import { Connections } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2'; import * as efs from '@aws-cdk/aws-efs'; import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import { IDependable } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function */ export interface FileSystemConfig { /** * mount path in the lambda runtime environment */ readonly localMountPath: string; /** * ARN of the access point */ readonly arn: string; /** * array of IDependable that lambda function depends on * * @default - no dependency */ readonly dependency?: IDependable[]; /** * connections object used to allow ingress traffic from lambda function * * @default - no connections required to add extra ingress rules for Lambda function */ readonly connections?: Connections; /** * additional IAM policies required for the lambda function * * @default - no additional policies required */ readonly policies?: iam.PolicyStatement[]; } /** * Represents the filesystem for the Lambda function */ export declare class FileSystem { readonly config: FileSystemConfig; /** * mount the filesystem from Amazon EFS * @param ap the Amazon EFS access point * @param mountPath the target path in the lambda runtime environment */ static fromEfsAccessPoint(ap: efs.IAccessPoint, mountPath: string): FileSystem; /** * @param config the FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function */ protected constructor(config: FileSystemConfig); }