import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch'; import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2'; import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import { ConstructNode, IResource, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Architecture } from './architecture'; import { EventInvokeConfigOptions } from './event-invoke-config'; import { IEventSource } from './event-source'; import { EventSourceMapping, EventSourceMappingOptions } from './event-source-mapping'; import { FunctionUrlOptions, FunctionUrl } from './function-url'; import { IVersion } from './lambda-version'; import { Permission } from './permission'; import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; export interface IFunction extends IResource, ec2.IConnectable, iam.IGrantable { /** * The name of the function. * * @attribute */ readonly functionName: string; /** * The ARN of the function. * * @attribute */ readonly functionArn: string; /** * The IAM role associated with this function. */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * Whether or not this Lambda function was bound to a VPC * * If this is is `false`, trying to access the `connections` object will fail. */ readonly isBoundToVpc: boolean; /** * The `$LATEST` version of this function. * * Note that this is reference to a non-specific AWS Lambda version, which * means the function this version refers to can return different results in * different invocations. * * To obtain a reference to an explicit version which references the current * function configuration, use `lambdaFunction.currentVersion` instead. */ readonly latestVersion: IVersion; /** * The construct node where permissions are attached. */ readonly permissionsNode: ConstructNode; /** * The system architectures compatible with this lambda function. */ readonly architecture: Architecture; /** * The ARN(s) to put into the resource field of the generated IAM policy for grantInvoke(). * * This property is for cdk modules to consume only. You should not need to use this property. * Instead, use grantInvoke() directly. */ readonly resourceArnsForGrantInvoke: string[]; /** * Adds an event source that maps to this AWS Lambda function. * @param id construct ID * @param options mapping options */ addEventSourceMapping(id: string, options: EventSourceMappingOptions): EventSourceMapping; /** * Adds a permission to the Lambda resource policy. * @param id The id for the permission construct * @param permission The permission to grant to this Lambda function. @see Permission for details. */ addPermission(id: string, permission: Permission): void; /** * Adds a statement to the IAM role assumed by the instance. */ addToRolePolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void; /** * Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda */ grantInvoke(identity: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant; /** * Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda Function URL */ grantInvokeUrl(identity: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant; /** * Return the given named metric for this Lambda */ metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Metric for the Duration of this Lambda * * @default average over 5 minutes */ metricDuration(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Metric for the number of invocations of this Lambda * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricInvocations(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Metric for the number of throttled invocations of this Lambda * * @default sum over 5 minutes */ metricThrottles(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric; /** * Adds an event source to this function. * * Event sources are implemented in the @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources module. * * The following example adds an SQS Queue as an event source: * ``` * import { SqsEventSource } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources'; * myFunction.addEventSource(new SqsEventSource(myQueue)); * ``` */ addEventSource(source: IEventSource): void; /** * Configures options for asynchronous invocation. */ configureAsyncInvoke(options: EventInvokeConfigOptions): void; /** * Adds a url to this lambda function. */ addFunctionUrl(options?: FunctionUrlOptions): FunctionUrl; } /** * Represents a Lambda function defined outside of this stack. */ export interface FunctionAttributes { /** * The ARN of the Lambda function. * * Format: arn::lambda:::function: */ readonly functionArn: string; /** * The IAM execution role associated with this function. * * If the role is not specified, any role-related operations will no-op. */ readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * Id of the security group of this Lambda, if in a VPC. * * This needs to be given in order to support allowing connections * to this Lambda. * * @deprecated use `securityGroup` instead */ readonly securityGroupId?: string; /** * The security group of this Lambda, if in a VPC. * * This needs to be given in order to support allowing connections * to this Lambda. */ readonly securityGroup?: ec2.ISecurityGroup; /** * Setting this property informs the CDK that the imported function is in the same environment as the stack. * This affects certain behaviours such as, whether this function's permission can be modified. * When not configured, the CDK attempts to auto-determine this. For environment agnostic stacks, i.e., stacks * where the account is not specified with the `env` property, this is determined to be false. * * Set this to property *ONLY IF* the imported function is in the same account as the stack * it's imported in. * @default - depends: true, if the Stack is configured with an explicit `env` (account and region) and the account is the same as this function. * For environment-agnostic stacks this will default to `false`. */ readonly sameEnvironment?: boolean; /** * Setting this property informs the CDK that the imported function ALREADY HAS the necessary permissions * for what you are trying to do. When not configured, the CDK attempts to auto-determine whether or not * additional permissions are necessary on the function when grant APIs are used. If the CDK tried to add * permissions on an imported lambda, it will fail. * * Set this property *ONLY IF* you are committing to manage the imported function's permissions outside of * CDK. You are acknowledging that your CDK code alone will have insufficient permissions to access the * imported function. * * @default false */ readonly skipPermissions?: boolean; /** * The architecture of this Lambda Function (this is an optional attribute and defaults to X86_64). * @default - Architecture.X86_64 */ readonly architecture?: Architecture; } export declare abstract class FunctionBase extends Resource implements IFunction, ec2.IClientVpnConnectionHandler { /** * The principal this Lambda Function is running as */ abstract readonly grantPrincipal: iam.IPrincipal; /** * The name of the function. */ abstract readonly functionName: string; /** * The ARN fo the function. */ abstract readonly functionArn: string; /** * The IAM role associated with this function. * * Undefined if the function was imported without a role. */ abstract readonly role?: iam.IRole; /** * The construct node where permissions are attached. */ abstract readonly permissionsNode: ConstructNode; /** * The architecture of this Lambda Function. */ abstract readonly architecture: Architecture; /** * Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions * * True for new Lambdas, false for version $LATEST and imported Lambdas * from different accounts. */ protected abstract readonly canCreatePermissions: boolean; /** * The ARN(s) to put into the resource field of the generated IAM policy for grantInvoke() */ abstract readonly resourceArnsForGrantInvoke: string[]; /** * Whether the user decides to skip adding permissions. * The only use case is for cross-account, imported lambdas * where the user commits to modifying the permisssions * on the imported lambda outside CDK. * @internal */ protected readonly _skipPermissions?: boolean; /** * Actual connections object for this Lambda * * May be unset, in which case this Lambda is not configured use in a VPC. * @internal */ protected _connections?: ec2.Connections; private _latestVersion?; /** * Flag to delay adding a warning message until current version is invoked. * @internal */ protected _warnIfCurrentVersionCalled: boolean; /** * Mapping of invocation principals to grants. Used to de-dupe `grantInvoke()` calls. * @internal */ protected _invocationGrants: Record; /** * Mapping of fucntion URL invocation principals to grants. Used to de-dupe `grantInvokeUrl()` calls. * @internal */ protected _functionUrlInvocationGrants: Record; /** * A warning will be added to functions under the following conditions: * - permissions that include `lambda:InvokeFunction` are added to the unqualified function. * - function.currentVersion is invoked before or after the permission is created. * * This applies only to permissions on Lambda functions, not versions or aliases. * This function is overridden as a noOp for QualifiedFunctionBase. */ considerWarningOnInvokeFunctionPermissions(scope: Construct, action: string): void; protected warnInvokeFunctionPermissions(scope: Construct): void; /** * Adds a permission to the Lambda resource policy. * @param id The id for the permission construct * @param permission The permission to grant to this Lambda function. @see Permission for details. */ addPermission(id: string, permission: Permission): void; /** * Adds a statement to the IAM role assumed by the instance. */ addToRolePolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void; /** * Access the Connections object * * Will fail if not a VPC-enabled Lambda Function */ get connections(): ec2.Connections; get latestVersion(): IVersion; /** * Whether or not this Lambda function was bound to a VPC * * If this is is `false`, trying to access the `connections` object will fail. */ get isBoundToVpc(): boolean; addEventSourceMapping(id: string, options: EventSourceMappingOptions): EventSourceMapping; /** * Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda */ grantInvoke(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant; /** * Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda Function URL */ grantInvokeUrl(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant; addEventSource(source: IEventSource): void; configureAsyncInvoke(options: EventInvokeConfigOptions): void; addFunctionUrl(options?: FunctionUrlOptions): FunctionUrl; /** * Returns the construct tree node that corresponds to the lambda function. * For use internally for constructs, when the tree is set up in non-standard ways. Ex: SingletonFunction. * @internal */ protected _functionNode(): ConstructNode; /** * Given the function arn, check if the account id matches this account * * Function ARNs look like this: * * arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name * * ..which means that in order to extract the `account-id` component from the ARN, we can * split the ARN using ":" and select the component in index 4. * * @returns true if account id of function matches the account specified on the stack, false otherwise. * * @internal */ protected _isStackAccount(): boolean; private grant; /** * Translate IPrincipal to something we can pass to AWS::Lambda::Permissions * * Do some nasty things because `Permission` supports a subset of what the * full IAM principal language supports, and we may not be able to parse strings * outright because they may be tokens. * * Try to recognize some specific Principal classes first, then try a generic * fallback. */ private parsePermissionPrincipal; private parseConditions; private isPrincipalWithConditions; } export declare abstract class QualifiedFunctionBase extends FunctionBase { abstract readonly lambda: IFunction; readonly permissionsNode: ConstructNode; /** * The qualifier of the version or alias of this function. * A qualifier is the identifier that's appended to a version or alias ARN. * @see */ protected abstract readonly qualifier: string; get latestVersion(): IVersion; get resourceArnsForGrantInvoke(): string[]; configureAsyncInvoke(options: EventInvokeConfigOptions): void; considerWarningOnInvokeFunctionPermissions(_scope: Construct, _action: string): void; }