import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { CfnHook } from './cfn-hook'; import { FromCloudFormationOptions } from './helpers-internal'; /** * The possible types of traffic shifting for the blue-green deployment configuration. * The type of the {@link CfnTrafficRoutingConfig.type} property. */ export declare enum CfnTrafficRoutingType { /** * Switch from blue to green at once. */ ALL_AT_ONCE = "AllAtOnce", /** * Specifies a configuration that shifts traffic from blue to green in two increments. */ TIME_BASED_CANARY = "TimeBasedCanary", /** * Specifies a configuration that shifts traffic from blue to green in equal increments, * with an equal number of minutes between each increment. */ TIME_BASED_LINEAR = "TimeBasedLinear" } /** * The traffic routing configuration if {@link CfnTrafficRoutingConfig.type} * is {@link CfnTrafficRoutingType.TIME_BASED_CANARY}. */ export interface CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedCanary { /** * The percentage of traffic to shift in the first increment of a time-based canary deployment. * The step percentage must be 14% or greater. * * @default 15 */ readonly stepPercentage?: number; /** * The number of minutes between the first and second traffic shifts of a time-based canary deployment. * * @default 5 */ readonly bakeTimeMins?: number; } /** * The traffic routing configuration if {@link CfnTrafficRoutingConfig.type} * is {@link CfnTrafficRoutingType.TIME_BASED_LINEAR}. */ export interface CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedLinear { /** * The percentage of traffic that is shifted at the start of each increment of a time-based linear deployment. * The step percentage must be 14% or greater. * * @default 15 */ readonly stepPercentage?: number; /** * The number of minutes between the first and second traffic shifts of a time-based linear deployment. * * @default 5 */ readonly bakeTimeMins?: number; } /** * Traffic routing configuration settings. * The type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps.trafficRoutingConfig} property. */ export interface CfnTrafficRoutingConfig { /** * The type of traffic shifting used by the blue-green deployment configuration. */ readonly type: CfnTrafficRoutingType; /** * The configuration for traffic routing when {@link type} is * {@link CfnTrafficRoutingType.TIME_BASED_CANARY}. * * @default - none */ readonly timeBasedCanary?: CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedCanary; /** * The configuration for traffic routing when {@link type} is * {@link CfnTrafficRoutingType.TIME_BASED_LINEAR}. * * @default - none */ readonly timeBasedLinear?: CfnTrafficRoutingTimeBasedLinear; } /** * Additional options for the blue/green deployment. * The type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps.additionalOptions} property. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenAdditionalOptions { /** * Specifies time to wait, in minutes, before terminating the blue resources. * * @default - 5 minutes */ readonly terminationWaitTimeInMinutes?: number; } /** * Lifecycle events for blue-green deployments. * The type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps.lifecycleEventHooks} property. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks { /** * Function to use to run tasks before the replacement task set is created. * * @default - none */ readonly beforeInstall?: string; /** * Function to use to run tasks after the replacement task set is created and one of the target groups is associated with it. * * @default - none */ readonly afterInstall?: string; /** * Function to use to run tasks after the test listener serves traffic to the replacement task set. * * @default - none */ readonly afterAllowTestTraffic?: string; /** * Function to use to run tasks after the second target group is associated with the replacement task set, * but before traffic is shifted to the replacement task set. * * @default - none */ readonly beforeAllowTraffic?: string; /** * Function to use to run tasks after the second target group serves traffic to the replacement task set. * * @default - none */ readonly afterAllowTraffic?: string; } /** * Type of the {@link} property. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplicationTarget { /** * The resource type of the target being deployed. * Right now, the only allowed value is 'AWS::ECS::Service'. */ readonly type: string; /** * The logical id of the target resource. */ readonly logicalId: string; } /** * A traffic route, * representing where the traffic is being directed to. */ export interface CfnTrafficRoute { /** * The resource type of the route. * Today, the only allowed value is 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener'. */ readonly type: string; /** * The logical id of the target resource. */ readonly logicalId: string; } /** * Type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenEcsAttributes.trafficRouting} property. */ export interface CfnTrafficRouting { /** * The listener to be used by your load balancer to direct traffic to your target groups. */ readonly prodTrafficRoute: CfnTrafficRoute; /** * The listener to be used by your load balancer to direct traffic to your target groups. */ readonly testTrafficRoute: CfnTrafficRoute; /** * The logical IDs of the blue and green, respectively, * AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup target groups. */ readonly targetGroups: string[]; } /** * The attributes of the ECS Service being deployed. * Type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication.ecsAttributes} property. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenEcsAttributes { /** * The logical IDs of the blue and green, respectively, * AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition task definitions. */ readonly taskDefinitions: string[]; /** * The logical IDs of the blue and green, respectively, * AWS::ECS::TaskSet task sets. */ readonly taskSets: string[]; /** * The traffic routing configuration. */ readonly trafficRouting: CfnTrafficRouting; } /** * The application actually being deployed. * Type of the {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps.applications} property. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication { /** * The target that is being deployed. */ readonly target: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplicationTarget; /** * The detailed attributes of the deployed target. */ readonly ecsAttributes: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenEcsAttributes; } /** * Construction properties of {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHook}. */ export interface CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps { /** * The IAM Role for CloudFormation to use to perform blue-green deployments. */ readonly serviceRole: string; /** * Properties of the Amazon ECS applications being deployed. */ readonly applications: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication[]; /** * Traffic routing configuration settings. * * @default - time-based canary traffic shifting, with a 15% step percentage and a five minute bake time */ readonly trafficRoutingConfig?: CfnTrafficRoutingConfig; /** * Additional options for the blue/green deployment. * * @default - no additional options */ readonly additionalOptions?: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenAdditionalOptions; /** * Use lifecycle event hooks to specify a Lambda function that CodeDeploy can call to validate a deployment. * You can use the same function or a different one for deployment lifecycle events. * Following completion of the validation tests, * the Lambda {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks.afterAllowTraffic} * function calls back CodeDeploy and delivers a result of 'Succeeded' or 'Failed'. * * @default - no lifecycle event hooks */ readonly lifecycleEventHooks?: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks; } /** * A CloudFormation Hook for CodeDeploy blue-green ECS deployments. * * @see */ export declare class CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHook extends CfnHook { /** * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. * * @internal */ static _fromCloudFormation(scope: Construct, id: string, hookAttributes: any, options: FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHook; private _serviceRole; private _applications; private _trafficRoutingConfig?; private _additionalOptions?; private _lifecycleEventHooks?; /** * Creates a new CodeDeploy blue-green ECS Hook. * * @param scope the scope to create the hook in (usually the containing Stack object) * @param id the identifier of the construct - will be used to generate the logical ID of the Hook * @param props the properties of the Hook */ constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenHookProps); /** * The IAM Role for CloudFormation to use to perform blue-green deployments. */ get serviceRole(): string; set serviceRole(serviceRole: string); /** * Properties of the Amazon ECS applications being deployed. */ get applications(): CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication[]; set applications(value: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenApplication[]); /** * Traffic routing configuration settings. * * @default - time-based canary traffic shifting, with a 15% step percentage and a five minute bake time */ get trafficRoutingConfig(): CfnTrafficRoutingConfig | undefined; set trafficRoutingConfig(value: CfnTrafficRoutingConfig | undefined); /** * Additional options for the blue/green deployment. * * @default - no additional options */ get additionalOptions(): CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenAdditionalOptions | undefined; set additionalOptions(value: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenAdditionalOptions | undefined); /** * Use lifecycle event hooks to specify a Lambda function that CodeDeploy can call to validate a deployment. * You can use the same function or a different one for deployment lifecycle events. * Following completion of the validation tests, * the Lambda {@link CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks.afterAllowTraffic} * function calls back CodeDeploy and delivers a result of 'Succeeded' or 'Failed'. * * @default - no lifecycle event hooks */ get lifecycleEventHooks(): CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks | undefined; set lifecycleEventHooks(value: CfnCodeDeployBlueGreenLifecycleEventHooks | undefined); protected renderProperties(_props?: { [p: string]: any; }): { [p: string]: any; } | undefined; }