import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam'; import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { ILogGroup } from './log-group'; import { ILogSubscriptionDestination, LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig } from './subscription-filter'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * Properties for a CrossAccountDestination */ export interface CrossAccountDestinationProps { /** * The name of the log destination. * * @default Automatically generated */ readonly destinationName?: string; /** * The role to assume that grants permissions to write to 'target'. * * The role must be assumable by 'logs.{REGION}'. */ readonly role: iam.IRole; /** * The log destination target's ARN */ readonly targetArn: string; } /** * A new CloudWatch Logs Destination for use in cross-account scenarios * * CrossAccountDestinations are used to subscribe a Kinesis stream in a * different account to a CloudWatch Subscription. * * Consumers will hardly ever need to use this class. Instead, directly * subscribe a Kinesis stream using the integration class in the * `@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations` package; if necessary, a * `CrossAccountDestination` will be created automatically. * * @resource AWS::Logs::Destination */ export declare class CrossAccountDestination extends cdk.Resource implements ILogSubscriptionDestination { /** * Policy object of this CrossAccountDestination object */ readonly policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument; /** * The name of this CrossAccountDestination object * @attribute */ readonly destinationName: string; /** * The ARN of this CrossAccountDestination object * @attribute */ readonly destinationArn: string; /** * The inner resource */ private readonly resource; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CrossAccountDestinationProps); addToPolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void; bind(_scope: CoreConstruct, _sourceLogGroup: ILogGroup): LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig; /** * Generate a unique Destination name in case the user didn't supply one */ private generateUniqueName; /** * Return a stringified JSON version of the PolicyDocument */ private lazyStringifiedPolicyDocument; }