import { STSClientResolvedConfig, ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes } from "../STSClient"; import { GetCallerIdentityRequest, GetCallerIdentityResponse } from "../models/models_0"; import { deserializeAws_queryGetCallerIdentityCommand, serializeAws_queryGetCallerIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_query"; import { getSerdePlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde"; import { getAwsAuthPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-signing"; import { HttpRequest as __HttpRequest, HttpResponse as __HttpResponse } from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http"; import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client"; import { FinalizeHandlerArguments, Handler, HandlerExecutionContext, MiddlewareStack, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, MetadataBearer as __MetadataBearer, SerdeContext as __SerdeContext, } from "@aws-sdk/types"; export interface GetCallerIdentityCommandInput extends GetCallerIdentityRequest {} export interface GetCallerIdentityCommandOutput extends GetCallerIdentityResponse, __MetadataBearer {} /** *

Returns details about the IAM user or role whose credentials are used to call the * operation.

* *

No permissions are required to perform this operation. If an administrator adds a * policy to your IAM user or role that explicitly denies access to the * sts:GetCallerIdentity action, you can still perform this operation. * Permissions are not required because the same information is returned when an IAM * user or role is denied access. To view an example response, see I Am Not Authorized to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice in the * IAM User Guide.

* @example * Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call. * ```javascript * import { STSClient, GetCallerIdentityCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sts"; // ES Modules import * // const { STSClient, GetCallerIdentityCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-sts"); // CommonJS import * const client = new STSClient(config); * const command = new GetCallerIdentityCommand(input); * const response = await client.send(command); * ``` * * @see {@link GetCallerIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape. * @see {@link GetCallerIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape. * @see {@link STSClientResolvedConfig | config} for command's `input` shape. * */ export class GetCallerIdentityCommand extends $Command< GetCallerIdentityCommandInput, GetCallerIdentityCommandOutput, STSClientResolvedConfig > { // Start section: command_properties // End section: command_properties constructor(readonly input: GetCallerIdentityCommandInput) { // Start section: command_constructor super(); // End section: command_constructor } /** * @internal */ resolveMiddleware( clientStack: MiddlewareStack, configuration: STSClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions ): Handler { this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); this.middlewareStack.use(getAwsAuthPlugin(configuration)); const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); const { logger } = configuration; const clientName = "STSClient"; const commandName = "GetCallerIdentityCommand"; const handlerExecutionContext: HandlerExecutionContext = { logger, clientName, commandName, inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetCallerIdentityRequest.filterSensitiveLog, outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetCallerIdentityResponse.filterSensitiveLog, }; const { requestHandler } = configuration; return stack.resolve( (request: FinalizeHandlerArguments) => requestHandler.handle(request.request as __HttpRequest, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext ); } private serialize(input: GetCallerIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext): Promise<__HttpRequest> { return serializeAws_queryGetCallerIdentityCommand(input, context); } private deserialize(output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext): Promise { return deserializeAws_queryGetCallerIdentityCommand(output, context); } // Start section: command_body_extra // End section: command_body_extra }