import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { AssetOptions, FileAssetPackaging } from './assets'; import { FingerprintOptions } from './fs'; import { Stack } from './stack'; import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from './construct-compat'; /** * Initialization properties for `AssetStaging`. */ export interface AssetStagingProps extends FingerprintOptions, AssetOptions { /** * The source file or directory to copy from. */ readonly sourcePath: string; } /** * Stages a file or directory from a location on the file system into a staging * directory. * * This is controlled by the context key 'aws:cdk:asset-staging' and enabled * by the CLI by default in order to ensure that when the CDK app exists, all * assets are available for deployment. Otherwise, if an app references assets * in temporary locations, those will not be available when it exists (see * * * The `stagedPath` property is a stringified token that represents the location * of the file or directory after staging. It will be resolved only during the * "prepare" stage and may be either the original path or the staged path * depending on the context setting. * * The file/directory are staged based on their content hash (fingerprint). This * means that only if content was changed, copy will happen. */ export declare class AssetStaging extends CoreConstruct { /** * The directory inside the bundling container into which the asset sources will be mounted. */ static readonly BUNDLING_INPUT_DIR = "/asset-input"; /** * The directory inside the bundling container into which the bundled output should be written. */ static readonly BUNDLING_OUTPUT_DIR = "/asset-output"; /** * Clears the asset hash cache */ static clearAssetHashCache(): void; /** * Cache of asset hashes based on asset configuration to avoid repeated file * system and bundling operations. */ private static assetCache; /** * Absolute path to the asset data. * * If asset staging is disabled, this will just be the source path or * a temporary directory used for bundling. * * If asset staging is enabled it will be the staged path. * * IMPORTANT: If you are going to call `addFileAsset()`, use * `relativeStagedPath()` instead. * * @deprecated - Use `absoluteStagedPath` instead. */ readonly stagedPath: string; /** * Absolute path to the asset data. * * If asset staging is disabled, this will just be the source path or * a temporary directory used for bundling. * * If asset staging is enabled it will be the staged path. * * IMPORTANT: If you are going to call `addFileAsset()`, use * `relativeStagedPath()` instead. */ readonly absoluteStagedPath: string; /** * The absolute path of the asset as it was referenced by the user. */ readonly sourcePath: string; /** * A cryptographic hash of the asset. */ readonly assetHash: string; /** * How this asset should be packaged. */ readonly packaging: FileAssetPackaging; /** * Whether this asset is an archive (zip or jar). */ readonly isArchive: boolean; private readonly fingerprintOptions; private readonly hashType; private readonly assetOutdir; /** * A custom source fingerprint given by the user * * Will not be used literally, always hashed later on. */ private customSourceFingerprint?; private readonly cacheKey; private readonly sourceStats; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: AssetStagingProps); /** * A cryptographic hash of the asset. * * @deprecated see `assetHash`. */ get sourceHash(): string; /** * Return the path to the staged asset, relative to the Cloud Assembly (manifest) directory of the given stack * * Only returns a relative path if the asset was staged, returns an absolute path if * it was not staged. * * A bundled asset might end up in the outDir and still not count as * "staged"; if asset staging is disabled we're technically expected to * reference source directories, but we don't have a source directory for the * bundled outputs (as the bundle output is written to a temporary * directory). Nevertheless, we will still return an absolute path. * * A non-obvious directory layout may look like this: * * ``` * CLOUD ASSEMBLY ROOT * +-- asset.12345abcdef/ * +-- assembly-Stage * +-- MyStack.template.json * +-- MyStack.assets.json <- will contain { "path": "../asset.12345abcdef" } * ``` */ relativeStagedPath(stack: Stack): string; /** * Stage the source to the target by copying * * Optionally skip if staging is disabled, in which case we pretend we did something but we don't really. */ private stageByCopying; /** * Stage the source to the target by bundling * * Optionally skip, in which case we pretend we did something but we don't really. */ private stageByBundling; /** * Whether staging has been disabled */ private get stagingDisabled(); /** * Copies or moves the files from sourcePath to targetPath. * * Moving implies the source directory is temporary and can be trashed. * * Will not do anything if source and target are the same. */ private stageAsset; /** * Determine the directory where we're going to write the bundling output * * This is the target directory where we're going to write the staged output * files if we can (if the hash is fully known), or a temporary directory * otherwise. */ private determineBundleDir; /** * Bundles an asset to the given directory * * If the given directory already exists, assume that everything's already * in order and don't do anything. * * @param options Bundling options * @param bundleDir Where to create the bundle directory * @returns The fully resolved bundle output directory. */ private bundle; private calculateHash; }