import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import * as cfn_parse from '@aws-cdk/core/lib/helpers-internal'; /** * Properties for defining a `CfnSubscription` * * @struct * @stability external * * @link */ export interface CfnSubscriptionProps { /** * The subscription's protocol. For more information, see the `Protocol` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ readonly protocol: string; /** * The ARN of the topic to subscribe to. * * @link */ readonly topicArn: string; /** * The delivery policy JSON assigned to the subscription. Enables the subscriber to define the message delivery retry strategy in the case of an HTTP/S endpoint subscribed to the topic. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* and [Message delivery retries]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ readonly deliveryPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The subscription's endpoint. The endpoint value depends on the protocol that you specify. For more information, see the `Endpoint` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ readonly endpoint?: string; /** * The filter policy JSON assigned to the subscription. Enables the subscriber to filter out unwanted messages. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* and [Message filtering]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ readonly filterPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; /** * When set to `true` , enables raw message delivery. Raw messages don't contain any JSON formatting and can be sent to Amazon SQS and HTTP/S endpoints. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ readonly rawMessageDelivery?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; /** * When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing. * * For more information about the redrive policy and dead-letter queues, see [Amazon SQS dead-letter queues]( in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ readonly redrivePolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; /** * For cross-region subscriptions, the region in which the topic resides. * * If no region is specified, AWS CloudFormation uses the region of the caller as the default. * * If you perform an update operation that only updates the `Region` property of a `AWS::SNS::Subscription` resource, that operation will fail unless you are either: * * - Updating the `Region` from `NULL` to the caller region. * - Updating the `Region` from the caller region to `NULL` . * * @link */ readonly region?: string; /** * This property applies only to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. Specify the ARN of the IAM role that has the following: * * - Permission to write to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream * - Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity * * Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see [Fanout to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide.* * * @link */ readonly subscriptionRoleArn?: string; } /** * A CloudFormation `AWS::SNS::Subscription` * * The `AWS::SNS::Subscription` resource subscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic. For a subscription to be created, the owner of the endpoint must confirm the subscription. * * @cloudformationResource AWS::SNS::Subscription * @stability external * * @link */ export declare class CfnSubscription extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { /** * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. */ static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "AWS::SNS::Subscription"; /** * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. * * @internal */ static _fromCloudFormation(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSubscription; /** * The subscription's protocol. For more information, see the `Protocol` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ protocol: string; /** * The ARN of the topic to subscribe to. * * @link */ topicArn: string; /** * The delivery policy JSON assigned to the subscription. Enables the subscriber to define the message delivery retry strategy in the case of an HTTP/S endpoint subscribed to the topic. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* and [Message delivery retries]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ deliveryPolicy: any | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * The subscription's endpoint. The endpoint value depends on the protocol that you specify. For more information, see the `Endpoint` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ endpoint: string | undefined; /** * The filter policy JSON assigned to the subscription. Enables the subscriber to filter out unwanted messages. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* and [Message filtering]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ filterPolicy: any | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * When set to `true` , enables raw message delivery. Raw messages don't contain any JSON formatting and can be sent to Amazon SQS and HTTP/S endpoints. For more information, see `[GetSubscriptionAttributes](` in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ rawMessageDelivery: boolean | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing. * * For more information about the redrive policy and dead-letter queues, see [Amazon SQS dead-letter queues]( in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . * * @link */ redrivePolicy: any | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * For cross-region subscriptions, the region in which the topic resides. * * If no region is specified, AWS CloudFormation uses the region of the caller as the default. * * If you perform an update operation that only updates the `Region` property of a `AWS::SNS::Subscription` resource, that operation will fail unless you are either: * * - Updating the `Region` from `NULL` to the caller region. * - Updating the `Region` from the caller region to `NULL` . * * @link */ region: string | undefined; /** * This property applies only to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. Specify the ARN of the IAM role that has the following: * * - Permission to write to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream * - Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity * * Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see [Fanout to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams]( in the *Amazon SNS Developer Guide.* * * @link */ subscriptionRoleArn: string | undefined; /** * Create a new `AWS::SNS::Subscription`. * * @param scope - scope in which this resource is defined * @param id - scoped id of the resource * @param props - resource properties */ constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSubscriptionProps); /** * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes. * * @param inspector - tree inspector to collect and process attributes * */ inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void; protected get cfnProperties(): { [key: string]: any; }; protected renderProperties(props: { [key: string]: any; }): { [key: string]: any; }; } /** * Properties for defining a `CfnTopic` * * @struct * @stability external * * @link */ export interface CfnTopicProps { /** * Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics. * * - By default, `ContentBasedDeduplication` is set to `false` . If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is `false` , you must specify a value for the `MessageDeduplicationId` parameter for the [Publish]( action. * - When you set `ContentBasedDeduplication` to `true` , Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the `MessageDeduplicationId` using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message). * * (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the the `MessageDeduplicationId` parameter for the `Publish` action. * * @link */ readonly contentBasedDeduplication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The display name to use for an Amazon SNS topic with SMS subscriptions. * * @link */ readonly displayName?: string; /** * Set to true to create a FIFO topic. * * @link */ readonly fifoTopic?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The ID of an AWS managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see [Key terms]( . For more examples, see `[KeyId](` in the *AWS Key Management Service API Reference* . * * This property applies only to [server-side-encryption]( . * * @link */ readonly kmsMasterKeyId?: string; /** * The Amazon SNS subscriptions (endpoints) for this topic. * * @link */ readonly subscription?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The list of tags to add to a new topic. * * > To be able to tag a topic on creation, you must have the `sns:CreateTopic` and `sns:TagResource` permissions. * * @link */ readonly tags?: cdk.CfnTag[]; /** * The name of the topic you want to create. Topic names must include only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long. FIFO topic names must end with `.fifo` . * * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the topic name. For more information, see [Name type]( . * * > If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. * * @link */ readonly topicName?: string; } /** * A CloudFormation `AWS::SNS::Topic` * * The `AWS::SNS::Topic` resource creates a topic to which notifications can be published. * * > One account can create a maximum of 100,000 standard topics and 1,000 FIFO topics. For more information, see [Amazon SNS endpoints and quotas]( in the *AWS General Reference* . * * @cloudformationResource AWS::SNS::Topic * @stability external * * @link */ export declare class CfnTopic extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { /** * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. */ static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "AWS::SNS::Topic"; /** * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. * * @internal */ static _fromCloudFormation(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTopic; /** * Returns the name of an Amazon SNS topic. * @cloudformationAttribute TopicName */ readonly attrTopicName: string; /** * Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics. * * - By default, `ContentBasedDeduplication` is set to `false` . If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is `false` , you must specify a value for the `MessageDeduplicationId` parameter for the [Publish]( action. * - When you set `ContentBasedDeduplication` to `true` , Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the `MessageDeduplicationId` using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message). * * (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the the `MessageDeduplicationId` parameter for the `Publish` action. * * @link */ contentBasedDeduplication: boolean | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * The display name to use for an Amazon SNS topic with SMS subscriptions. * * @link */ displayName: string | undefined; /** * Set to true to create a FIFO topic. * * @link */ fifoTopic: boolean | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * The ID of an AWS managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see [Key terms]( . For more examples, see `[KeyId](` in the *AWS Key Management Service API Reference* . * * This property applies only to [server-side-encryption]( . * * @link */ kmsMasterKeyId: string | undefined; /** * The Amazon SNS subscriptions (endpoints) for this topic. * * @link */ subscription: Array | cdk.IResolvable | undefined; /** * The list of tags to add to a new topic. * * > To be able to tag a topic on creation, you must have the `sns:CreateTopic` and `sns:TagResource` permissions. * * @link */ readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; /** * The name of the topic you want to create. Topic names must include only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long. FIFO topic names must end with `.fifo` . * * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the topic name. For more information, see [Name type]( . * * > If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. * * @link */ topicName: string | undefined; /** * Create a new `AWS::SNS::Topic`. * * @param scope - scope in which this resource is defined * @param id - scoped id of the resource * @param props - resource properties */ constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: CfnTopicProps); /** * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes. * * @param inspector - tree inspector to collect and process attributes * */ inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void; protected get cfnProperties(): { [key: string]: any; }; protected renderProperties(props: { [key: string]: any; }): { [key: string]: any; }; } export declare namespace CfnTopic { /** * `Subscription` is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints of an Amazon SNS topic. * * > For full control over subscription behavior (for example, delivery policy, filtering, raw message delivery, and cross-region subscriptions), use the [AWS::SNS::Subscription]( resource. * * @struct * @stability external * * @link */ interface SubscriptionProperty { /** * The endpoint that receives notifications from the Amazon SNS topic. The endpoint value depends on the protocol that you specify. For more information, see the `Endpoint` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ readonly endpoint: string; /** * The subscription's protocol. For more information, see the `Protocol` parameter of the `[Subscribe](` action in the *Amazon SNS API Reference* . * * @link */ readonly protocol: string; } } /** * Properties for defining a `CfnTopicPolicy` * * @struct * @stability external * * @link */ export interface CfnTopicPolicyProps { /** * A policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified SNS topics. * * @link */ readonly policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the topics to which you want to add the policy. You can use the `[Ref](` function to specify an `[AWS::SNS::Topic](` resource. * * @link */ readonly topics: string[]; } /** * A CloudFormation `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy` * * The `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy` resource associates Amazon SNS topics with a policy. For an example snippet, see [Declaring an Amazon SNS policy]( in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . * * @cloudformationResource AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy * @stability external * * @link */ export declare class CfnTopicPolicy extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { /** * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. */ static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy"; /** * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. * * @internal */ static _fromCloudFormation(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTopicPolicy; /** * A policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified SNS topics. * * @link */ policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; /** * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the topics to which you want to add the policy. You can use the `[Ref](` function to specify an `[AWS::SNS::Topic](` resource. * * @link */ topics: string[]; /** * Create a new `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`. * * @param scope - scope in which this resource is defined * @param id - scoped id of the resource * @param props - resource properties */ constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTopicPolicyProps); /** * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes. * * @param inspector - tree inspector to collect and process attributes * */ inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void; protected get cfnProperties(): { [key: string]: any; }; protected renderProperties(props: { [key: string]: any; }): { [key: string]: any; }; }