForAnyPolicy(): string[]; /** * Validate that the policy statement satisfies all requirements for a resource-based policy. * * @returns An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the statement is valid. */ validateForResourcePolicy(): string[]; /** * Validate that the policy statement satisfies all requirements for an identity-based policy. * * @returns An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the statement is valid. */ validateForIdentityPolicy(): string[]; /** * The Actions added to this statement */ get actions(): string[]; /** * The NotActions added to this statement */ get notActions(): string[]; /** * The Principals added to this statement */ get principals(): IPrincipal[]; /** * The NotPrincipals added to this statement */ get notPrincipals(): IPrincipal[]; /** * The Resources added to this statement */ get resources(): string[]; /** * The NotResources added to this statement */ get notResources(): string[]; /** * The conditions added to this statement */ get conditions(): any; /** * Estimate the size of this policy statement * * By necessity, this will not be accurate. We'll do our best to overestimate * so we won't have nasty surprises. * * @internal */ _estimateSize(options: EstimateSizeOptions): number; } /** * The Effect element of an IAM policy * * @see */ export declare enum Effect { /** * Allows access to a resource in an IAM policy statement. By default, access to resources are denied. */ ALLOW = "Allow", /** * Explicitly deny access to a resource. By default, all requests are denied implicitly. * * @see */ DENY = "Deny" } /** * Condition for when an IAM policy is in effect. Maps from the keys in a request's context to * a string value or array of string values. See the Conditions interface for more details. */ export declare type Condition = any; /** * Conditions for when an IAM Policy is in effect, specified in the following structure: * * `{ "Operator": { "keyInRequestContext": "value" } }` * * The value can be either a single string value or an array of string values. * * For more information, including which operators are supported, see [the IAM * documentation]( */ export declare type Conditions = Record; /** * Interface for creating a policy statement */ export interface PolicyStatementProps { /** * The Sid (statement ID) is an optional identifier that you provide for the * policy statement. You can assign a Sid value to each statement in a * statement array. In services that let you specify an ID element, such as * SQS and SNS, the Sid value is just a sub-ID of the policy document's ID. In * IAM, the Sid value must be unique within a JSON policy. * * @default - no sid */ readonly sid?: string; /** * List of actions to add to the statement * * @default - no actions */ readonly actions?: string[]; /** * List of not actions to add to the statement * * @default - no not-actions */ readonly notActions?: string[]; /** * List of principals to add to the statement * * @default - no principals */ readonly principals?: IPrincipal[]; /** * List of not principals to add to the statement * * @default - no not principals */ readonly notPrincipals?: IPrincipal[]; /** * Resource ARNs to add to the statement * * @default - no resources */ readonly resources?: string[]; /** * NotResource ARNs to add to the statement * * @default - no not-resources */ readonly notResources?: string[]; /** * Conditions to add to the statement * * @default - no condition */ readonly conditions?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Whether to allow or deny the actions in this statement * * @default Effect.ALLOW */ readonly effect?: Effect; } /** * Options for _estimateSize * * These can optionally come from context, but it's too expensive to look * them up every time so we bundle them into a struct first. * * @internal */ export interface EstimateSizeOptions { /** * Estimated size of an unresolved ARN */ readonly arnEstimate: number; /** * Estimated size of an unresolved action */ readonly actionEstimate: number; } /** * Derive the size estimation options from context * * @internal */ export declare function deriveEstimateSizeOptions(scope: IConstruct): EstimateSizeOptions;