import { IResource } from '@aws-cdk/core'; /** * Imported or created hosted zone */ export interface IHostedZone extends IResource { /** * ID of this hosted zone, such as "Z23ABC4XYZL05B" * * @attribute */ readonly hostedZoneId: string; /** * FQDN of this hosted zone */ readonly zoneName: string; /** * ARN of this hosted zone, such as arn:${Partition}:route53:::hostedzone/${Id} * * @attribute */ readonly hostedZoneArn: string; /** * Returns the set of name servers for the specific hosted zone. For example: * * * This attribute will be undefined for private hosted zones or hosted zones imported from another stack. * * @attribute */ readonly hostedZoneNameServers?: string[]; } /** * Reference to a hosted zone */ export interface HostedZoneAttributes { /** * Identifier of the hosted zone */ readonly hostedZoneId: string; /** * Name of the hosted zone */ readonly zoneName: string; } /** * Reference to a public hosted zone */ export interface PublicHostedZoneAttributes extends HostedZoneAttributes { }