import { EndpointsInputConfig, EndpointsResolvedConfig, RegionInputConfig, RegionResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/config-resolver"; import { HostHeaderInputConfig, HostHeaderResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header"; import { RetryInputConfig, RetryResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-retry"; import { StsAuthInputConfig, StsAuthResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-sts"; import { UserAgentInputConfig, UserAgentResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent"; import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http"; import { Client as __Client, SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration, SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client"; import { Credentials as __Credentials, Decoder as __Decoder, Encoder as __Encoder, HashConstructor as __HashConstructor, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, Logger as __Logger, Provider as __Provider, Provider, RegionInfoProvider, StreamCollector as __StreamCollector, UrlParser as __UrlParser, UserAgent as __UserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/types"; import { AssumeRoleCommandInput, AssumeRoleCommandOutput } from "./commands/AssumeRoleCommand"; import { AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandInput, AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandOutput } from "./commands/AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand"; import { AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandInput, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand"; import { DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandInput, DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandOutput } from "./commands/DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand"; import { GetAccessKeyInfoCommandInput, GetAccessKeyInfoCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetAccessKeyInfoCommand"; import { GetCallerIdentityCommandInput, GetCallerIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetCallerIdentityCommand"; import { GetFederationTokenCommandInput, GetFederationTokenCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetFederationTokenCommand"; import { GetSessionTokenCommandInput, GetSessionTokenCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetSessionTokenCommand"; export declare type ServiceInputTypes = AssumeRoleCommandInput | AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandInput | AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandInput | DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandInput | GetAccessKeyInfoCommandInput | GetCallerIdentityCommandInput | GetFederationTokenCommandInput | GetSessionTokenCommandInput; export declare type ServiceOutputTypes = AssumeRoleCommandOutput | AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandOutput | AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandOutput | DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandOutput | GetAccessKeyInfoCommandOutput | GetCallerIdentityCommandOutput | GetFederationTokenCommandOutput | GetSessionTokenCommandOutput; export interface ClientDefaults extends Partial<__SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> { /** * The HTTP handler to use. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. */ requestHandler?: __HttpHandler; /** * A constructor for a class implementing the {@link __Hash} interface * that computes the SHA-256 HMAC or checksum of a string or binary buffer. * @internal */ sha256?: __HashConstructor; /** * The function that will be used to convert strings into HTTP endpoints. * @internal */ urlParser?: __UrlParser; /** * A function that can calculate the length of a request body. * @internal */ bodyLengthChecker?: (body: any) => number | undefined; /** * A function that converts a stream into an array of bytes. * @internal */ streamCollector?: __StreamCollector; /** * The function that will be used to convert a base64-encoded string to a byte array. * @internal */ base64Decoder?: __Decoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert binary data to a base64-encoded string. * @internal */ base64Encoder?: __Encoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert a UTF8-encoded string to a byte array. * @internal */ utf8Decoder?: __Decoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert binary data to a UTF-8 encoded string. * @internal */ utf8Encoder?: __Encoder; /** * The runtime environment. * @internal */ runtime?: string; /** * Disable dyanamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix * trait of an operation. */ disableHostPrefix?: boolean; /** * Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. */ maxAttempts?: number | __Provider; /** * Specifies which retry algorithm to use. */ retryMode?: string | __Provider; /** * Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. */ logger?: __Logger; /** * Unique service identifier. * @internal */ serviceId?: string; /** * The AWS region to which this client will send requests */ region?: string | __Provider; /** * Default credentials provider; Not available in browser runtime. * @internal */ credentialDefaultProvider?: (input: any) => __Provider<__Credentials>; /** * Fetch related hostname, signing name or signing region with given region. * @internal */ regionInfoProvider?: RegionInfoProvider; /** * The provider populating default tracking information to be sent with `user-agent`, `x-amz-user-agent` header * @internal */ defaultUserAgentProvider?: Provider<__UserAgent>; } declare type STSClientConfigType = Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> & ClientDefaults & RegionInputConfig & EndpointsInputConfig & RetryInputConfig & HostHeaderInputConfig & StsAuthInputConfig & UserAgentInputConfig; /** * The configuration interface of STSClient class constructor that set the region, credentials and other options. */ export interface STSClientConfig extends STSClientConfigType { } declare type STSClientResolvedConfigType = __SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> & Required & RegionResolvedConfig & EndpointsResolvedConfig & RetryResolvedConfig & HostHeaderResolvedConfig & StsAuthResolvedConfig & UserAgentResolvedConfig; /** * The resolved configuration interface of STSClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link STSClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}. */ export interface STSClientResolvedConfig extends STSClientResolvedConfigType { } /** * Security Token Service *

Security Token Service (STS) enables you to request temporary, limited-privilege * credentials for Identity and Access Management (IAM) users or for users that you * authenticate (federated users). This guide provides descriptions of the STS API. For * more information about using this service, see Temporary Security Credentials.

*/ export declare class STSClient extends __Client<__HttpHandlerOptions, ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes, STSClientResolvedConfig> { /** * The resolved configuration of STSClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link STSClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}. */ readonly config: STSClientResolvedConfig; constructor(configuration: STSClientConfig); /** * Destroy underlying resources, like sockets. It's usually not necessary to do this. * However in Node.js, it's best to explicitly shut down the client's agent when it is no longer needed. * Otherwise, sockets might stay open for quite a long time before the server terminates them. */ destroy(): void; } export {};