import { Duration, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { Grant } from './grant'; import { IIdentity } from './identity-base'; import { IManagedPolicy } from './managed-policy'; import { Policy } from './policy'; import { PolicyDocument } from './policy-document'; import { PolicyStatement } from './policy-statement'; import { AddToPrincipalPolicyResult, IPrincipal, PrincipalPolicyFragment } from './principals'; /** * Properties for defining an IAM Role */ export interface RoleProps { /** * The IAM principal (i.e. `new ServicePrincipal('')`) * which can assume this role. * * You can later modify the assume role policy document by accessing it via * the `assumeRolePolicy` property. */ readonly assumedBy: IPrincipal; /** * ID that the role assumer needs to provide when assuming this role * * If the configured and provided external IDs do not match, the * AssumeRole operation will fail. * * @deprecated see {@link externalIds} * * @default No external ID required */ readonly externalId?: string; /** * List of IDs that the role assumer needs to provide one of when assuming this role * * If the configured and provided external IDs do not match, the * AssumeRole operation will fail. * * @default No external ID required */ readonly externalIds?: string[]; /** * A list of managed policies associated with this role. * * You can add managed policies later using * `addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(policyName))`. * * @default - No managed policies. */ readonly managedPolicies?: IManagedPolicy[]; /** * A list of named policies to inline into this role. These policies will be * created with the role, whereas those added by ``addToPolicy`` are added * using a separate CloudFormation resource (allowing a way around circular * dependencies that could otherwise be introduced). * * @default - No policy is inlined in the Role resource. */ readonly inlinePolicies?: { [name: string]: PolicyDocument; }; /** * The path associated with this role. For information about IAM paths, see * Friendly Names and Paths in IAM User Guide. * * @default / */ readonly path?: string; /** * AWS supports permissions boundaries for IAM entities (users or roles). * A permissions boundary is an advanced feature for using a managed policy * to set the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to * an IAM entity. An entity's permissions boundary allows it to perform only * the actions that are allowed by both its identity-based policies and its * permissions boundaries. * * @link * @link * * @default - No permissions boundary. */ readonly permissionsBoundary?: IManagedPolicy; /** * A name for the IAM role. For valid values, see the RoleName parameter for * the CreateRole action in the IAM API Reference. * * IMPORTANT: If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require * replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or * some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. * * If you specify a name, you must specify the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM value to * acknowledge your template's capabilities. For more information, see * Acknowledging IAM Resources in AWS CloudFormation Templates. * * @default - AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID * for the role name. */ readonly roleName?: string; /** * The maximum session duration that you want to set for the specified role. * This setting can have a value from 1 hour (3600sec) to 12 (43200sec) hours. * * Anyone who assumes the role from the AWS CLI or API can use the * DurationSeconds API parameter or the duration-seconds CLI parameter to * request a longer session. The MaxSessionDuration setting determines the * maximum duration that can be requested using the DurationSeconds * parameter. * * If users don't specify a value for the DurationSeconds parameter, their * security credentials are valid for one hour by default. This applies when * you use the AssumeRole* API operations or the assume-role* CLI operations * but does not apply when you use those operations to create a console URL. * * @link * * @default Duration.hours(1) */ readonly maxSessionDuration?: Duration; /** * A description of the role. It can be up to 1000 characters long. * * @default - No description. */ readonly description?: string; } /** * Options allowing customizing the behavior of {@link Role.fromRoleArn}. */ export interface FromRoleArnOptions { /** * Whether the imported role can be modified by attaching policy resources to it. * * @default true */ readonly mutable?: boolean; /** * For immutable roles: add grants to resources instead of dropping them * * If this is `false` or not specified, grant permissions added to this role are ignored. * It is your own responsibility to make sure the role has the required permissions. * * If this is `true`, any grant permissions will be added to the resource instead. * * @default false */ readonly addGrantsToResources?: boolean; } /** * IAM Role * * Defines an IAM role. The role is created with an assume policy document associated with * the specified AWS service principal defined in `serviceAssumeRole`. */ export declare class Role extends Resource implements IRole { /** * Import an external role by ARN. * * If the imported Role ARN is a Token (such as a * `CfnParameter.valueAsString` or a `Fn.importValue()`) *and* the referenced * role has a `path` (like `arn:...:role/AdminRoles/Alice`), the * `roleName` property will not resolve to the correct value. Instead it * will resolve to the first path component. We unfortunately cannot express * the correct calculation of the full path name as a CloudFormation * expression. In this scenario the Role ARN should be supplied without the * `path` in order to resolve the correct role resource. * * @param scope construct scope * @param id construct id * @param roleArn the ARN of the role to import * @param options allow customizing the behavior of the returned role */ static fromRoleArn(scope: Construct, id: string, roleArn: string, options?: FromRoleArnOptions): IRole; /** * Import an external role by name. * * The imported role is assumed to exist in the same account as the account * the scope's containing Stack is being deployed to. */ static fromRoleName(scope: Construct, id: string, roleName: string): IRole; readonly grantPrincipal: IPrincipal; readonly principalAccount: string | undefined; readonly assumeRoleAction: string; /** * The assume role policy document associated with this role. */ readonly assumeRolePolicy?: PolicyDocument; /** * Returns the ARN of this role. */ readonly roleArn: string; /** * Returns the stable and unique string identifying the role. For example, * AIDAJQABLZS4A3QDU576Q. * * @attribute */ readonly roleId: string; /** * Returns the name of the role. */ readonly roleName: string; /** * Returns the role. */ readonly policyFragment: PrincipalPolicyFragment; /** * Returns the permissions boundary attached to this role */ readonly permissionsBoundary?: IManagedPolicy; private defaultPolicy?; private readonly managedPolicies; private readonly attachedPolicies; private readonly inlinePolicies; private readonly dependables; private immutableRole?; private _didSplit; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: RoleProps); /** * Adds a permission to the role's default policy document. * If there is no default policy attached to this role, it will be created. * @param statement The permission statement to add to the policy document */ addToPrincipalPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult; addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean; /** * Attaches a managed policy to this role. * @param policy The the managed policy to attach. */ addManagedPolicy(policy: IManagedPolicy): void; /** * Attaches a policy to this role. * @param policy The policy to attach */ attachInlinePolicy(policy: Policy): void; /** * Grant the actions defined in actions to the identity Principal on this resource. */ grant(grantee: IPrincipal, ...actions: string[]): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to pass this role. */ grantPassRole(identity: IPrincipal): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to assume this role. */ grantAssumeRole(identity: IPrincipal): Grant; /** * Return a copy of this Role object whose Policies will not be updated * * Use the object returned by this method if you want this Role to be used by * a construct without it automatically updating the Role's Policies. * * If you do, you are responsible for adding the correct statements to the * Role's policies yourself. */ withoutPolicyUpdates(options?: WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions): IRole; protected validate(): string[]; /** * Split large inline policies into managed policies * * This gets around the 10k bytes limit on role policies. */ private splitLargePolicy; } /** * A Role object */ export interface IRole extends IIdentity { /** * Returns the ARN of this role. * * @attribute */ readonly roleArn: string; /** * Returns the name of this role. * * @attribute */ readonly roleName: string; /** * Grant the actions defined in actions to the identity Principal on this resource. */ grant(grantee: IPrincipal, ...actions: string[]): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to pass this role. */ grantPassRole(grantee: IPrincipal): Grant; /** * Grant permissions to the given principal to assume this role. */ grantAssumeRole(grantee: IPrincipal): Grant; } /** * Options for the `withoutPolicyUpdates()` modifier of a Role */ export interface WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions { /** * Add grants to resources instead of dropping them * * If this is `false` or not specified, grant permissions added to this role are ignored. * It is your own responsibility to make sure the role has the required permissions. * * If this is `true`, any grant permissions will be added to the resource instead. * * @default false */ readonly addGrantsToResources?: boolean; }