import * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns'; import * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs'; import { SubscriptionProps } from './subscription'; /** * Properties for an SQS subscription */ export interface SqsSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps { /** * The message to the queue is the same as it was sent to the topic * * If false, the message will be wrapped in an SNS envelope. * * @default false */ readonly rawMessageDelivery?: boolean; } /** * Use an SQS queue as a subscription target */ export declare class SqsSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription { private readonly queue; private readonly props; constructor(queue: sqs.IQueue, props?: SqsSubscriptionProps); /** * Returns a configuration for an SQS queue to subscribe to an SNS topic */ bind(topic: sns.ITopic): sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig; private regionFromArn; }